Uganda: Alleged Irregularities in the Procurement for Management and Collection of Revenue from Nyamayenje Market (19.09.2016)


Other Documents:


Explaination of the documents: 

“Today the Town Clerk of Rukungiri Municipal Council Otim Andrew Kibwota was described as the most un serious accounting officer by the members of Rukungiri District Public Accounts Committee.Mean while all Councillors of Rukungiri Municipal council have unanimously voted to chase away this Town Clerk who is never in office and only comes when he hears that government has released some money and comes to withdraw it and share it with the Mayor Charles Makuru(Endira Kukyinduka) and Treasurer one Andrew Byaruhanga” (John Kakugombe, 30.09.2016).

Ingrid Turinawe loses FDC municipal MP primaries (Youtube-Clip)

“The main race in the Forum for Democratic Change primaries was between the Rukungiri Municipality MP Roland Kaginda and party’s Secretary for Mobilization Ingrid Turinawe. The voting exercise was presided over by the Party’s Electoral Commission vice Chairperson Michael Kabaziguruka saw 208 delegates cast their ballots. At the final tally, incumbent Roland Kaginda polled 135 votes to Ingrid’s 55. In her speech, Ingrid Turinawe cautioned her victor’s supporters against jubilating arguing it would create divisions in the party ahead of the major poll. Ingrid Turinawe served as Rukungiri district speaker between 2006 – 2011