Opinion: Tomi Lahren is trolling and defending Trump by any means now!

If you have followed the Right Wing media in the United States, the key persons would be Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly or Alex Jones. But a person who is now as significant and whose a Fox News Contributor on the Sean Hannity Show is Tomi Lahren. She has gone from being a rising star on The Blaze which is run by Glenn Beck. After being fired for her pro-life admissions on the View, she became a slogan-queen on a Great American Alliance. From there she has become a part of Sean Hannity’s show. Therefore, the nonsense of her still matters. Because she is on the biggest news commentary show of the Right Wing and the Republican Party.

The Fox News are initially state TV at this point, where the Presidents agenda and wanting to defend him no matter what he do. Even stand by his conspiracies and his vicious attacks, even if there are no evidence or no basis for the matter. Like Tomi Lahren was during the Government Shutdown, blaming the Democrats for the shutdown. Tomi just did what the Republicans did too, hit that Narrative, even as the House of Representatives, Senate and the Presidency was run by Republican’s. It cannot be Democrats direct fault. Secondly, the negotiations had been hectic and the White House was running in circles. Therefore, even Senate leader Mitch McConnell wondered what Trump wanted. This proves that the stories portrayed from the State TV and Fox was fictitious.

That is the trouble I have with Tomi Lahren, her reality and the messages she sends often make no sense. She speaks of freedom of speech on her behalf and for the republicans. Republicans can march and can speak out, they can stand and use all methods to spread their message. However, when Beyonce or Colin Kaepernick did what they did for their causes. Then it was wrong, because Blue Lives Matter, not only Black Lives Matter. BLM has even called all sorts of things by Tomi, but she has not said similar about White Supremacists or addressed the Charlottesville attacks. That is because it is the right group who did violence, while peaceful protest done by leftist is wrong. Just like the Woman’s marches on the One Year Anniversary of Trump Presidency was also catching heat from Lahren. Because, if these was Tea-Party Woman, it would be cool, but since they addressed the womanizer-in-charge, the President and the #MeToo issue. To make their own messages and try to empower themselves in a time of harassment in working places. That has to be taken care of and warnings of misconduct should be taken serious. Instead, Lahren was mocking it and said these woman should do something else. Well, did she think her rights to her own body and allowing her to abort if she wants came without marches in America? Lahren needs to read a book on Woman’s Right in the US.

That means in general that she is demeaning the Freedom of Speech and of liberty. That only the narrative and stories, which matters, that is why it is tiring and that Lahren has gotten this prime-time spot and that Hannity has given her this slice of TV. A this point there is little difference between her and White House Counselor Kellyann Conway or White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. All of them is spinning the same narratives, it just their titles and their positions. They are using the words, but all defending Trump by all means. Making his hypocritical acts and words into poetry. They are trying to make vomit into Shakespeare and hope people sees the same.

Fox News is state TV and its known. If you didn’t know. Now you do. To see how she makes everything leftist and using her voice to address people. Instead of building people up or using her voice for something positive. Since she actually has a stage. Lahren is using it to blame people for the Tide Pod Challenge and blaming the parents. Tomi could have listen and asked how this trend became a thing. But using it to make parents sensing the up-coming elections.

It is like, she can pin-point at anyone outside her camp. Blame them and throw trash at them. But if his master and the MAGA crowd is the trolls, the terrorists or the ones who creates the problem. She still deflects and blame the left. It is like no matter what President Trump does or have done. It is fine, but if Obama or Clinton did the same it would be full war. If Obama had paid porn-star and cheated on his wife. Lahren would have gone of the wires. Since Trump was having relations with Stormy Daniels. The RNC and the Republican Party hasn’t addressed this. All others has to fall on their swords when they do something like this or impeached, but Trump is the Holy Grail.

