Opinion: Hon. Kyambadde revealed what was important at the State House!

“I resigned from State House Uganda, because there were so many powerful people and power centers, and for example the sons and sons-in-law of first family would bring in some foreign businessmen and despite being my duty to clear them, i could not say anything.”Amalie Kyambadde (On Face Off on NBS TV Uganda, 12.03.2017).

Hon. Kyambadde who is now her second term as Member of Parliament for Mawokota North County in Mpigi District after she left or resigned her position Private Presidential Secretary at the State House, she had the PPS position from 2001 to 2010. Therefore, you see that she went to be elected as MP, instead of working in the State House.

This is very interesting as she knows the perks and working ethics of State House, as she spent nearly a decade in the State House and worked closely with the President. So the knowledge of how it works, she knows perfectly well. As the speculated issues inside the State House came out to the public in 2015:

“The wars in State House, an insider told us, “were always there but they came out in the open when Amelia (Kyambadde, the Trade minister), left State House.” (…) “The source said Ms Kyambadde exerted considerable authority over the presidential palace, hardly allowing internal wrangles to burst open into the public domain” (Mukiibi Sserungjogi & Okuda, 2015).

So there have been revealed things before, but today what she said on NBS have been sort of common knowledge, as the pictures of Hamis Kiggundu, Ruparelia Sundir and others who certainly has conducted their business transactions from the State House with deals between them. The development and acceptance of big-business happens directly inside the state. As well as the decrees and licence to do business, so the words of Hon. Kyambadde extend this idea and verifies what has been commonly known, but not yet said by former internal workers at this capacity.

That she also shows the turn-over of family business inside the State House, their own ideas bringing their connections to the State House, shows the allegiance of state is within the family and not with the procedures of the state. That can be said by the negotiations that even happened a few years ago:

“Byabagambi, who attended the meeting at State House, as did officials from CHEC and the Ugandan attorney general, has accused the MPs of receiving bribes from CCECC to frustrate the project; two of the MPs held a press conference on Monday to deny the accusations and to accuse the government of overpaying CHEC” (Rogers, 2014). So the Chinese investors and entrepreneurs had direct meetings at the State House, so the Attorney General and the MP who oversaw the Standard Gauge Railway project at the time. So the ties all connect to the State House.

In 2011 the State House had made another deal as report back in 2013:

“The Auditor General’s report for the year ending June 2012 notes that there was unfair treatment of bidders ahead of the Presidential swearing in Ceremony in May 2011 where one bidder was dropped for no particular reason” (…) “This was despite the fact that other bidders such as Country Safaris were considered to have the same problem as Africa One Tours and Travel because they could not meet the specifications of the required manufacturers” (…) “In their response, State House officials stated that they had been given a short period within which to prepare for the swearing-in ceremony yet they did not have a set date and there was no money for the function” (Athumani, 2013). So back in 2011, it wasn’t the ministries task to hire and secure the cars for the President, but State House officials. This shows the controlling aspects of the State House, not only the business being decided inside the State House.

This is just some proof of some of the business activity that happens at the State House, surely more than meet the eye and that has been reported about. Certainly, the Museveni family and kin has done more business there than we can ever know. However, there will only be indications until more is revealed or if the leaks from the State House, as it haven’t been controlled as much as it was under Hon. Kyambadde. Peace.


Rogers, David – ‘Ugandan president tells Chinese construction boss: ‘If you are not willing to co-operate, leave’ (15.10.2014) link: http://www.globalconstructionreview.com/news/ugandan-pre3side8nt-tel0ls-chine6se-constr5uct2ion/

Mukiibi Sserunjogi, Eriasa & Okuda, Ivan – ‘Making sense of the fight in State House’ (08.02.2015) link: http://www.monitor.co.ug/Magazines/PeoplePower/sense-Museveni-Mbabazi–State-House/689844-2615958-8eg2uaz/index.html

URN/ Halima Athumani – ‘State House Officials Quizzed Over Museveni Swearing-in Vehicles’ (27.09.2013) link: https://ugandaradionetwork.com/story/state-house-officials-quizzed-over-museveni-swearing-in-vehicles