Opinion: Can’t Magufuli already create his One-Party State, instead of this charade?

Now it is official, the Political Parties Amendment of 2018 have come into law, giving the ruling party and ruling regime of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) to take total control of all internal activities of the opposition. There are no misgivings in the United Republic of Tanzania, where opposition cannot hold press conferences or- hold civic meetings.

Therefore, the new legislation takes it further, as they are not allowed to be “Pressure Groups” or “Activist Groups”, this clearing the bar and securing the regime of non-opposing voices in the public sphere. As the opposition are already silenced by the current legislation as is.

With this new legislation, the state has to ensure what the Opposition Party teach and if they are allowed to do so. They have to ask permission and rights to do civic education and get it verified by the state registrar to do so. This means, the inner-acts of a party, will be monitored and followed by the state. The parties themselves cannot gather or acts as a single unit, without permission.

So, even holding an Internal Meeting has to be notified the government within 30 days before its hold and the State Registrar decides if they are allowed to do so. That shows how little democratic or even free the state is. When opposition parties have to beg the state to meet, they are already limited as is. But with this legislation, the CCM and President Joseph Magufuli gone ONE-PARTY STATE. Without actually saying it.

Will the CCM notify themselves about their activity and stop holding press conferences, stop notifying the public and holding meetings, rallies even? Didn’t think so, but the others parties of the United Republic can look forward to harsher treatment, and less of space. As their window of opportunities are dwindling and fast.

This because one man and one party cannot stomach criticism or even being questioned. If you do, expect jail time and fines. That is what Magufuli and CCM does.

This is limiting freedom, the opportunity to assemble and free speech. Not that any of that matters to the Untied Republic, as long as it has it saviour, crown-prince and the noblest of men in power, President Magufuli. Because nothing he does is wrong and nothing his party does is either. Just misunderstood.

Shiish. This is nonsense. This is oppressive, state legislation in yet another attempt to demote and kick the opposition to the curb. That is how afraid and how weak minded the CCM is. Because, they cannot see, the evil in this activity, but that is because this is not inflicted on them, but on the counterparty. Peace.

UN condemns killing of children in Njombe (29.01.2019)

The UN joins the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania in condemning these heinous acts.

DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania, January 29, 2019 –  The United Nations in Tanzania offers its deepest condolences to the families and communities of children who have been brutally murdered in Njombe over the last few weeks.

The attack and murder of children is unacceptable. Children have a fundamental right to be safe and be protected from violence so that they can enjoy their childhood and reach their full potential.

“The UN joins the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania in condemning these heinous acts. As the UN, we stand ready to support the Government in their efforts to address the issue,” said Mr. Alvaro Rodriguez, UN Resident Coordinator in Tanzania. “Additionally, we call upon all stakeholders to join hands to ensure that homes, schools and communities are safe spaces for children.”

Children are exposed to extreme forms of violence and exploitation in many parts of the world. “This has to stop,” said Ms. Maniza Zaman, UNICEF Representative in Tanzania. “No form of violence or abuse against a child is acceptable or permissible for any reason and any such act is an outright violation of their basic human rights.”

Tanzania: Restrictions on Advertisment of Gaming Activities (23.01.2019)

Opinion: Magufuli is now the Big-Brother!

We are rapidly entering the age of no privacy, where everyone is open to surveillance at all times; where there are no secrets from government.” [Osborn v. United States, 385 U.S. 323, 341 (1966) (dissenting)]” – William O. Douglas

No matter where you are, where you go or what you do, President John Pombe Magufuli follows you. Especially, if he has appointed you. He does it, he says to ensure better working environment and results. Alas, however, this is surveillance tactics. Which are usually only done by People who has warrants and works on Criminal Investigations for ensuring espionage or even illegal activity of gangs and others. The President of Tanzania. Has gone total estranged with privacy, with respect of fellow human beings and are now wire-tapping or having surveillance of the fellow appointed people’s phones. So, if they write something he might not like or accept. He might fire them!

Here is a fragment of Edge, who has taken some from The Citizen (Tanzania):

““When I tracked the telephone message between Mwalimu and Chaula, I noticed a strain in their working relationship. So to make their quarrels stop, I decided to place them under the same ministry,” Magufuli is quoted by The Citizen as saying. Magufuli told the new appointees to take care because they will face more trials during their work “I’m watching you. These quarrels must stop,” he warned” (Edge.ug – ‘I tap texts of my ministers, says Magufuli’ 09.01.2019, link: http://edge.ug/2019/01/09/i-tap-texts-of-my-ministers-says-magufuli/.