Tomi Lahren could have spread a positive message, she could have done that even inside the Right Wing. Not all there are hating on minorities, not everyone is playing games with people’s lives. Many do and many uses immigration and using taxes to take control. Like the RNC has done and proven how they uses meaningful government programs with humanity as bargain chips for a border-wall and other pledges of Trump. This is something Lahren knows, but still she defends it by all means.

Her last words are usually strong and fierce, but not facts. They are defending a narrative that isn’t building a United Republic. Instead, it is continuing to spread vile content. Is that the legacy and the words you will be remembered for? Is your fame and fortunes based on hatred and misuse of patriotism for one man and his selfish political position. Trump uses people and will use Fox News. He will use Sean Hannity and Alex Jones, they will be seen as cup-cakes and fear-mongers as they are. Even Tucker Carlson are looking more foolish as the days goes by. In the same box and inside the same sphere of influence is Lahren.

You could have used your position for something more fruitful. Not necessary a progressive aspect, but used it. So it made sense, not speaking of right wing agenda, family values and then defending cheating President. Not defending patriotism, but saying to the ones defending the real values smearing them with hatred. It so backwards into the future. However, we from the outside of America sees it. But you in the bubble cannot grasp it.

Lahren and the State TV has to look into their mirror and wonder if they become cyber- and broadcasting bullies with high-paid salaries sanctioned by Rupert Murdoch. We can wonder if that is the reason for the existence of the Fox TV Channel. The Broadcasting is becoming InfoWars and Breitbart, but with better lightning. Is that the memo we can take for this day and age?

Lahren, was this your destiny to defend a scrupulous man, which happen to be the President. Is that your motivation and aspiration. You have no true ethical and moral backbone, whatever he does or says, you will a story to defend it? Is that who you are?

So you will be blind to facts and science itself, to any common sense, as long as it fits the President? That is good to know, because if he back peddles, if he back-flips or even raises eyebrows for the Republican’s we will know. Because back in the day, he used to pay Democratic Politicians and use them for building his buildings. Therefore, his moral authority is non-existent, that is known for the rest of us. But not you.

ME: “So Tomi Lahren, will you take this President? Donald J. Trump, Honor him, bow down to him and as long as you can in your professional career. Stand by him and promote his ideas, in good and bad days, promote his disgusting and vicious believes, his attacks on his own institutions and family values. Will you be his propaganda tool?”

Me: If so say “YES”. Tomi Lahren: “Yes”

Me: “And you will be together in the time he is in Office. You can now take the ring and kiss the flag. Your now officially his propaganda tool and useful contributor on State TV. The President will never praise you or hold your hand. But you wash his in good and bad days. We can now all say Amen”. Tomi Lahren: It’s my final thoughts, A-MEN God Bless the President and the United States!”.


Opinion: Trump’s Turnberry is a loser in Aberdeenshire, while Energetica is winning!

In 2008, the business-mogul, the American businessman and Golf Estate builder Donald J. Trump came with giant promises and that a modern golf field in and around Aberdeen would not only be profitable, but also become a major boost of the economy in the North Eastern of Scotland. Now years after and thanks to ‘the Ferret’ and Rob Edwards tireless seeking of information. There are now evidence of the operation the last two years. This after the troubles with neighbors and destruction of the dunes. An environmental disaster done for supposed benefits of business gained by the golfing operation and the hotel on the property. Clearly, this has not happen.

Because on 12th July 2017, the Ferret got the information from the Aberdeenshire Council. This documents that was delivered are revealing of how the lacking promises are delivered to the North Eastern of Scotland. The Trump Organization evidently pumped their swagger-up and sold their tricks of trade without actually having what it takes to build a profitable and establishment worth visiting.

In 2014, the Golf Recreation Scotland Limited or the Turnberry at Minnie in Aberdeenshire lost before taxes £ 3,603,000. That is not a positive results, neither is it in 2015, when the company lost before taxes £ 8,396,000. So the business there isn’t cracking or growing, it is actually going terrible. Within two years lost nearly £ 12 million British Pound. That is not small pocket change and also worrying since the promises made are not in this regard.

