The nine lives of Chiloba!

“REPRIEVE FOR IEBC CEO Ezra Chiloba as court directs that he resume work pending determination of case he filed after he was suspended” (Nation Breaking News, 14.06.2018).

After the failed attempt to cover-up their mistakes and the rigging in 2017. CEO Ezra Chiloba has been the fall guy of the whole Independent Boundaries and Electoral Commission (IEBC). Everyone with a working mind knows the numbers was juiced up in the Fresh Presidential Elections and also in the first round of 2017. That is well-known and denying it is only fools at play. Even if the Supreme Court validated it, that because the case made for the court wasn’t any good the second round.

Therefore, the IEBC who has had major commissioners fleeing the scene, as they don’t want to associate or be apart of the rigging affair. As the dubious attempts to create legitimacy for the second term of Uhuru Kenyatta was under way. Where all parts from ballots, BVR Machines, Digital Transmission of Results to even the Safaricom blunders. Everything that was questionable, could be questioned without any concern of malice. Since the IEBC did a shady job and the high ranking officials didn’t deny it either. As the Internal Memo’s was released showing more breaches and questionable behaviour.

That Chiloba get back his job after a Court Order isn’t surprising. It is surprising that it took this long. But that is good tactic, as so many forget the grievances of last year. That was mid-2017 and late-2017, now we are mid-2018. The Handshake has already squashed the beef and made sure the Jubilee can survive without too much interference for another day.

Chiloba seems to survive again. That is because of indifference and the heartache. This is because of the nature of affairs. As the corruption scandals and the other fresher evident of theft is more dire, than the previous affairs of electioneering effort to keep the President.

That is why Cambridge Analytica/IEBC Server connection, the whole charade of an election and the questionable results, the lack of voter turnout verifications and the shady voter-rolls, as well as the breaches of trust between BVR Company OT-Morpho/Safran is there. Because the Chiloba aftermath never has been solved.

Chiloba seems to get another life. But it is not because he is good or cares about his job. It is more that he serves a purpose for the regime. That is it. Now that the months and days has gone. The Jubilee, Ruto and Kenyatta hopes that the people have forgotten. Now more preoccupied with the current scandals of the day. The open day looting of state reserves. That is the end-game of a illegitimate regime. They don’t have to answer to anyone. Except for the computer generated bots that elected them. Peace.

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