Revisiting the 1984 Proposal of the 10-Point Programme in 2023

The 10-Point Programme that was first published in 1984 and been the “change of guard” or the reforms that the National Resistance Movement (NRM) promised the Republic. The National Resistance Army (NRA) which became the NRM did this to sell their ideals, dogmas, and political ideology.

Just looking at their own pledges in regard to the 10-point programme in 2023… you can say the President and the NRM have disregarded or not been concerned about these promises. The 10-point programme was a manifesto and a document that’s been like holy scripture from the Luweero Triangle.

The NRM knows the remedies and even spelled it out in 1984 but haven’t followed it up themselves. I will take some quotations from the 10-Point Programme and not dwell too deep. Since, well, the programme itself isn’t that relevant. However, we need to revisit it to prove what the NRM haven’t done since 1986…

Let’s start with: “Democracy, as defined by one political thinker, means “government of the people, by the people and for the people”. The only problem is that rarely do we get governments that are really all these three. There are lot of mockeries of “democracy” around the globe. In our case, for democracy to be meaningful and not a mockery, it must contain three elements: parliamentary democracy, popular democracy and a decent level of living for every Ugandan. In other words, there should be an elected parliament, elected at regular intervals and such elections must be free of corruption and manipulation of the population” (TPP, 1984).

Reading this today, it’s a bit insulting and infuriating knowing what knowledge the NRA/M posses and how they operate. These words could describe them and how they are making a mockery of democracy. They are holding elections rampant with corruption and manipulations. Therefore, the remedies and what the NRM promised are totally different from what they have delivered

It continues: “As soon as NRM takes government, not only will the state inspired violences disappear but so will even criminal violence. Given democracy at the local level, a politicized army and police and absence of corruption at the top as well as interaction with the people, even criminal violence can disappear. Thereby, security of persons will be restored and so will security of legitimately earned property” (TPP, 1984).

When digesting this today… it isn’t a good look. This is what the NRA or NRM promised to end. While they are now thriving on the monopoly of violence and intimidation. The state security apparatus isn’t any better and they are serving injustice on the regular. The dissidents, the activists, opposition leaders and anyone associated with them can easily vanish, be kept incommunicado and even extra judicially killed. Therefore, these lofty promises are empty and shows what the NRM has become.

It continues: “We are convinced that some of the post-independent African leaders are the ones that are just hopelessly out of depth and have got to look for scapegoats. Africa, since independence, has been being tossed between, on the one hand idiotic quislings that are mere “caricatures” of the worst aspects of the European middle class and, on the other hand, muddle-headed “revolutionary” ideologies of Fabians, murderers and a variety of other opportunists, who spend more time putting people in preventive detention, when they are not murdering them, and spew out policies and papers that are not within a thousand miles of the real dynamics of the situation than solving the problems of the continent” (TPP, 1984).

Here they are speaking about themselves and what they have become. The NRA/M promised to be different, but they are practically everything they fought not to be. The TPP itself is a document that proves this. Especially, the explanatory reasons for the 10-point programme. These are just paragraphs from it and still it is so prevalent in the ways that the NRM is running the government today. These words could be used against them, and you couldn’t spot any difference. That’s the tragedy, because as I have stated many times over the years. The NRM and Museveni knows the remedies but has decided to look the other way. It is more profitable to run it like the predecessors.

It continues: “Apart from seeking co-operation with other African countries, Uganda, having suffered so greatly at the hands of primitive dictators ought to play an active part in defending the human and democratic rights of the African people in general. Dictatorships impede progress because they stop debates on development and allow nincompoops to remaining power doing whatever damage they are capable of. Without democracy and the human dignity of the African people Africa will never develop if, even mere debate about, let alone the actuality of, development is hardly taking place. The people are too frightened to comment on the actions of the omnipotent rulers that have got powers of live and death over every citizen of their countries, Rulers can squander resources with impunity, they can violate human rights of the people with impunity. Democracy, therefore, becomes a sinequanon of development. We ought to oppose dictatorship in Africa” (TPP, 1984).

These words can be used to describe the NRM and Museveni today. He is the primitive dictator who appoints the nincompoops to stay in power. That’s exactly what he does, and this paragraph is so fitting for his reign. It is tragic that the words and the ideals of the TPP has been lost. This document with the proposal is very telling all these years after. Because, the NRM has forgotten these words and not adhering to it. It was used as a steppingstone to get into office.

I am just amazed that NRA (now NRM) could write these words in the middle of the bush-war, but when they entered office. They became the same as the ones they fought. That is what is tragic and interesting at the same time. Power corrupts and power evolves. This is why the NRM is what it is today. They might not reconcile towards this fact, but the 1984 document proves they were wrong.

The proposal and reasons for the 10-Point Programme is valid today. Now it is valid, because they are the culprits and the ones that haven’t followed up on their promises to the Republic. Peace.

Opinion: Museveni has a lot’s of plans, but he never follows any of them

Why do you talk of 2040? This is for the “bamulyabyengedde” (technocrats). It is not for me, me I know we can hit it even by 2030. Not only hit it but also exceed” – President Yoweri Tibuhurwa Kaguta Museveni (04.12.2021).

Ever since the launch of the 10 Point Programme, the National Resistance Movement/Army (NRM/A) have shifted their programs, plans and whatever strategic document to fit the donors or the international community to get fiscal support to run the government.

The Movement and it’s government have released such huge and vast programmes. They have launched three National Development Plan (I, II & III). The same government have unleashed Vision 2020 and Vision 2040. While also never addressing the “fundamental change” promised with the 10 point programme. So, we can easily see there is no lack of planning and fiddling the pen to create some admonishing paperwork. Still, even with that massive paper-trail there is little to show from it.