Another fact from the document are that in 2014, the whole company had 344 hired, operating staff was 305 and 39 administrative. So as the time goes in 2015, the total staff is 337 working there, operating staff 297 and 40 administrative. Therefore, the company isn’t really big or having a strong impact of jobs, considering this was supposed to be a place that boosted economy. Not only is the golf-course losing money, it is also being short staffed and having few people hired.

The salaries in total has gone from £ 6,796,000 in 2014 and in 2015 it was £ 6,020,000. Therefore, the salaries paid out to the staff isn’t substantial for the changes of environment. The boost of the Aberdeenshire, is not happening now or near future. As the Turnberry at the Minnie.

The profits after the cost of sales in 2014 are £ 3,454,000 and in 2015 it were £ 3,725,000. So the profits have not really gone up. Even if the turnover went from £ 9,209,000 in 2014 and in 2015 it went to £ 11,410,000. Even if the turnover went up with £ 2,000,000, the profits went only up about £ 300,000. So the percentage after cost are minimal. This with the concerning level of staffing. It seems like the Turnberry isn’t made profitable or neither operational in a way that they promised the Scottish government in 2008.

Also, because of the issues with the profits, turnovers and the salaries. The taxation for 2014 were supposed to be £ 774,000, but because of losses they paid none. The similar was in 2015 it was £ 1,697,000, but because of the losses the there were none. So the Aberdeenshire and the North East of Scotland. Has really not earned a dime on it. The salaries haven’t been substantial either.

That this isn’t substantial in any sense that in Aberdeenshire alone, it is over 261,000 people. The total employment is at 132,100. The Turnberry or the Golf Recreation of Scotland and was in 337 people. Therefore, the promises was not kept. While Donald Trump has claimed the Energy building and the wind turbines destroying his business.

With the stark difference to Aberdeenshire Council:

Energetica has attracted £260 million of a potential £750 million investment in its first five years. Construction spend of over £500 million (present value – PV) is expected across the Energetica business parks over the next 20 years. The gross jobs accommodated by new business space on the

parks could be expected to generate around £5.1 billion (PV) gross GVA per annum in 2025. New business space expected to be developed on the Energetica parks could accommodate around 12,400 jobs by 2025” (Aberdeenshire Council – Aberdeenshire Coucil, July 2016).

Therefore, the Energetica actually spends monies in the area, they will hire up to 12,400, which is massive amount of workforce. Also possible adding 12,400. Can doubt a golf-course that is already running badly, will get turnover or even since it losses money. The Energetica will spend fortunes and also generate money in Aberdeenshire. Totally different from what the golf-course will generate. The destruction of the Minnie dunes for the Turnberry clearly hasn’t paid-off.

Golf Digest in 2016 had this statement on the place: “Here is what Turnberry is not: A traditional, lay of the land, or lovably quirky links. The course, which has been through many iterations in between its use as an air base in times of war, has always been fairly straightforward, a fine examination of many shots with beautiful views” (…) “Turnberry makes no apologies for being an Americanized version of an authentic links. Trump added the same 10 foot wide ryegrass walkways that he insisted on through the dunes at Trump International in Aberdeen. While perhaps too clean and carpet-like for most, they do add an elegance to walks as your approach Ebert’s square tee boxes (which fight the landcape a bit)” (Geoff Schackelford – ‘DONALD TRUMP’S TURNBERRY: THE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE DELIVERS WITH HIS RENOVATED AYRSHIRE COURSE’ 20.07.2016).

So clearly, his vision has to improve the experience, but business-wise it has been pathetic. With time the Trump Organization might earn monies on it. But right now, the promises are not kept. Neither, seems to be possible, the one that will make difference and boost to Aberdeenshire is the Energetica investments into clean-air and windmills in sea. Peace.

Donald Trump haven’t only made “Good Deals” he has failed exeptionally well; failures like in Scotland, Atlantic City, Airplane Company and Vodka; with this business-model, I doubt he will able to “make America Great again!”


