Uganda – Bill No. 13 – The Appropiation Bill 2015 (29.05.2015) – Use of the Consolidated Fund- Quotes and Outtakes

This blog will be about the Bill No. 13 – ‘the Appropiation bill, 2015’ of the 29th May 2015. That was a part of the Uganda Gazette No. 28 CVIII dated 29th May 2015. This bill will the money used for service until 30th June of 2016. This bill is an extension to the Public Finance Management Act of 2015 and the Section of 17 in that Act. That states this:



Here is how it’s been scheduled to spend the fund in the different areas from the fund and use the Consolidate fund and using the fund accordingly to the Section 17 in the Public Finance Management Act of 2015.

I will not take every single expenditure that will be to many, but will take those that are striking. This is because the total Sixteen trillion, one hundred eighty one billion, six hundred twelve million, and six hundred thousand shillings for this Financial Year (FY), I will take those who strikes my mind and hopefully you find it interesting to. Here we go:

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