This in combination with the NRM Manifestos and pledges. The state is riddled with promises and plans of which will never see the light of day. Neither will it be implemented, since nobody has the power or the currency to do it. This is why these are documents and plans made for the multi-national development banks and UN Organizations to fund and fill in the void of the state.

That he now downplays and plays like at this rate everything will be great. It is a play for the dubious people, as he haven’t achieved his promises before and neither will he do now. He has promised wealth and middle-income country status for ages without getting close. That isn’t strange either, as most things can be solved by wheels or vehicles. It is the model of all operations and daily narratives over the years. If you have an issue, either call a security detail or purchase a car for an appointed subject. Therefore, the issue or the problem is resolved immediately. However, that isn’t governing, but running a huge car-lot.

This is maybe why he feels it’s a hassle or a disturbance to have plans to follow. Since these cannot be rigged, tampered with or changed to whatever purpose he has in the now. The measures, stipulations and pledges is written “in stone” and cannot be amended before you have another plan to takeover from the previous plan. While the demand and the ideals of the old man might change with time. Secondly, he has new cronies and a larger patronage to take care of as well. All of this is all indulging the possibility of implementing such a large scale plan. In addition, the running deficits and expenses are not creating opportunities to change things. Alas, he don’t have the space to do it. Because, he has inflated the state to such a scale, which makes it hard to redeem at this point.

Hitherto lays the disarray of the whole thing. It isn’t the technocrats or bureaucrats fault that the Vision 2040 isn’t fulfilled. These folks only works on the mandate delivered to them and the office of which someone appointed them. Alas, the inept government is created by creating even more offices than it needs. Needless to say, someone has to feed the NRM Primaries losers after every election and the old stalwarts needs a envelope to be loyal to the cause. This is why there will be expenses and lack of implementation of anything. The incentives are not there and the economy isn’t up to par.

I didn’t expect when the launch of Vision 2040 that it would be implemented or delivered. That’s why they had previously not followed or tried hard to achieve the previous ones. This is just what they do. Make fashionable statements and huge plans to seek funding for a lofty or bloated ideals, which will never see the light of day. Just like all the financing and donations to a new headquarters for the NRM. That we haven’t seen either, but just epically appears ahead of the elections. As the NRM needs a treasury chest to pay all parties and everyone aligned with it’s goals ahead of the polls.

Therefore, when Museveni speaks ill of Vision 2040. Don’t be sad or grieve. It wasn’t made for the republic, but to fools some Americans and Europeans to dole a lot of funds on wasteful project with no future. Except for keeping a busy-body very-busy at an development office in Kampala. Peace.

Opinion: Is Bobi Wine’s 5 Point Programme a revitalized 10 Point Programme?

We are now in 2020 and Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine is a rising star. His popularity is rising. To say otherwise is naive. The National Unity Platform (NUP) and the People Power Movement has a new grand stand. However, is he using the same formula as his arch-enemy and dictator, President Museveni?

I have looked through the Ten Point Programme twice and can easily say that President Museveni and National Resistance Movement (NRM) never finished it. They promised something huge and compact. However, they implemented a few, but lost their aim on several of the points. Nevertheless, the President and his cronies will say its the launching pad and there been other plans to follow it up. Still, the legacy of President has been depleted, because he gave way for his opening pledges in the 10 point programme. Will Bobi Wine’s do the same?

Bobi Wine’s 5 Points:

    1. Restoration of true Democracy, Rule of law and Human rights.
    2. Revival of the Health system.
    3. Revival of the Education system.
    4. Agricultural revival, land and natural resource management.
    5. National reconciliation and Unity.

Museveni’s 10 Points:

1. Democracy.

2. Security.

3. Consolidation of National security and elimination of all forms of sectarianism.

4. Defending and consolidating National Independence.

5. Building an independent, integrated and self-sustaining national economy.

6. Restoration and improvement of Social services and the rehabilitation of the war-ravaged areas. 7. Elimination of corruption and misuse of power.

8. Redressing errors that have resulted in the dislocation of sections of the population and improvement of others.

9. Co-operation with other African countries in defending human and democratic rights of our brothers in other parts of Africa.

10. Following an economic strategy of mixed economy.

If you look through the plans on just the headlines. You can see they are similar. They got the same sort of objectives. They are about the state, citizens and the liberties of them all. It’s about ensuring freedom, liberty and justice for all citizens. Also ensuring the basic functions and government functions are there to serve the citizens. This is all similar between them.

That is why the Bobi Wine’s 5 Points is a revised 10 Point Plan. It has the same sort of structure and has similar objectives. It is really weird that after 34 years power. The new rising star and the biggest challenger is re-issuing a revitalized programme, which you came into power with. That shows also how Museveni has failed. Why do I say that?

If someone is looking into the same issues 30 years later and see those as undone. Than, you know you have failed in office. That Bobi Wine are having similarities to Museveni here. It is not strange, as Museveni have become a full fledged tyrant and using the armed forces at his whim. That is why, Bobi Wine has to fight the same struggle as Museveni did in 1980s. Maybe, Bobi Wine isn’t in the bush, but the way the he will fight a rigged election and law enforcement. That will be in the same veins. Where Museveni is using the tricks of the ones he overthrew back-in-the-day.

This is why its sad we are in 2020 and Bobi Wine deems it fit for a revitalized 10 Point Programme, which he has coined the 5 Point Programme. Peace.