Donald Trump the Reality TV Star who is famous for saying “You’re fired” and also for hosting a Miss Universe contest. He is not famous for being a politician and therefore I have not taken him seriously as Jon Steward on the Comedy Central bashed him on the day he announced his intention for running as President as he had a speech on the 16th June 2015 as a Republic Party Presidential Candidate.

He usually talks about how he can make good deals and do that in Government, I will show how he has done in the past to prove that he is not all good, and has earned money on government funding, fathers inheritance, and also destroying other people’s possibility to earn while smashing other people livelihood for his own benefit, as he has done in Scotland and Atlantic City.


I could have bashed him for his empty rhetoric and for not telling how to really make “America Great Again” as he is an empty suit with no moral fiber what-so-ever as he uses Immigration policy and spread fear  to the public to gain momentum and surge of the angry clue-less white rednecks; who couldn’t open a book or read a Foucault explanation on how “Governance” supposed to be. As he believes he can with he deals structure can fix everything. While I doubt it, as the structures and procedures will stifle him, as he is not an island at the White House and in the Senate and House of Representative in Congress; as he has to follow the guidelines of these outfits.


Something he can’t dictate as he does with his Trump Organization where all the Yes Men follow his every move; the same will not happen there as he cannot be the grand dictator and authoritarian leader who owns Capitol Hill, as it seems the “American Great Again” doesn’t have the pulse. But follows on the fear and not on political framework, unless Mr. Trump himself earns on the new taxation reforms, not for the public; as he is a rich man who doesn’t want to be more taxed. He wants to continue to have low tax on the rich and continue to have close to 30% tax on blue-collars and working-class, not the rich, or giant International Companies, as they have loop-holes and systems to get money to tax-heavens instead of paying tax directly in the United States. This is an international problem, but with the growing debt and less income, while having issues to pay to gain growth, there must be a way of getting the wheels rolling. But I don’t see that from Mr. Trump, rather from Bernie Sanders. That is just me. Let’s take a look at some of the bad-deals of Mr. Trump!

Trump 1990 People's Magazine

His value in 1990 out of his People’s Magazine Article:

“Indeed, Wall Street sources say that the purpose of the bailout is not to get Trump up and running, but merely to buy time for the banks to oversee the sale of virtually all of his assets. Donald Trump’s empire, once valued at $3 billion, may be as good as gone, and even his private wealth is at risk. His debt is said to include $500 million in personal loans, and though he claims to be worth more than that, some analysts assay his net worth at less than zero” (Kunen, 1990).

How he really earned his wealth:

“Trump was born in New York City in 1946, the son of real estate tycoon Fred Trump. Fred Trump’s business success not only provided Donald Trump with a posh youth of private schools and economic security but eventually blessed him with an inheritance worth an estimated $40 million to $200 million” (…)”In 1990, due to excessive leveraging, The Trump Organization revealed that it was $5 billion in debt ($8.8 billion by some estimates), with $1 billion personally guaranteed by Trump himself. The survival of the company was made possible only by a bailout pact agreed upon in August of that same year by some 70 banks, allowing Trump to defer on nearly $1 billion in debt, as well as to take out second and third mortgages on almost all of his properties” (…)”In 1995 Trump took Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts Inc. public and received a substantial financial boost from society and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations that enable the market to function. He initially sold 10 million shares at $14 per share and then in 1996 sold 13.25 million shares at $32.50 a share. This initial public offering granted Trump’s company a stability and legitimacy that would have been impossible without millions of people around the world trusting his organization and investing with the hope of shared success” (Lapham & Miller, 2012).

Now on some of his direct bad deals as the Scottish adventure, Atlantic City’s Casino’s, Trump Shuttle and Trump Vodka, take a look!


