Ethiopia: A new law will be a nice “tool” to silence critics…

The House of Peoples’ Representatives is reviewing a bill that could grant investigators the power to intercept communications without judicial approval in cases related to counterfeiting and terrorism financing. This proposed law aims to replace the current Criminal Proceeds of Crime and Terrorism Financing Prevention and Control Act, introducing emergency interception measures with the chief prosecutor’s consent. Aside from communication interception, the bill suggests using various investigative methods, such as monitoring bank accounts, identifying computer systems, and conducting undercover operations” (Addis Standard, 12.06.2024).

The Prosperity Party isn’t known for being subtle or concerned about the dissidents or political opposition. The FDRE under the rule of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali has shown it’s despotic means and that’s why people are lingering in jail. Only a few prominent leaders has been released after being arrested in the first place.

Political prisoners are common. People who are vocal and who are participating in politics on the outside of the Prosperity Party. They could easily get into danger and the law could come their way. That is being mentioned and shown from all sorts of opposition parties. Their leaders, activists and mobilizers could easily become targets by a law like this.

The parties which isn’t in the good graces of the government. They would be aimed at with this law. The ones that is on the sideline and isn’t anointed. They will feel this law and so would anyone else speaking ill or communicating in a manner, which the government deems unfit.

This is a dictatorial dream to have a law like this. They can intercept and use digital communications without court orders to “investigate” and “implicate” individuals. That is just saying the state can apprehend and go after someone who they think is violating the law or being a prospect of violating it. Therefore, the “free speech” or “liberty” is just hearsay with this sort of law.

They will use “terrorism” as a concealment because we have seen that been done before. Just like the political act of making the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) as an terrorist organization at one point. That’s what the PP does and we are seeing it again. The House of Federation is only making Abiy more powerful and giving him tools to silence his critics.

This law will be a tool and be a deceptive way of taking advantage of legalities to get “rid off” and “silence” the “troublemakers” and “noisemakers” of the state. That’s what the Prime Minister and his government gets out of this. The ones that is naïve will think this will serve its purpose, but we know how the state already operates and take people into custody.

The rise of political prisoners will rise. The usage of this law will be detrimental, and the results will be shown. It is just bound to have result like that. Peace.

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