Opinion: Chamelone is a waste of time…

The musician Joseph Mayanja aka Dr. Jose Chameleone is not worthy of our time. He is just showing his purpose and why he became a politician. The whole time of the elections just to toy around and play a game. He was a pawn and wasn’t sincere.

That’s why his in the family and the prodigal son the Movement. His heart is yellow and a man of the President. Some of us has been saying this all along. While he was busy scheming in the Democratic Party (DP), Alliance for National Transformation (ANT) and in the National Unity Platform (NUP).

Chameleone was just doing this to play his part, but he was never invested in it. Not like he was campaigning for Museveni or for the Movement. He wants so badly to be recognized and be respected in the National Resistance Movement (NRM).

The musician is getting some cheap token gifts and some monetary gains. However, the man wants true acknowledgement. That’s why he speaks ill of the NUP now. Even though he was never a real deal and the NUP saw that. This is why he wasn’t able to get on their ticket.

Chameleone had a spot ready in the DP and he even toyed around with ANT too. So, it is not like was loyal to anyone. He was just fishing around and trying to find the best outfit to look legit. While he shows he has no integrity or moral compass.

The Dr. Jose is willing to do anything to look like something his not. Say words and statements to look like an opposition. When deep down he would never betray or be behind the flag-bearers of the opposition parties in question. That is how devious this man is and shows what token soldier he is.

Chameleone is just a toy-soldier for the yellow. As he wanted to look like a “changed man” but was just a front. He was fake and a phony. His a real bitch of the President and ready to bend his knee for him too.

Therefore, if he tries this again. No that no one should believe it. This trick is played out and he should just join the parade of influencers supporting Muhoozi. This man should just be by the side of NRM and the President.

He is not conflicted, but a man who knows where the pocket is secure. Chamelone knows where his home is and where the shillings are doled out from. That is why he will always “return” and be “loyal” to him. Because that cause pays and the other places he has to fight. A fight that doesn’t matter to him and his heart isn’t in it.

He rather eats the spoils with the tyrant and dine with his thieves. No matter what he does now. Never believe his acts or his moves politically. That’s a waste of time and his just another Yellow pawn playing second fiddle to act like an “opposition”. Later he will return back and everything will go back to “normal”. Peace.

Opinion: Chameleone was always yellow and was never even green…

The singer was speaking at an event organized by Toyota Nuwagira when he went on record to say, he has never left the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM). “My greatest witness can be Mr. Toyota, my friend, I am still your family, I have never left NRM. If you doubt that, put up your cameras and record me. I am still NRM,” Chameleone said” (Crispus Mugisha – ‘Chameleone develops weak knees in front of Museveni’s brother, says he has never left NRM’ 20.09.2021, Nilepost.ug).

Dr. Jose Chameleone aka Joseph Mayanja shows his true colours. Instead of lying and acting insincere, which was his deal in 2020 and early 2021 before the general election. At one point he was the Democratic Party Mobilizer before he went to try to be the Lord Mayoral Candidate for the National Unity Platform (NUP). However, he was blocked and wasn’t allowed to stand as a candidate in the NUP. That is maybe forgotten, but Chameleone had a longer stay in Norbert Mao’s party than under the wings of Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine.

This is why Chameleone is only showing that his yellow. Some of us said that and never trusted this man. Now the likes of us is vindicated. He is a man of the President and he would easily take a paid check by the tyrant.

Dr. Jose would easily trade his integrity and his moral judgement to participate in campaign rallies. Not to talk about being one of the main stars in a gig-song for the Movement. That is the sort of fella he is and nobody should ever think otherwise. The man congratulated Museveni after “winning” in 2016. It is not like he changed that quick and would suddenly be defiant.

The ones who believed that was sadly fooled and mocked. Mao should feel betrayed and played by Chameleone. Unless, Mao has made secret deals to be a “fake” opposition party. That is something for another day, but he had several of questionable candidates in the recent election and not only giving Chameleone a big platform in the party.

The yellow should be happy how this man could be used and play around. He could even test these parties and toy around with a grift of a campaign. This man was never true to his cause or political ambition.

I said he was Yellow and now he verifies it himself. I even had a headline stating this in July 2019: “Chameleone isn’t green, his heart bleads yellow!”. This is all true and anyone questioning it is foolish.