Scottish adventure as his bullies the land of inheritance:

Where he wanted to build a Golf Resort:

“The site comprises the Menie Estate an area of 452 hectares (ha) of estate policies, agricultural land, heath and dune. It is located between the A90 trunk road (A90T) and the sea about 14 km north of Aberdeen city centre, and 8 km from the northern limit of the city at the conference centre. The eastern boundary with the foreshore at the high water mark is approximately 4.2 km long, while the site narrows to the west so that the boundary with the trunk road is no more than 1.1 km. At its widest the site is about 2 km from east to west. Balmedie Country Park lies immediately to the south on the coast, while further to the west and south farmland separates the site from the village of Balmedie” (…)”The Menie Estate was most recently used for a combination of commercial shooting and some agriculture but now forms the operating base for the applicant company; Menie House is undergoing restoration as a residence. Since taking ownership Mr Trump has stopped both shooting and hunting on the land” (…)”Mr Trump has been concerned about the environmental effects of the development from the outset, although he acknowledged that he did not know the land was protected when he bought it” (…)”  A world class golf course also requires world class facilities. The clubhouse would be the nucleus of the development. The hotel would be a grand five star building that would complement the landscape in the same way that the hotels at Turnberry and Gleneagles do. The hotel and conference centre would attract golfers and non-golfers. Mr Trump believes that it would in itself be a major boost to the economy of the north east of Scotland”  (Scottish Government, 2008). That was back in 2008 and was in the recommended because of the economic prosperity in the area at the cost of the special sand-dunes that had an environmental unique place in European standard, but for the price of getting a world-class golf-course was the price the Government of Scotland accepted together with the Aberdeenshire Council” (Scottish Government 2008).

Trump Turbines Aberdeen

Some other local punters – A timeline of actions from Trump in Scotland:

“Then, on 3 November 2008, the Scottish Government granted outline planning permission for the resort, subject to 46 conditions, indicating that ‘there was significant economic and social benefit to be gained from this project’ (Scottish Government 2008b). Again, the response to this decision was predictably polarised. Industry and tourism leaders declared that it demonstrated that the North-east, and Scotland more widely, was ‘open for business’ (Whitaker, 2008a); while environmentalists feared that it would set a ‘precedent which will undermine the whole protected-sites network in Scotland’ (Urquhart, 2008)” (…)”In May 2009, it emerged that Trump International, in preparing its detailed resort masterplan, had advised Aberdeenshire Council that it would be lodging further applications for outline planning permission, but for eight parcels of land not currently owned by the organisation. These included four private homes that Trump International was hoping to acquire through ‘amicable’ discussion. It also emerged, however, that Aberdeenshire Council had prepared a briefing note for councillors which raised the prospect of compulsory purchase orders being used to secure the land (Ross 2009), although Trump International insisted that this would only be pursued as an ‘absolute last resort’ (Urquhart 2009)” (…)”Eventually, in January 2011, Trump announced that he would not be seeking compulsory purchase orders for the residential properties; that he would effectively build his course around them. However, Trump also claimed that ‘we have consistently said that we have no interest in compulsory purchase and have never applied for it’ (Urquhart, 2011). This was despite the existence of a letter from early 2009, released under freedom of information, in which his legal representatives had clearly asked Aberdeenshire Council ‘to exercise its powers of compulsory purchase…to acquire the eight plots of land on behalf of TIGLE’. That letter has become widely available online (see, for example, Scottish Green Party, 2011)” (Baxter, 2014). “In 2013, the Scottish government approved plans for the installation of wind turbines off the Aberdeenshire coast – which would generate enough energy to power 68,000 homes. Trump soon claimed that having this windfarm near his golf course “would spoil the view”, and thus entered into a legal battle against the project. But this was a battle he would lose, leading Alex Salmond to call him “three times a loser” and argue that the legal process had potentially jeopardised “a vital £200 million boost for the economy of the North East of Scotland”. In response to Salmond’s comments, a Trump Organisation spokesman said the former first minister had an “overinflated ego” and that the Scottish government was embarking on a “dangerous experiment with wind energy” which was based on a “foolish, small-minded and parochial mentality”. This in spite of the fact that wind energy is now considered to be the cheapest energy technology available in the UK” (Sabio, 2015).

