Opinion: The Tories should settle in Kigali

Now that Rwanda is a “safe” country the first thing the Conservative Party should do is to have a Party Office and assemble their party there. That’s is if the people in Whitehall and the representatives of the Tories believe their own legislation. Because, they are accepting and legitimizing a violent dictatorship.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Home Secretary James Cleverly can act like this is an achievement. Nevertheless, the only thing they have done is turning a leaf and living in an alternative reality. It won’t change the facts on the ground and how the regime operates in Kigali.

It is like the Tories don’t know how Paul Kagame runs his party and government. That they haven’t gotten the memo of how he silences critics and dissidents. The way he ensnare the public domain and expect total obedience. That’s their leader and who they are entrusting the refugees too. A guy who kills with ease and silence the ones who are in his way. This is the place they call “safe” and will transfer asylum seekers too.

The United Kingdom is a fallen empire. They are a tragic sort of Kingdom and nation. The Tories should better, but they don’t have the heart. They rather use this as an example and deterrent. Therefore, the Rwandan Safety Bill is just to ensure enough political capital. While they have vilified boats entering the Kingdom for ages too.

The Tories are accepting the dictator and his throne. They are in the mercy of Kagame. That is done because of the treaty and they are willing to accept his thirst for blood. They are now allies with a warlord and a kingpin. The Tories are now brothers with the Pilato. A man of wisdom and usage of violence to gain power. This is who they are and that’s where they trust the most weakest of them all. The ones fleeing wars, starvation and conflict. Those are sent to another place of uncertainty.

That’s why Tories should go and live in Rwanda. If they believe it’s safe. They should stay there and act like it’s the United Kingdom. If they can change the status over a law. They should just start to live and enjoy the perks of Kigali. That’s what they should do. These people should relocate and live in Rwanda. If they did so… they would set an example and prove it for a fact. However, we know the British wouldn’t do that and rather go elsewhere for a safe-haven. Let us not kid ourselves shall we…

The Tories are just willing to be cruel, serve injustice and doing so to serve the far-right within its own territories. The regime in Kigali is willing as it is cheap trade-off and can get legitimacy by the foolishness of London. That’s why this treaty was signed and the Tories did a fools errand. They are now in the hands of Kagame. The Tories should check everything his been up too and what is his legacy.

However, we know the Tories just want to scaremonger and be vile. Because there is no humanity in this and they are taking away the rights to seek asylum for a few. The few they are willing to send on planes to Kigali. That’s what they are up too and not taking into account the realities on the ground. This selfishness and disgusting behaviour, which no one should accept.

Now the Tories are gambling on the best behaviour of a dictatorship. They are bending the knees to Kagame and giving him a merciful chant. That’s who they are and we are all seeing it. Peace.

Opinion: UK MPs can now make up facts [as Rwanda became a “safe” country over a vote]

2 Safety of the Republic of Rwanda (1) Every decision-maker must conclusively treat the Republic of Rwanda as a safe country” (Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill, 2023).

The legislators or Members of Parliament in London has massive powers. They are a unique breed of people. These people has the ideals and the charisma to make up facts. It is so blatant and disregard of the realities on the ground. The Conservative Party and the ones in power can just say whatever they want and make into a law. That’s what they are doing now…

The United Kingdom or the His Majesties Government isn’t fact-based anymore or needs to study or have verifiable sources for its decisions. They can just write things out of thin air. If the MPs says the sky is constantly “pink”. The law says the sky is pink, so nobody believe if it is grey or blue. No, the sky is pink. That’s what they are doing and it’s depressing.

