USA: DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen resignation letter to President Trump (07.04.2019)

Opinion: The Abysmal Banana Republic, which is the United States!

Let’s be clear, I wrote as early as the 9th November 2016, I predicted that the United States would fail because of the newly elected President Donald J. Trump. What I wrote was a bit to true apparently. As I was worried about his demagoguery, his racists remarks and his statements in past. Therefore, a lot of it was profound and now the messages over the last two years has gotten into action.

The Zero-Tolerance Policy, the family separation, which has lead to 14,000 kids separated from their parents on the border. Where they are taken to Private Company Camps and detained until the destiny of their parents, even sometimes without the will of the parents also adopted. This is the evil of men.

The same administration has made the Muslim Ban, and banned people entering from Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Iran, Libya and Syria. All of these nations has been hit by this. Therefore, for the first time in a long while for the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), the President from Somalia Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed ‘Farmajo’ have not able to enter the United States with a valid visa for the UN Gathering of Head of States. That is how ill-willed the Administration has become.

While knowing this, the same government have reconfigured the NAFTA deal and given it a new name, but the purpose are still the same. What more striking in the sense of economic vision is the endless tariffs war that the Trump Administration has put forward. The realities of these will first come now and show effect. As the Steel and Aluminum was the starting point, but not the end-game. The Trump Administration has gone all out and even against his own partners, the European Union on this matter. Therefore, the industry and export production of things in the United States might be hit. Not the answer to the economy, which it needed. Just today, the General Motors are shutting down 5 factories and planning to cut 14,000 jobs. That is not the message the President promised, but with the wars on tariff and trade-war, there will casualties. It just happens to be the working class that is losing, while the President continues golfing on his estates.

What is also striking is his use of the migrant caravan from the Latin America and Central America as a brownie points. Sending down the army to the US-Mexican Border and fencing it too. Sending them down on Thanksgiving Weekend not doing any proper work. When there was raving fires in California, where they could have done something fruitful. However, these thousands of soldiers will be remembered not only for a political game, but also throwing tear-gas at innocent children and civilians, asylum seekers as the US closed their borders. This made it to a stand-off, where the Mexican authorities has also closed of their borders in retaliation. That shows the signs of the abysmal state, the United States is in. They are just senseless, ignorant, in-bread bastards who doesn’t care about the plights of the world, a world where they have interfered and destroyed. After doing so, electing an Agent Orange, the Russian Manchurian Candidate and destroy the lives of immigrants. That is what the US is doing.

It really shows how bad the Banana Republic has become, when a US Citizen, who happens to be a journalist is cut to pieces in a foreign Republic, where he visits the Embassy of the Kingdom where he is living in Exile from. There he is cut to pieces and tortured. After that, the President himself defended the Kingdom, because it is more important to trade billions of guns and ammunition. Than the lives of US Nationals who are butchered. This shows how the US are becoming a GIANT Banana Republic.

That is how Trump has made US a giant Banana Republic, that is just hearing how they defend and campaign for him on Fox News. Not forgetting how his administration is hiring lobbyist, family members, how the cronies are misusing state funds and how they are rigging elections in the midterms in Georgia and Florida. That is just all proves of how the Trump Administration is creating the biggest Banana Republic. They will surely be in the vision of Trump, where he is destroying one piece at the time. Where he is using cheap rhetoric and spinning the news, while destroying lives, taking away people’s right. Not rebuilding Puerto Rico or the other places where the floods where. The massive amount of people losing their Medicaid and medical insurance, the ones losing their jobs and the ones who are struggling, because the Republicans are working for the Multi-National Corporations. They are serving the likes of Wall-Mart and Amazon. They are not serving the public, neither the immigrants and asylum-seekers, but they are serving the elites paying the President. Just like in a Banana Republic.

That is the reality. Others didn’t want to see it, but I saw it in 2016.

That is why I end with quoting myself: “This racial laws and deportations will hurt the economy and make sure the state becomes a Banana Republic; What is special is that the United States will have a free-flow of guns, ammunition, but will make it harder to import goods and also export goods with worse deals, have lesser taxes, still high debt yield and add expenses on health-care while the citizens has to cover themselves. This while the US President hasn’t a plan to help lower-classes as the minimum-pay or salaries increase for the 80% who still get added tax, also pay more for health care. The US Electorate got all reasons for feeling foolish if they even read this” (Minbane – ‘FYI: President Trump will create a Banana Republic out of the US!’ 09.11.2016).