Alex Salmond regrets Opening business for Trump:

“There is nothing wrong with his golf courses, the problem is that Trump Turnberry is unlikely to ever get on The Open circuit. If Turnberry doesn’t get an Open, then that costs the Scottish economy £100m” (…)“I think the association with Trump is now net damaging to the Scottish economy.” (Schmid, 2016).

This here proves that all of his business is not a good deal as he has taken some of the special areas of Scotland, not followed his promise, stifled the locals and had issues the Government over their own development as the sufficient work with the Golf Course and area that Trump Organization had planned for the area, is not working as well as the Locals or Trump hoped for; as the development of the project never got into the stages that Trump promised.


Atlantic City Casinos gone bad, his response to newspaper actually writing about him:

“He said the bankruptcy was the result of external forces beyond his control, specifically an extremely bad economy in 1990. He said he had “the prerogative” to change his mind about using junk bonds in the financing” (…) “I didn’t want to have any personal liability, so I used junk bonds. I accept the blame for that, but I would do it again,” he said. But Trump vehemently denied that the deal represented a personal failing or affected his personal wealth” (…) “This was not personal. This was a corporate deal,” he said. “If you write this one, I’m suing you.” (Bandler, 2016).


Here are outtakes of the deals done in Atlantic City:

“The casino opened in April of 1990. Just over a year later, Trump was not going to be able to make his June payments. The Times said Trump was on the hook for $900 million that year, and the Taj Mahal eventually filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Trump lost about half of his interest in the casino, and had to sell his private yacht and plane to help pay his losses. His creditors even put him on a budget (of $5.4 million, so … not that bad of one)” (…)“Trump Plaza was the next to fall out of his control. It was hemorrhaging cash in the early 1990s — Johnston estimates that, in the end, Trump lost about a million courting high-roller Kashiwagi (who was found dead, stabbed 150 times, in Japan in 1992) — and filed for bankruptcy protection in November. The banks took a 49 percent stake in the Plaza in exchange for more favorable terms on the $550 million in debt the building had on it. Trump remained as CEO, but no longer had a role in day-to-day operations” (McQuade, 2015).

How the Locals in Atlantic City feels about Trump:

“Sen. Jim Whelan (D-Atlantic) said Trump’s legacy in the city is a “mixed one.” (…)”The notion that he was somehow responsible for the success that Atlantic City had is not accurate,” said Whelan (D-Atlantic), who was the city’s mayor in the 1990s. “Nor is he responsible for the problems we now have.” (…)”Whelan said Atlantic City already had casino gambling for several years when Trump arrived, adding: “It’s not like he was a pioneer.” (…)”Experts said Trump ran his casinos like other owners did — and stressed that he didn’t simply leave the city on his own terms. Though Trump’s casinos were hurt by the same factors as the others in Atlantic City — a sputtering economy and growing competition from neighboring states — and though other casino companies filed for bankruptcy over the years, his companies’ four bankruptcies are also more than any other in town” (Johnson, 2015).

Trump Shuttle

Another deal gone sour was “Trump Shuttle” or his Airlines:

