U.S. Department of the Army Corps 24 hour notification letter to continue building the Dakota Access Pipeline (07.02.2017)


Jay Smooth: “Thoughts On The Women’s March That Already Feels Like So Long Ago Because These Are The End Times” (Youtube-Clip)

Trump, the Great Dictator has entered the building!


Congratulation Mr. Donald J. Trump you act like Dictator and behave like a tyrant. Your legacy is built over and days. You complained and whine like a bitch that Barrack Obama as President made lots of Presidential Orders, but the first thing you do is to make a dozen’s of them yourself.

Like this one:

“The Secretary of Commerce shall conduct outreach to stakeholders concerning the impact of Federal regulations on domestic manufacturing and shall solicit comments from the public for a period not to exceed 60 days concerning Federal actions to streamline permitting and reduce regulatory burdens for domestic manufacturers. As part of this process, the Secretary of Commerce shall coordinate with the Secretaries of Agriculture and Energy, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the Administrator of the Small Business Administration, and such other agency heads as may be appropriate” (MEMORANDUM FOR THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES, 24.01.2017, Donald J. Trump).

What a noble gentleman you are that you’re gaging the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), they are not allowed for staff on Social Media and talk to the Media. So your making blackouts of government institutions before you have been in power a month. Even Gadaffi your friend who rented your land in New York back in the day would be proud, Vladimir Putin must see the vision in your ears and the glowing ignorance in your eyes.

You have already tried to subdue the media with false tragedies and stupid made of stories, while the worst is happening inside your coming cabinet, your hiring of men and woman who is billionaires that couldn’t be more far from the voters who elected you into office. You’re a billionaire who apparently doesn’t care much about acts as long it gives you and your men profits.


Trump MoU on DALP: “The Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) under development by Dakota Access, LLC, represents a substantial, multi-billion-dollar private investment in our Nation’s energy infrastructure. This approximately 1,100-mile pipeline is designed to carry approximately 500,000 barrels per day of crude oil from the Bakken and Three Forks oil production areas in North Dakota to oil markets in the United States. At this time, the DAPL is more than 90 percent complete across its entire route. Only a limited portion remains to be constructed. I believe that construction and operation of lawfully permitted pipeline infrastructure serve the national interest” (SUBJECT: Construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, 24.01.2017, Donald J. Trump).

You speak of being environmental, but open up the petroleum pipelines of Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL. You are such an ass, at the same time deletes the reality of water-quality and other truthful information on your government web-pages. You are gagging the EPA and USDA that looks into the reasonable environment hazards the pipelines would do in dozens of states. But you only see the cash monies and even some of the businesses your sons are running might benefit. You couldn’t care-less.

“In accordance with Executive Order 11423 of August 16, 1968, as amended, and Executive Order 13337 of April 30, 2004, the Secretary of State has delegated authority to receive applications for Presidential permits for the construction, connection, operation, or maintenance, at the borders of the United States, of facilities for the exportation or importation of petroleum, petroleum products, coal, or other fuels to or from a foreign country, and to issue or deny such Presidential permits. As set forth in those Executive Orders, the Secretary of State should issue a Presidential permit for any cross-border pipeline project that “would serve the national interest.” (SUBJECT: Construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline, 24.01.2017, Donald J. Trump).

EPA on DALP Pipeline Route before Pre-Trump Era!
EPA on DALP Pipeline Route before Pre-Trump Era!

Trump, your acts now are peril with the ways of democratic behavior, you are silencing your own government institutions, not giving to craps about the honest truth. Not that truth ever matters to you as long as you are winning!

That your Presidential Spokesman Sean Spicer and Presidential Advisor Kellyanne Conway feel your coverage is biased and wrong, well, you are the one acting and doing executive orders. You are the one behind the madness called the Trump Era and the Trump administration. I am sure you will soon blackout more institutions, silence the Congress and Senate. As your sinister plans get into effect, because you cannot handle the truth or facts; facts are lies and deceptions to you, they are not useful, because they damage you. Facts are the thing that you hate more than anything else. Therefore you cannot handle that the EPA or USDA are telling the truth about the pipelines and their possible environmental damage.

Trump cannot handle his own government agencies and doesn’t know how they operate, doesn’t know the laws, therefore he orders things he like and been told by his donors like a drone. Being a dictator and dictating the state to be silenced for 60 days. Trump has so little courage and bravery that he doesn’t believe that he can work the system. He has to rig it and make order it to command, because he is the Executive. Surely he will drop more orders daily  than at a busy Chinese takeaway restaurant in Manhattan, New York.

Donald Trump you’re the coming GRAND Dictator, I am sure you haven’t seen the movie or understand the play, but you’re the next up! You don’t care about the implications on the Presidential Orders or Memorandums of Understanding that you’re signing these days. You only see your vision and stature. The only thing mattering is that you’re the man.

Donald Trump, dictating son-of-bitch from Queens, who doesn’t care about the rules or regulations, not even who will become in the people’s eyes; he attacks the media, but he has created the monster and that is himself. Himself is the man who silence EPA and USDA so he can push through environmental dangerous industrial building that has been demonstrated against through the United States Presidential Election 2016. That apparently by default you won, President Trump!

The Executive, the President, the almighty bastard that silence environmental institutions so they doesn’t say the truth about the massive disturbance and possible damage to rivers and destroy the environment… but does the new American President care about that. He only cares about himself.

You are a son-of-a-bitch! Future tyrant and so-far from democratic value Executive the United States has ever had. You as a man cannot even handle staff and institutions to speak their mind while the pipeline constructions are happening. Trump cannot handle that, Trump is little muffled dog under pressure from donors to do this and not caring about the effects it will have. He is 70 years old, so not that his life will be long enough to see the damage or feel it. Not that he is ever travelling in North Dakota near the towns that are affected; neither is he visiting Keystone XL. Trump doesn’t have the heart.

Welcome world, Trump the Great Dictator has entered the building! Peace.

Statement Regarding Revocation of Relief to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. from Certain Regulatory Consequence of Enforcement Actions (18.11.2016)


DAPL: Energy Transfer Parterners and Sunoco Logistics Partners Denounce Today’s Announcement by the Army Corps of Engineers (14.11.2016)


Dakota Access Statement on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (08.11.2016)


Kingdom of Hawaii asks Wells Fargo to Cease and Desist Energy Trading Partners L.P. conserning Dakota Access Pipeline (29.10.2016)


Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chair: DOJ Must Investigate Use of Force Against #DAPL Resistance (Youtube-Clip)

” “I knew North Dakota state was planning something,” says Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chair Dave Archambault II of the raid on a resistance camp Thursday by militarized police. “They set up a pre-hospital tent near the camp. … That was sending me signals this was going to get out of hand.” Archambault says he asked the Department of Justice to step in and ask the state not to proceed with the raid, and now calls on the Justice Department to launch an investigation into the use of force against those resisting the Dakota Access pipeline” (Democracy Now, 2016)

Despite Climate Commmitment, Bank of America still funds Dakota Access Pipeline (19.09.2016)


Yakama Nation responds to Law Enforcement Brutality; Energy Transfer Partners’ Threats to Native Lands and Lives; and Mainstream Media’s Misportrayal of DAPL’s Defeat (14.09.2016)