He said he is watching you. Like a hawk, the man is following the steps of Stasi Apparatus, the sort of surveillance, that is ensuring that you have spies everywhere and anyone can tell on you. He follows the cellphones of his staff and his appointments, the cabinet members and government officials. If this isn’t insulting anyone, than its weird. No one should be kept under surveillance, unless there is probable cause of intent or crimes committed to prove the need for this.

It shouldn’t be a tool of an Executive, to ensure people are working like you should. If they don’t work like you want them. Tell them the protocol and procedures, explain how you want the working environment to be and ensure the staff together with the appointed follows all guidelines put in place. Don’t tap their phones, listen to conversations, read their messages and whatnot. That is just some nonchalant, disrespectful and disgraceful acts of spite, evading privacy and social protocol. Especially, since these people are supposed to be the trusted men and woman.

He proved today with his statements, that there is no-privacy, there is no forum undisclosed. He does this to his own. No matter, what reasons he gives. It is an insane idea. If these men or woman, was cartel/triad/mafia members of secretive gangster operation. I would have understood the surveillance on them and the need for following their telecommunication.

Alas, these people are government officials, who are the appointed people of the Head of State. Which, the Head of States is monitoring. That is just wrong. It would be wrong if he did it, because he could to anybody. This is the sort of disgraceful act, a President shouldn’t do, but apparently, he does and is proud of it too. Peace.

Tanzania: Zanzibar Declaration (18.12.2018)

A Joint Declaration by Leaders and Senior Membersof Six Opposition Parties who met in Zanzibar on 16th – 18th December, 2018 to deliberate on the State of Democracy in the United Republic of Tanzania

WE, the leaders and senior members of the undersigned six political parties, have met here in Zanzibar from 16th to 18th December, 2018 in order to reflect, discuss and agree on our common vision for the future of democracy in the United Republic of Tanzania. The historic meeting here in Zanzibar is a reflection of the extent to which the democratic and human rights situation in our country has changed, thereby leading to unprecedented actions on our side in response. Keenly missed during the discussions have been our two colleagues, the Leader of Official Oppostion, Hon. Freeman Mbowe and the Chief Whip of the Opposition in the Union Parliament, Hon. TunduLissu, one of whom is languishing in prison and the other recovering from an assassination attempt. Both of them gave their blessings to this meeting.

WE recognise that Tanzania is facing backsliding of democracy, with all signs pointing to institutionalization of an authoritarian rule that ignores political, social and economic rights of our people. This trend began with the annulment of October 25, 2015 Zanzibar general elections after it became clear that the Civic United Front (CUF) was heading towards a decisive victory. The move was then followed by banning of live coverage of parliamentary proceedings, banning of legitimate political activitites of opposition parties, kidnappings, abductions, and arbitrary arrests of people, notablypolitical leaders and activists, journalists and business people, assassination attempt against our fellow opposition leader and outspoken member of parliament, Hon. Tundu Lissu and absolute refusal of the state to investigate the matter in a purposeful and concrete manner; passing of repressive laws such as the Media Services Act, the Statistics Act, the NGO regulations and the Bill for Political Parties (Amendments) Act.

WE recognise that, despite constitutional protections ofmultiparty system, the state is currently waging an openwar against opposition political parties. It is becoming a norm nowadays to hear state leaders and their supportersbranding opposition politicians and government critics as unpatriotic and that they are “foreign agents” and “imperialist stooges”. The crusade against critics of the regime has spared no one in the country from the media, civil society organisations, farmers, fishermen, pastoralits, the business community, trade unions and workers, faith leaders, the diplomatic corps, women and girls, and even critical CCM members.

WE are saddened by the crumbling state of our economy which affects the vulnerable and the poor in our society. In spite of the attempts by the regime to spin the situation, we feel it is imperative to publicly and openly state that within the space of three years the country has seen the reversal of even the little achievements that were registered in economic performance. The economic meltdown that this regime has brought will take at least a decade before it can recover and begin to provide for our citizens’ economic opportunities as required for by the constitution. The situation is no longer tolerable. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

WE recognise that it is our responsibility as leaders and as citizens of this country to save our country from this state and safeguard our democracy that meets the needs and aspirations of our people.