“NEW YORK — The sky became the limit Thursday for real estate mogul Donald Trump with the maiden flights of his Trump Shuttle service – fashioned from the innovative Eastern shuttle — taking off after a fog delay” (…)”The inaugural voyages of the Trump Shuttle, with four newly painted airplanes bearing the developer’s name, were scheduled for 7 a.m. in New York, Washington and Boston. All were delayed at least 20 minutes by thick fog in New York and Boston” (…)”Trump purchased the shuttle for $365 million from strike-battered Eastern Airlines, which is owned by the Texas Air Corp. The deal was approved May 24 by a federal judge overseeing Eastern’s reorganization under Chapter 11 of the federal bankruptcy code” (…)”Trump hired some 1,000 workers, 800 of them former Eastern employees, for the new service, said Bruce Nobles, the shuttle’s president and chief operating officer” (…)”’People are really tired of being pushed around at Pan Am. Pan Am is not exactly one of the great stalwarts of the industry,’ Trump said. ‘We’ll have the safest, most beautiful planes in the air and we’ll have the best service.‘” (…)”Trump said he expected the fare to remain at $99, the same as Pan Am, but, ‘We’ll match any price on the market’” (Wolfhorst, 1989). Already in 1991: “USAir will retain the Trump Shuttle’s employees and has an “understanding” with its unions over the shuttle’s operations, Goldman said. USAir is holding talks with its unions seeking major concessions to help it ride out the recession and its heavy losses” (…)”The USAir deal must still win final approval from the group of approximately 40 banks involved in Trump’s finances and win regulatory approval from the Transportation and Justice departments” (…)”Trump said yesterday that the deal helps him reduce his debt. “That’s what we’ve been doing for the last year is knocking the hell out of debt,” he said. “USAir is a fine company, and the shuttle is a great asset.” (Hamilton, 1991).  In 1992 this happen to it: “On Mar. 13, he is expected to conclude the final segments of a massive debt restructuring, which will give lenders the Trump Shuttle airline and hand over 49% of the Plaza Hotel in exchange for a lower mortgage-interest rate” (Businessweek Archives, 1992).


In 1993 the result was this: “A USAir Shuttle spokesman says the 87 were fired because the company wanted “an optimized cost-efficient operation.” Their work will now be done by an outside contractor who can do I more cheaply, says Terry Hallcom, manager of the shuttle. (USAir manages the former Trump Shuttle for Citicorp and about 20 other banks that acquired it when Donald Trump defaulted on $380 million in 1991.) “The shuttle management needed to cut jobs to cut costs,” says Citicorp spokeswoman Amy Dates. “We at Citicorp have gone through our own restructuring but have also gotten through it.” (People’s Magazine, 1993). You can say that the Trump Shuttle didn’t work out and the workers lost their jobs on the speculations of Donald Trump. As the Banks to ownership together with 20 Banks who salvaged the ownership of the company. That is a manifestation of how bad this deal was for Trump.


Trump Vodka ended with the bottum-up: 

Then we have his fallen throne with the alcoholic beverage Trump Vodka. Here is some on this: “Trump Vodka will be a major player in the vodka arena – it’s a superb product and it’s beautifully packaged,” boasted the teetotaling magnate. Cases of the Dutch-distilled, big-name booze were transported across a red carpet – behind velvet ropes – to a waiting delivery van. A Port Authority police escort accompanied the van to a warehouse in Long Island City, from where Trump Vodka will be distributed. It’s being advertised as “a vodka worthy of the Trump name” and will be sold in a “special gold crafted bottle” designed by graphic artist Milton Glaser, creator of the iconic “I [heart] NY” logo. Patrick Kenny of Drinks Americas Holdings Ltd., said all that matters is that his name is on the bottle. “It’s no secret that Donald Trump doesn’t drink,” he said. “But we’re in the super premium vodka market, and there’s nobody who markets better in the luxury category than Donald Trump” (…) “A one-liter bottle of Trump Vodka will sell for about $30” (Woodberry & Corky JR, 2006). A review of the dink: “The vodka, a five-times-distilled Dutch vodka by renowned distiller Jacques de Lat, is made from select European wheat. After distilling, the vodka is stored in stainless steel tanks for six months, run through a carbon filtration process twice, then a 9-column filtration process, and finally carbon filtered two more times. The vodka is then bottled in a sleek, tapered design from Bruni Glass, with label and packaging by the legendary graphic designer Milton Glaser. The result is what we’ve come to expect from anything branded with the Trump name. For all the attention to detail in the packaging and design, this is a vodka that doesn’t even make a good mixed drink. All of that filtration the vodka goes through has resulted in a spirit more akin to fuel treatment. The burn on the finish is intolerable – more “your mouth’s on fire” than “you’re fired” – with no discernable flavor from the wheat, and an oddly thin consistency for a spirit made from a heavy grain” (Sudo, 2007). In 2009 this happen to the company distributing the beverage: “J. Patrick Kenny, the Company’s CEO, stated, “We believe that this financing is very favorable for the Company especially in this challenging economic environment. The transaction will provide the Company with an immediate and near term cash infusion which will enhance our cash flow and enable us to continue to grow and expand our brands. Prominent in this growth is our imminent beer launch with Kid Rock, our growing Leyrat Cognac business, the continued growth of Trump Vodka and our rapidly growing Olfiant Vodka business, all of which this financing will help facilitate.” (Business Wire, 2009). Something is never seen or heard about since, the reports later said because of lack of interest for the beverage, the production of Trump Vodka went out in 2011. Though there are rumors that is still on sale in Israel as a Israeli Company got the license for in in 2010 from American Holdings Ltd and sell it for 15 years, as it the same year was sued from the Trump Organization, how the court case or beverage is; is not an easy task since there is so little precedence or evidence of actual production, as you can only buy from the early 2000s when the production of it was on Ebay, if you’re a fantastic fan of Trump and get a golden bottle.