The Rwandan government aren’t know for their positive human rights records, prison conditions, open society or free speech. Neither is the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) friendly to dissidents, real opposition or even activists. If you dare to speak out or even challenge the ones in power. It will cost you and possibly your life too. Therefore, the MPs of United Kingdom is out of line here. The dead of Kigali and in the provinces speaks for themselves, but they aren’t recognized in London. That’s for sure…

We are seeing a new era in politics. The Sunak government isn’t fact-based or oriented in reality. No, it is just fictitious and whatever that fits a political purpose. It doesn’t have to make or sense or be real. The ones lingering in prison for insulting, infuriating or writing cartoons of Kagame. Well, they deserved it and because they are behind bars. That’s why the nation is free and safe. Neither does it matter that intelligence officers and military attaches has assassinated people or poisoned them to death. No, it’s all safe folks. Nothing to see here…

The Tories are really heartless and lack sense here. They cannot believe these words and what they voted for. It isn’t the truth and they should know it, but we know that won’t matter. It is the principal of extraditing asylum-seekers and use that as a deterrent to enter the Kingdom. That’s all that matters and who cares about the human rights violations anyway…

This is how we can perceive this and now the MPs can do this with other stuff too. They can vote in the Spaghetti Gods and the Illuminati as members within their chambers. Certainly, they can become creative and make up a lot of stuff now. Which won’t be real, but good enough for the Tories. That’s what they have told the world and we listen. Peace.

United Kingdom: The European Research Group’s Legal Advisory Committee “The Star Chamber” – Opinon on the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill (11.12.2023)

Rwanda: All For Rwanda – All For Rwanda Calls for Comprehensive Approach in Light of Concerning UK-Rwanda Migration Patnership (08.12.2023)

United Kingdom: Priti Patel MP letter to outgoing Prime Minister Boris Johnson MP (05.09.2022)

United Kingdom: Joint Committee on Human Rights letter to Home Secretary Priti Patel MP on the Rwanda-UK Asylum-Agreement (21.07.2022)

Opinion: Patel would have blocked her own parents from entering the United Kingdom

Home Secretary Priti Patel and her Home Office would with today’s rules and laws blocked her own parents from entering the United Kingdom. This means, if the rules that she has set fourth and made into law would make it impossible for her to become a Member of Parliament and Minister. That says something about how draconian the laws has become.

The newest Immigration Bill will make it impossible and illegal for refugees and asylum-seekers, which doesn’t come through resettlement schemes. That means the ones who flee war, famine and political prosecution faces not only lack of protection and neither able to re-unit with their families. The ones helping the refugees and asylum-seekers are also facing the law.

We also know that the United Kingdom, the Tories and Patel has in addition signed an agreement for “offshore” operation in Rwanda. This is all in combination and shows the viciousness towards immigrants in the United Kingdom. The UK who has at one point colonized nations, islands and whatnot across the world. Is now blocking the world from coming home.

Patel and the Conservative Party of the UK is showing it’s lack of tolerance, respect and value of life. As they are so openly cruel, inhumane and so deeply flawed. This is really an attack on immigration, the rights of asylum-seekers and refugees.

That is the plan and aims of this, as they are wanting to have laws to ensure the asylum-seekers and the ones coming can be detained, returned or sent to a Third-Country instead of getting visa or become naturalised into the United Kingdom. Because, with this sort of laws, the UK is legitimately only allow the ones with paper or ability to file it really. Unless, they are allowed through the processing of the United Nations. While the rest can be sent away or be destined to uncertainty in Rwanda. This is how it seems and what they are willing to do.

The United Kingdom is clearly becoming unfriendly and an island fortress. Because, it is really rich to know that the parents of Patel wouldn’t have gotten through this system. She is basically targeting her own and the kind who came before. This would have blocked the Windrush Generation and others who has come to the UK.

That is just showing how the UK has become. This a result of the independence after Brexit, as the European Union (EU) wouldn’t have accepted these rules and neither would the EU organizations. It is just bound to happen and would have become hostile between Brussels and London. Now, it is just London against the world. While the UK has to adhere to the Withdrawal Agreement with the EU. Nevertheless, the UK and the Tories shows how heartless they are.

People thought the UK-Rwanda deal was a just a one-time thing. No, it is a part of system and legality of which the Tories are changing things. Patel and her Home Office just shows what they are willing to do. This is people in need, fleeing and trying to get away to a safe place. The UK isn’t that place, but a new hostile environment.

The Tories, Patel and everyone who aides the London Government right now. Just shows their insincerity and how they are not concerned about the plights of the asylum-seekers or refugees. The UK is showing the world what sort of state it is, as they want to ensure only the allocated or the ones they are abided to keep after international law is getting there. The rest is after own needs and not if people need protection. Because, they can be easily banished or blocked from entry, possibly even arrested or arrest the one giving them shelter. Also, ensuring the asylum-seeker doesn’t try to or is able to bring his-or-her family to re-unite in the UK.