WE declare that time has come to renew our commitment and strengthen our solidarity in pursuing a national agenda against rising authoritarianism, an agenda that goes beyond individual interests of our parties. This will require courage to withstand the onslaught that we will face from the regime, firmness in our solidarity when attempts will be made to break it, and commitment towards inviting and incorporating other potential allies as equals in this movement.

WE declare that Freeman Mbowe and Esther Matiko,who are currently held in remand prison, are political prisoners and should be released immediately. We will engage in a concerted campaign to ensure that all political prisoners in Tanzania are either released or given access to justice and a free and fair due process of the law.

WE reiterate our stance that the imposed government of Zanzibar is unconstitutional and lacks mandate from the people. The results of the 2015 annulled election was a clear proof that CUF has won all the elections in Zanzibar since 1995 and that they have been prevented from ascending to power through state machinations and reversing of the will of the electorate. Time has come to restore electoral justice in Zanzibar.

WE pronounce that 2019 is a year of reclaiming our democracy and taking back our powers and rights as enshrined within the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, the Constitution of Zanzibar and other enabling pieces of legislation. We will hold public rallies in any and all corners of the United Republic of Tanzania. We will not allow an unconstitutional and unlawful order to restrict us to our individual constituencies. If the government is threatened by us exercising our constitutional rights, we dare them to take us to court.

WE declare that we will unanimously embrace all citizens and all social and economic groups in the country willing to conquer their fears and join the grand coalition that we envisage to defend our democracy. We vow that we will no longer be silenced or intimidated; we will no longer succumb to the state sanctioned violence against our individual and collective rights and entitlements. We commit ourselves to taking this message of freedom to all our fellow leaders, constituents, and allies and support them in taking action, whether small or large, as a symbol of solidarity.

We resolve to form a Joint Committee that, among other things, will work with the likeminded individuals and groups to draw a comprehensive programme to reclaim our democratic and civil rights.

1. Maalim Seif Sharif Hamad – Secretary Genaral, CUF​
2. James Francis Mbatia – National Chairperson, NCCR Mageuzi​
3. Oscar Emanuel Makaidi – National Chairperson, NLD​
​4. Salum Mwalimu – Deputy Secretary General – Zanzibar, CHADEMA​
​5. Hashim Rungwe Spunda – National Chairman, CHAUMMA​
6. Kabwe Z. Ruyagwa Zitto – Party Leader, ACT Wazalendo​

December 18, 2018

Tanzania: The IMF is worried about the Financial Stability in the United Republic!

President John Pombe Magufuli are having more worries on the horizon, as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in November went through the Financial System Stability Assessment (FSSA) there. Clearly, the government have picked up a habit or loans, which isn’t that good. Surely, some of them are the Chinese loans that could hit the economy. Also, other loans that is hurting the economy combined with the ways of the bulldozer.

The President has had his ways… He has attacked businesses, the mining industry and the agricultural sector too. Therefore, the financial market is getting hit too. This is because of the years with Magufuli who has had his way. Now the consequences of it is coming to the surface.

IMF Press Release:

Directors noted that despite favorable macroeconomic conditions, financial stability challenges are significant with deteriorating asset quality, falling credit growth and liquidity pressures. Directors noted that continued macroeconomic stability, an improved business environment, better execution of fiscal policy and resolution of government payment arrears would help address financial sector vulnerabilities and risks. Directors stressed the need to improve asset quality, address non-performing loans and increase capital buffers in the banking system. In this context, they cautioned against potential excessive use by banks of the regulatory relief provided by the Bank of Tanzania’s circular for loan classification and restructuring. They encouraged the authorities to issue further guidance aimed at preventing banks from overstating capital ratios and earnings” (International Monetary Fund – ‘IMF Executive Board Concludes the United Republic of Tanzania’s 2018 Financial System Stability Assessment’ 06.12.2018. link: https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2018/12/06/pr18455-tanzania-imf-executive-board-concludes-2018-financial-system-stability-assessment#.XAl1-CvQt3w.twitter

This is worrying as this is destroying the economy. Who knows who is eating, but someone is earning on this non-performing loans and the crashing financial markets. With that is the losing value of assets, lack of liquidity and bad loans. All of this can amount to rising inflation and later issues of lack of assets and liquidity to actually salvage the non-performing loans. That is like an evil bad circle of financial mismanagement.