So congrats, Americans. You are now showing what sort of Human Rights Violations you do. Also, the world will not forget it. As you have barren Somalis from entering the United States, the US are bombing with drones more than ever there. The US supports Saudi Arabia’s filthy war in Yemen and destroy lives there. While not letting them in. The Latin American Refugees and Asylum Seekers are coming from Republics, where the US has interfered for decades.

US. Has. Become. A. Banana. Republic. And. He. Only. Needed. Two. Years. Peace.

DHS -“Family Separation Memo” Subject: Increasing Prosecution of Immigration Violations (22.04.2018)

OAS Draft Resolution: Impact on the Human Rights of Migrants of the Policy of the Government of the United States of America of Separating Migrant Families (29.06.2018)

DHS: DACA Memorandum from Secretary Kristjen M. Nielsen (22.06.2018)

UN Envoy Nikki Haley letter to Human Rights Watch where she defends the US right to leave the UN Human Rights Council (20.06.2018)

Opinion: President Trump deserves no credit for his new Executive Order!

What the President has done, is maybe in short-term postponing worse states of affirmative action towards the immigrants and their families. But the hurt, the uncertainty over thousands of kids, that are awaiting their destiny and the futures are still in the hand of the Republic. The machinery and the businesses are still running behind the Customs and Border Agents, the ICE agents are still rounding up people and the attacks on refugees, asylums-seekers and anyone crossing the Southern-Borders are still in affect. This sort of activity is shut-down over night. There is no time to celebrate, there is still thousands of victims.

I cannot clap for the Republic that stole the kids from the parents hands and put them into cages. I cannot proclaim joy in the government that leaves the UN Human Rights Council. I cannot say its cool what has been done and how they will continue to pursuit injustice towards innocent people trying to seek refuge. That is why the Dreamers are in limbo, if not already afraid of their demise and return to unknown destinations. That is why the kids are awaiting the moment of meeting their parents again. Some are even deported, while they are left-behind. That is the utter insult to humanity. This is a travesty and a self-made tragedy by the Trump Administration. There isn’t anything positive coming out of the Zero-Tolerance at the Southern Border to Mexico. Only pain and suffering.

When your are deemed criminal for crossing a border, when your seen as problem and an issue. Before you even speak. Your deemed as a criminal and outlaw for simply seeking refuge. You know that the country your travel to is insane. That the laws are insane, because your deemed a criminal for just existing and not done anything with criminal intent. There isn’t anything the asylum-seekers and refugees can do. They are criminal and pre-fixed into a horrific situation. There isn’t anything in their powers. They are losing their kids and their future, they are losing their homes and the destination. Nothing is left to gain.

I cannot see how the United States are earning on it either. Making more people with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, making more kids feeling hurt and traumatized, while parents are also that, while lingering in private company prison cells. Awaiting judgement for their future and hopefully be freed to see their family members again. Even if the Executive Order comes into power. It will still take time and effort to find the parents, find homes and shelters to the ones separated. This isn’t a quick fix, especially when the Republic has already sent certain parents home and their kid is left behind in the United States.

That is why this situation, this insult to humanity, this horrific and tragic affair, which was created by the Trump Administration is not a quick-fix. This a badly demonstrated of draconian laws, without consideration of the implications and neither the consequences of their actions. This is just ill judgement and the ones behind it should take the cost. They should resign and ask themselves why they promoted it and did it. Who in the hell are blatant disregard of the family, that they can with the power of the Republic take away the kids from the Parents. On the grounds that they crossed the borders, that is insane and wrong. How dare you take away the most precious and the most dear to people, their kids and not be responsible for the affair.

This is should be sanctioned, this should be costly for the United States, not just mildly rebuked or condemn. This should cost and the tab should be on the White House. Donald J. Trump aren’t a hero for signing the Executive Order yesterday. It shouldn’t be needed to do so in the first place. There isn’t anyone sane or within bounds of capacity that would ever consider that rational space of separating parents from their children. That is just a crime in itself, to take away the ones who you hold the most dare.

We have no seen to what length the Trump Administration goes and this will have affect. It will take weeks into months before this is out of bound. Because it is not just to lock the doors of these camps, the administration need to find the parents and then figure funds for travel. Later shelter to secure their return. This will be prolonged. The journey of hell for this kids are not over.

This is all thanks to evil men and woman of the Trump Administration. Peace.

Revealing some of the Companies associated with the “Zero Tolerance” Camps at the Southern Border!

You would think that the leadership and boards within miles reach of the United States border to Mexico. Would be careful or even try to avoid that their businesses is connected with the state agencies who are detaining toddlers and kids at random camps. This is done as they are taken from their parents who has fled crisis in their homeland for refuge in the United States. Clearly, the humanitarian response from the United States, is to classify everyone crossing borders as illegals by definition. Every single individual without a visa is a criminal. That is what the Trump Administration has done and with draconian fascist effort, they have taken the kids from the fleeing refugees and asylum seekers.