It was all a lie, as he said this the same year: “This is a new crusade. They branded us thugs but it was because we trusted them and they left us poor. In 1986, I was like 6 or 7 years when they took over and welcomed him(Museveni) as our darling but has let us down and people have lost hope in the country” (Jose Chameleone, 16.07.2019).

So, he just shows how fake he is and says what he needs to say to be in character. Dr. Jose is willing to lie to play a role, but when reality hits the fan. We just know his another yellow fellow. The yellow is all in his heart. Chameleone is a man of the President and it’s all clear as day. The time in DP and trying to be a mayoral candidate in NUP was a fraud.

It is now proven and the ones following this man. Has to now that he is willing to be fake and be a pawn for the Movement. Peace.

Opinion: Nabilah it isn’t the process, but its all on you

Nabilah Naggayi Sempala is most likely coming third in the Lord Mayoral Race of Kampala. Incumbent Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago seems to be supreme yet again. Even as Lukwago has gone all the way from the Democratic Party (DP) to become a Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) candidate. However, that has been in the wood-works for so long, as his been a steady ally of Dr. Kizza Besigye. Therefore, the political change in the sense of Lukwago is a manner of integrity.

While Nabilah who has gone from the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) where she had been the Kampala Woman MP and now went into the election with a bogus method. There is nothing that make it seem legit from the outside. Yes, the FDC wasn’t all good with process and the agreements made with Lukwago. Just like Nabilah didn’t want to challenge Dr. Stella Nyanzi. Who also came third in the race for Kampala Woman MP on the 14th January 2021.

Nevertheless, Nabilah is questioned for her actions and her meal-ticket ways. I was against her standing for the National Unity Platform (NUP) for Lord Mayor. That wasn’t because of Latif Ssebagala who was first vetted to be the Lord Mayoral Candidate for the NUP. He dropped out and instead decided to stand as an Independent. Nevertheless, that man lost his election as Independent too. As the NUP candidate won that election in that Constituency, where Latif was the incumbent MP.

The NUP did in their first round of vetting ensure Latif, but they did also drop Jose Chameleone who also wanted to be the Lord Mayoral Candidate. Who had gone from being the DP Mobilizer to become a NUP Member. Still, the NUP didn’t take him in or give him an opportunity. No, they ditched him.

Instead with all of this. The now outcast within the FDC, Nabilah suddenly went over to NUP and became the appointed Lord Mayoral Candidate. So, the whole process was hectic. Nabilah had already tried to get her way in the FDC. But, that didn’t work out and she tried to challenge the one who had secret agreement within the FDC.

That didn’t work out, apparently. The voters doesn’t trust Nabilah. That isn’t because of the NUP. It is because of how Nabilah is playing around at election time. Nabilah did the same in 2016. When she was jumping between stages with Mbabazi (Go Forward), President Museveni and returning to the nomination of Besigye (FDC).

So, if people looking for someone to believe in or think they are working for something bigger then themselves. Then the likes of Nabilah isn’t the character you think off. She is trying to finesse the game and get ahead. Trying to find her place to ensure a secure office. Not that the office or service matters. As long as she is part of a movement with momentum. That is why she double dipped and suddenly turned red from blue over night.

What is really striking is that Daniel Kazibwe, the NRM Lord Mayor came before Nabilah. The Salim Selah operative is more popular and supported then Nabilah. This is from the same city she has represented as Woman MP and they don’t see her as viable.

This is the third term of Lukwago and second party doing it. He shows strength and that the city believes in him. The way Kampala politics is… they need a veteran and someone who knows the hectic mess, President Museveni have made. That has been done to clear oversight and to many chefs in the kitchen.

Nabilah can cry foul, but she should know its all on her. A cynical meal-ticket politician who has been revealed and she doesn’t have the ability to change. The only thing she can do is to create headlines, but not be a loved character. It is actually tragic, but she should look into herself and maybe do some soul searching before she finds a new home. Peace.

Kampala Lord Mayoral Race: DP sends in their third aspirant now!

What is happening within the Democratic Party and what is up with the leadership of Norbert Mao? I just got to ask. Because, this all started with Joseph Mayanja aka Jose Chameleone. He was the supposed Lord Mayoral Candidate after Erias Lukwago went to the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC).

Alas, he went away and the DP had to get someone else. In early September the shocking pick of outside forces went to Beatrice Kayanja. However, by early October, the party and herself found out that she wasn’t eligible. Therefore, the party had to look out for someone else again.