If that isn’t telling and showing what sort of government there is in London right now. Nothing is and its vicious, brutal and inhumane. That’s who is ruling and running the Home Office right now. A sort of person that is making laws, which her own family and parents would have become qualified to enter. If that isn’t saying something. Nothing is… remember that. Patel’s own family wouldn’t get entry or get visa to the UK in 2022. Yes, they came before these laws and such, but it sets a precedence. Peace.

United Kingdom: Reverend Dr. Guli Francis-Dehqani, Bishop of Cheimsford letter to Home Secretary Priti Patel MP (18.04.2022)

United Kingdom – Rwanda MoU: Proves that the banishing of the asylum-seeker was the order of the day!

h. “Relocate” means the removal of an asylum seeker from the United Kingdom to Rwanda under this Arrangement” (Memorandum of Understanding between the government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the government of the Republic of Rwanda for the provision of an asylum partnership arrangement, 14.04.2022).

If you ever thought the arrangement between the United Kingdom and Rwanda was for the betterment of humanity or for the justice to asylum-seekers. I hate to tell it to you… but this deal or Memorandum of Understanding only shows what sort of plan is at play. The Tories and the HM Government have ensured the asylum-seekers are sent and “relocated” to Rwanda. So, that they are banished from their territory and only the ones who they request for will be available to return to United Kingdom. However, that doesn’t seem to be a real possibility in this.

I have just taken a few paragraphs and sentences from the MoU between the nations and it states very clear what the objective and the ideals of it is. We can wonder, if anyone will be lucky to return to the United Kingdom or even be considered for a request. That sounds like a stipulation only made to ensure some legal grounds and possibility, which will not be enforced. Since, the agreement is about directly “relocating” people from the UK to Rwanda. Not the other way around…

The objective of this Arrangement is to create a mechanism for the relocation of asylum seekers whose claims are not being considered by the United Kingdom, to Rwanda, which will process their claims and settle or remove (as appropriate) individuals after their claim is decided, in accordance with Rwanda domestic law, the Refugee Convention, current international standards, including in accordance with international human rights law and including the assurances given under this Arrangement” (Memorandum of Understanding between the government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the government of the Republic of Rwanda for the provision of an asylum partnership arrangement, 14.04.2022).

In order to expedite the process of relocation to Rwanda in a timely manner, the United Kingdom will be responsible for the initial screening of asylum seekers, before relocation to Rwanda occurs in accordance with this Arrangement. This process will start without delay after the prospective relocated person arrives in the United Kingdom and has come to the attention of the United Kingdom” (…) “The United Kingdom will arrange the Relocated Individual’s transport to Rwanda and will ensure that all the necessary authorisations have been obtained from the relevant authorities of the United Kingdom, any countries of transit and Rwanda in relation to the traffic of commercial or chartered flights or other means of transport” (…) “Following a request made by the United Kingdom, Rwanda will take all reasonable steps in accordance with international human rights standards to make a Relocated Individual available for return to the United Kingdom should the United Kingdom be legally obliged to facilitate that person’s return” Memorandum of Understanding between the government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the government of the Republic of Rwanda for the provision of an asylum partnership arrangement, 14.04.2022).

This here agreement is made to ensure asylum-seekers and people seeking refugee in the United Kingdom can be sent to Rwanda. The agreement specifies that and it’s obvious about that too. There is no denying in that.

We know that the Tories don’t mind the regime and their lack of concerns of their human rights abuses. The Tories don’t mind how the opposition, dissidents or even government critics gets handled in Rwanda. Because, the Tories with this here deal gets to send their unwanted people packing and with a destination in mind. Where they have to take care and find homes for. That is what is in the deal and this here MoU.

They don’t care if the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) is known for silencing, murdering or assassinating the ones who strays from their path. No, that they pay no mind or isn’t concerned about. We know the Tories just want people gone from their borders and sent packing.