That is why we have to show the companies behind this. This despicable act is not done without help from companies, who has no heart and soul. Who has no issues with getting the tenders and the government funding for their operations. For them it is big-profits in sheltering kids away from their parents and make cages for the kids. They are making and earning money on the kids whose only sin was crossing the border into the United States. From there are they are pawns and useful tools for the Republican Party to get their votes and laws in other respects. They are criminalizing toddlers and kids, they are detaining and separating them. While this is happening, certain companies are helping the government doing so.

The first company helping out is Accenture, who is the agency the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency is using for hiring new Border Patrol Agents. MVM Inc is used for Operational Support and Microsoft Azure is used for Tech Services. For buses, they are using Trailboss INC. The other key companies involved are General Dynamics owned by Vanguard Group, whose has contracts with the Office for Refugee Settlements. Core Civic is a for profit prison company, who is also invested in this and Texas based company running shelters are Denenburg Development. Also providing detention and care systems are Southwest Key. All of these companies are involved in various ways for the sheltering and camps for kids. They should be remembered for that. The owners and the stakeholders should be ashamed of how they are earning their profits.

They are earning millions of dollars on the suffering of the asylum and refugee families who are separated by the will of the Trump Administration. They are vultures whose sole mission is to earn funds on other people’s tears and sufferings. This should make them ashamed and make them reconsider. Because these companies will be associated with this crimes against humanity. Where parents are not knowing when they are seeing their kids again. These companies are helping the Trump Administration to do these evil deeds.

They should look into what they do and should also stop making it possible. The American consumers and other companies should boycott these. These companies should be put on lists not to interact with. They are helping kids being separated from parents. That is wrong everywhere, except in the crazy minds of the Republican Party. Peace.

The Shameful Era is here: The US is devaluing human beings for crossing their borders!

It is a disgrace, it’s a sad reality, where the Attorney General Jeff Sessions and President Donald J. Trump. All of the current day administration is separating kids from their parents for the sole purpose of showing themselves as a sovereign nations. It is insult to all families world-wide, it is in an insult to humanity itself. This is a disgrace.

The former place of freedom and liberty, is now gone, the place for human rights and for liberty itself. Is history, the reflection of beacon of hope is gone in the whirlwind of oppression and despicable leadership. The American Government, the United States of America cannot be trusted. Because they take the weakest and kick them while their down. They take the kids away from their parents.

They are initially saying anyone who comes to the borders are illegal upon entry. Everyone is a criminal and deserves to be punished to arrive in the United States. Therefore, there shouldn’t be anyone who travels to the US for their vacations. Neither, anyone educated shouldn’t travel there to use their brains to develop this country. Everyone should flee from the United States. No one should go there.

No person deserve this prejudged treatment. None. Nobody. It is inappropriate to take the kids from the parents. Instead of shielding them, they are taking them to camps and separating them. They are like thieves and hawks, they are determined to destroy and inflict harm on the weakest of the weak, the innocent child. They use the bible and laws, which are to entail harm on the innocent. Its distasteful and disgrace.

The world should suspend all activity in the United Nations Headquarter and ask for removal of it. To another nation, where they actually values families and the hardships of Latin American people. Where the world can look up to and know that immigrants and refugees will be safe in. Because in the United States. They are as horrific as in war-zones, even worse because they do it deliberately with knowledge of the pains it causes.

It is evil, it is evil to take away toddlers away from the parents and not knowing when they meet again. To make them sleep on floors and in cages. They are not circus animals, they are brothers and sisters of the Human God-Damn RACE. They are human beings like you and me. Just born into this devilish world of Republic draconian affairs. They didn’t ask for this and the parents flee crisis, droughts, militias and instability in their countries for refugees. Instead, they get more violence and more trouble for the possible redemption of life.

The United States should know better, but with Trump and Sessions at the helm. They really brought the Shameful Era. They have done it with passion and with no heart, they don’t consider the Latin American’s immigrating.

We cannot look up to the US for hope or any sort positive message, because they only comes with bombs, grenades and hatred for the human race. There is only shame and despicable activity from the Trump Administration. They have no common sense, no heart or no soul of any kind. They are heatless vessels of despots and tin-pot judgements, that shouldn’t be in our time. However, sadly it is.

No parent should be separated from their kid, no state should do this. None. Peace.

USA: FBI Internal Communications after James Comey Sacking (May 09, 2017)