I know that President Magufuli don’t want to hear that, he don’t even want to see the stats or get anything out that isn’t sanction by his men. He wants everybody to move after his words and orders. That will not create anything good. The President has to see this and find out ways to figure this out.

The Economy is clearly failing, the Financial Market is fragile and who knows what is up next. But there has to be significant changes to change the current state of affairs. What this is showing is the picture that the President and CCM doesn’t want to show. As this is the weakness of the government and the Financial Market at this point. It is not a good look. Peace.

Tanzania: A new Amendment will severely restrict Political Parties!

There is a new law on the horizon in Tanzania, another measure to secure and control society. Just as you thought it wasn’t enough this done by President John Pombe Magufuli, him and his party are really taking, yet another step to ensure total control. Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) are really coming with the iron fist, as they are planning to take it one step further.

This is with the Political Parties Amendment of 2018, which was gazetted on 16th October 2018. The law is yet to be enacted, so the particular changes of the law isn’t yet done. But the texts and ready-made statutes are there.

This is new is specify what an organization or a political party can do. Where the State has to sanction and allow the Civic Education from the Political Parties and their affiliates. As the State will ensure what they educate and what they teach. This is in direct line with restraining the freedom of assemble and freedom of speech.

Another vital change is that the functions of a political party changes and what it cannot be. For instance, it is no longer allowed to be a “Pressure Group” or “Activist Group”. Even if they are partly so, as they are organizations who works political to steer the political conversation and outline their program for the public. So, I have a hard time seeing this and how it can be used as statute of law. Who will deem one or the other?

Because, political parties made of real people are trying to steer the conversation, they are filled with activists believing and fighting for cause, of any kind to anyone that passes by. So I recon, that this is stopping initiative and controlling what they can teach and how they operate.

That is the initial first reaction to the passages that has leaked online. This is yet another step in years of Magufuli who are a man, who likes to hear his own voice and his own message, but not anyone else. The Bulldozer who crashes everyone’s party and expect to hailed for doing so. Peace.

Tanzania: Opposition Leader Zitto Kabwe subpoenaed for an interview by the PCBB over an article in Jamii Forum!

We all know how sensitive and mediocre of a leader President John Pombe Magufuli is, the man who cannot manage jeopardizing his ego or self-inflated seat of the Iron Throne in Dodoma. As of yesterday, ACT-WAZELENDO Chairman Zitto Kabwe was questioning the funding of the Tanzam railway and its upgrades of trains itself and the new construction. That was clearly a violation of trust between the opposition politician and the authorities.

That is why the opposition leader are now called into question by the Takukuru or the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau, to explain his recent statements made on the Social Media. Because he went to far, to questioning the loans and the funds of the Chinese. That is something no one is supposed to do. Especially, since the President says the Chinese dole away like there is no tomorrow with no strings attach. There is no hitch or second plan behind the donations, funding and loans in Tanzania. No, the Chinese are just friendly uncles who likes to spoil gentle and kind foreigners. That is what they do. That is if, if your thinking as naively as the President.

That is why Kabwe gets into trouble, because he answers back to the naive or dumbfounded President. Who clearly is hurt by the Western Donors and their demands behind their gifts and funding. That they have certain standards of where they operate. This has hit a snag and is bugging the almighty, the biggest man ever to grace Tanzania. The giant upper echelon of leadership, Mr. Magufuli.

Therefore, when the likes of Kabwe questions him, he has to answer either in court, by the gentle authorities or become detained. All of which has happen in the past, and as long as there is a man with an inflated ego. He will be detained again, it is just a question of time and purpose. Because, Magufuli only cares about his ego and partly about his friends. If you dare say anything negative or spread bad words. Bad mouth him or spread allegations of misconduct against the head honcho, expect to see the Police Officers and the Court Room, also after all that be behind bars.

That is just the rule of law and justice in Tanzania at the moment. If your are somebody saying something of critic or out of bound of Mr. President. Expect to pay the price, the legal jeopardy will come and who knows what the end-game is. Certainly, it will take time and effort to battle this. Because the President is almighty and is never wrong.

He can sing, he can dance and play the bongo. But he cannot manage that people question his authority or his leadership. That is a cardinal sin and the eternal flames of hell will burn you for saying anything against the man. Peace.

The Order:



Tanzania: Press Statement on the Arrest of Zitto Kabwe, Act Wazalendo Party Leader (31.10.2018)