This is why the UK is screening them before sending them away. That means the processing will not be happening after that and most likely not return to the UK. This was the plan all along… Rwanda to takeover the burden of the people or asylum-seekers that the UK doesn’t want. Peace.

Opinion: Boris is clueless about Rwanda…

And let’s be clear, Rwanda is one of the safest countries in the world, globally recognised for its record on welcoming and integrating migrants” – Prime Minister Boris Johnson (14.04.2022).

It is really weird and out of this world that the British Prime Minister in 2022 says Rwanda is one of the safest countries in the world. What is even more striking is that the Travel Advice from the UK government mentions street crimes does occur and asks tourists to be vigilant (Updated on the 12 April 2022). While you should be worried and concerned about the security situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi, as violent armed attacks can happen. Especially, in Nyungwe Forrest and Volcanoes National Park or travel near DRC/Burundi border regions. So, just by reading the own travel advice on “Rwanda” it cannot be seen as safe as he states.

We know that President Paul Kagame rules with an iron fist. He has no mercy and can easily silence anyone. It doesn’t even matter if the individual who has offended him or challenged him is living in the diaspora. The Rwandan government will come after you and take you down. That’s why it’s like the Tories have closed their eyes for this and just praises Kigali.

It is like Johnson doesn’t know how the elections are or how the voices of dissent is silenced. I don’t think he cares and only wants an easy way out. The migrants and asylum seekers can be shipped to Kigali and then left to fight for their own. Since, they we’re dumb enough to go and try to find shelter in London.

Like when he said this: “This is particularly perverse as those attempting crossings, are not directly fleeing imminent peril as is the intended purpose of our asylum system. They have passed through manifestly safe countries, including many in Europe, where they could – and should – have claimed asylum” (Johnson, 14.04.2022).

So, when someone has achieved that and struggled to get to Dover or whatever. What is meeting them is a ticket straight to Kigali and Rwanda. A country of human rights violations and a bloody dictatorship under President Kagame.

For the ones fleeing to safety and to a possible safe-haven, from conflict, famine and destruction in their homes. They are sent to a place of no free press, no free speech and no liberty. In a place of one-man rules all and his words are law. A place where Kagame is the demi-God and you are not even allowed to make political cartoons of the man. Heck, if you compose critical songs or whatnot. You can expect a terrible demise or a sudden death. If you try to compete in an election against him. Expect to lose your businesses, livelihood and become a “criminal”. Because, the state will target you and you will lose everything. That is the price of challenging Kagame.

It’s really weird that Boris Johnson says this about Rwanda. As he continues to praise them even further: “And that is what I think is most exciting about the partnership we have agreed with Rwanda today because we believe it will become a new international standard in addressing the challenges of global migration and people smuggling. So I am grateful for Rwanda’s leadership and partnership and we stand ready to work with other nations on similar agreements, as well as wider reforms to the international asylum framework” (Johnson, 14.04.2022).

He is speaking of this like it is a brilliant idea. It is a reckless and disgusting policy. As he blames other nations for not taking them in. As the asylum-seekers should have applied in other nations of Europe before going to the United Kingdom. While his praising the greatness of Rwanda, which isn’t true. The dying dissidents, the modus operandi of arbitrary arrests, torture and extra judicial killings. Should be a slight concern for anyone transferring migrants and asylum-seekers in dire need.

However, for Boris and his government… this sort of deal and agreement is groundbreaking. Because, he is able to stick this problem on Rwanda and they have to shelter these people. Who comes unannounced and who has dared to flee their respective countries to get into safety on the British islands. No, they are not worthy, only the ones who goes through UN Organizations or the ones who are able to meet the stipulations of the Home Office can get shelter in the UK. That’s how it sounds and the ones coming by boats will be sent on a “one-way-ticket” to Kigali.

You can really wonder what is going on in London. As they are willing to break with humanity and become this cruel. Where they are not understanding the plights and the reasons for why people flee. Take the dangerous trips and try to enter the UK.

No, there is no concern over that and sending the ones fleeing dictatorship, war and famine. Those are the ones your sending to another dictatorship. Such a Noble enterprise of the United Kingdom. That’s how callus and heartless the Tories are these days. Peace.