Opinion: Museveni’s deflection on the EACOP…

I spent 12 years studying English and one of the words I picked up in those years is insufferable. Some of these people(EU MPs) are insufferable. You(EU MPs) need to control yourself not to explode.(They are) so shallow, so egocentric and so wrong that they think they know everything broadcasting their ignorance all over the place but they should calm down. This is a wrong battleground for them” (…) “We don’t take kindly to arrogance and that’s why we spent so many years sorting out issues with arrogant people. The plan will be implemented according to schedule. I hope our partners join us firmly and advise them. When you go to the European Union parliament these are just young girls. A young girl is lecturing me what to do in Uganda! I think somebody should counsel those young people” – President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni (27.09.2022)

No one should expect that President Museveni would held himself accountable or be concerned with the grievances in the European Union Parliament Motion “JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on violations of human rights in Uganda and Tanzania linked to investments in fossil fuels projects” which has caused issues since 14th September 2022.

We know that the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) and the exploiting of petroleum in the Lake Albertine basin is key for the President. This industrial enterprise and agreements are a life-line for his reign. The currency coming from this has to be a slush-fund and direct funds to ensure longevity at this point. Since, he has no direct support or direct donors who will fund him in the same of which they did in 1990s or early 2000s. That’s why the National Resistance Movement (NRM) and the government have a debt deficit cycle, which is destroying the economy. Only Petro-Dollar can save it and possibly get enough revenue to stop the downward spiral created over the years.

However, no one should believe that the Petro-Dollars or the EACOP will be beneficial for the Republic. If it has been sincere and honestly operating, the whole enterprise, the businesses and the agreements would have been transparent. Secondly, the grievances which was reflected in the motion haven’t been discussed or addressed by the President. That’s the arrogance of Museveni himself showing.

President Museveni isn’t talking about the environmental damages or problems the EACOP is creating. Neither is he talking about the forced evictions or the human rights violations either. That doesn’t concern him. We know this all about “his oil” and the oil development to make his bank-account pregnant. The final heist and the biggest slush-fund ever to President for Life.

The ones believing President Museveni is building and developing the petroleum industry out of the kindness of his heart. I hate to tell you, but this is all for selfish reasons. His doing it to earn money himself and is indifferent about the citizens itself. He will have a buck-load of cash and the costs will be burdened on the next generation. Museveni isn’t in this to do good and he never was. That’s why other industries are depleted, privatized and destroyed over the years in his reign.

It is interesting that his pinning the blame on the EU Parliament. When he doesn’t even see what they said and what the Motion is stating. It’s like that doesn’t matter and like Museveni isn’t reading the room. There are already banks backing off and the IMF/World Bank isn’t interesting in it either. The timing of building the EACOP is wrong. He should have initiated this a decade earlier or so. However, he was busy with other schemes at the time…

President Museveni isn’t saving face here. His just deflecting and not taking into account the Motion itself. That’s apparently beneath him, but he should be concerned by this. They are just proving what sort of man he is and is not willing to see it. He rather rule with his ruthless acts and hope no one every tests him. However, the EU Parliament isn’t beholden to him or have to live by his words. They are independent that way and therefore, he just have to act this way. He can rebuke them… but that doesn’t help his case either. Total is European and French, so that company is bound by the laws and regulations in Europe. Therefore, Museveni cannot just deny the EU Parliament, because they are the ones that are the biggest developers in it too.

That’s why the next moves of Total will be important and if they will defy the EU Parliament itself. This will be followed and we don’t know how that one will go. What we do know… is that its harder for them and banks are not willing to loan development funds to it. In this regard, the Ugandan President should be more humble and be more friendly. However, he prefer being on the warpath, than being a person who reflects on the reality and adjust to it. Peace.

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