Trump Old Newsweek

As I have showed he did not make money from scratch, he is not a self-made Millionaire or Billionaire! He inherent and gained early on the property market after his father’s rise in the business in New York; he did not come with Oliver Twist lifestyle and suddenly by pure genius gain an economic rise. That is somebody else who has done, not him.

Trump Quote

In the 1990s he went totally bankrupt; he was bailed out by big-government and luck of connection in banks as they gave him leverage on the property that could be profitable in the future. A possibility an ordinary person would never achieve or get. The rich also get better service and better treatment then the working-class. He was even at one point valued zero and having accumulated pure debt, while working with most of the banks to restructure his businesses. At this point there we’re none good deals, as he failed in the Air, later in beverage with his Vodka, also Casino’s that was not profitable in Atlantic City and his Scottish adventure that has not become what he promised Alex Salmond or the Aberdeenshire Council as they have lost both green energy source and a future potential tourism site; and a world-class golf course as he didn’t care for the locals, they just had to be happy that he could do as he please and his will was the best, and nothing else did matter. The same way he is discussing matter as a politician.

The Trentonian Trump Front Page

He tells the world he only make “Good Deals” then he must have a reactive memory, or a selective memory, this is not all of them, as this some of the big ones. And a reminder of the matter at hand; if he has plans of making America greater in this way then he will be a Machiavellian Lord who will do as he please without thinking consequence of the ordinary person or the effect of the policy/law. That should be stressed and thought about as the trickledown economics isn’t really a functional and the riches he gained wasn’t by rare luck, though he lived by the posh lifestyle by how he raised. He was raised rich and made himself even richer. There is a saying: “you need money to make money”. That is surely the tale of Mr. Trump. Not a good deal made his wealth, and if it wasn’t for the mercy of the state and the banks in 1990s he wouldn’t have been able to wealthy today. That is why he was positive to the Barrack Obama’s Stimulus Package to save the economy as it was similar to how his own businesses were saved. He could not hate something that saved his own skin. Even if he fear immigrants as his heritage is from Scottish roots and family coming from Europe back in the day. The irony is there and he is surely a strange clone in the elections in the United States. I have now on my page this described and showed something sinister of two candidates there, the first was Jeb Bush and now Donald Trump. I took the economic approach and not his human vision as it is ghastly and not worth spending my mind on or finding his terrible quotes as it is fear-mongering and not worth ink. This is enough for today. Peace.


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  • Application APP/2006/4605 for outline planning permission dated 27 November 2006

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