Today, there is a sudden rise of a Charles James Senkubuge as the Lord Mayoral Aspirant for the DP party. His nicknamed Siasa, a veteran dramatist. Who at one point ran as a Presidential Candidate, but bowed out only after a month. The man has also been a radio presenter on Radio Simba as well. He has worked in SALT Media, working in radio and television for Pastor Bugingo. In July 2017 he retired from the stage himself.

However, now this man has returned to politics. Instead of seeking the highest office. The dramatist wants to enter the stage of Lord Mayor. He wants to make a fool out of Lukwago. However, I think that’s a fools play. He is bound to loose at this point. Just like all the others aiming at him. That is what Latif Ssebagala already have understood.

The newest recruit and actor, the former Presidential candidate, comedian and one who feared and was intimidated to drop-out in 2001. His back and wants to run against Lukwago. The third aspirant of the DP. That is how much the DP is fishing.

Senkubuge isn’t a winning ticket, but finally a ticket indeed. The DP maybe have another wild-card. Who will be as useful as Ragga Dee. Instead of being a direct musician, the DP can spread jokes and drama. He can even mock Nabilah Naggayi Sempala.

If people should take him seriously? Well, I won’t, because his a side-show. A sort of mockery of it all. The punchline on stage, but not the man to behind. He even said he stood for the KCC and not the KCCA in a statement. The man isn’t aware that the KCC is defunct for awhile. Therefore, this man is only small player on a giant stage.

This man isn’t prepared for this. If you felt Chameleone didn’t know what he was doing and jumping erratic around. Senkubuge won’t be any different. Only difference is that the DP has him as an aspirant.

What else can we say?

Maybe close the curtain and stop the show. Peace.

Lord Mayoral Aspirants of Kampala: Two lucky losers [because of Latif Ssebagala]

I am still a NUP member much as the party has decided someone else to contest for the same position. I decided to defy the party to come as an Independent after I was denied a card for NUP…The city is not looking for an Opposition leader. It needs a capable leader who will be able to promote development and come up with strategies to create jobs for the youths” Jose Chameleone (Job Bwire – ‘I support Bobi Wine but I’ve my ambitions, says Jose Chameleone’ 01.10.2020).

The National Unity Platform (NUP) have accepted and endorsed Nabilah Naggayi Sempala MP as the Lord Mayoral Aspirant for Kampala. That happened after the first round of nominations where MP Latif Ssebagala dropped out of the day after getting the nomination. In that race to become the Lord Mayoral Aspirant for the NUP, one of them was Joseph Manyanja aka Jose Chameleone.

Chameleone lost to Ssebagala. However, he dropped out as he wanted the Opposition to have a joint candidate in Kampala. That is something the NUP didn’t accept, as they want to challenge the status quo and go after the incumbent Erias Lukwago.

It is ironic that the NUP has Sempala MP as the Flag-Bearer as she intended to run for the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) for the same role. Alas, she was blocked first because of the agreement between FDC and Lukwago. Later, Lukwago got nominated directly when he shifted parties and became a FDC Member. Therefore, Sempala bears grudges, as she knows she would struggle to defend her place as Woman MP against Dr. Stella Nyanzi. This is why she fled the FDC for NUP.

So, Sempala has found herself a new home. However, her campaign now is more throwing a tantrums against her former party. It is understandable that she is hurt. Nevertheless, she has jumped ships before and returned home. This time it seems more permanent. While it will be fruitless.

I doubt with the standing Lukwago has, that he will be defeated this time around. He has the gravitas and the field for himself. The man has won twice and could easily do it again. The NRM sending Ragga Dee is just mockery of the race. Because, they know they cannot win it.

Chameleone running as independent with the People Power sticker will not make significant change. He will maybe steal votes for Sempala, but not take away from Lukwago. That is why they are both lucky losers.

Chameleone and Sempala are running a race to the bottom. It is just a matter of how fast it will happen. Chameleone could have run on the DP Ticket, but he ditched that and they have another candidate in his stead. Sempala couldn’t face Lukwago and Nyanzi in the FDC. Therefore, she needed to run somewhere. That just happened to be NUP.

Neither of Chameleone or Sempala are people who are trustworthy in the public. They are looking like meal-ticket politicians. When it quack like a ducks and sounds like a duck, it is most likely a duck. These two are that by all definition. These are not people serving the interests or trying to conceal it even.

This is why, if I have faith in the people living in Kampala. They are seeing the same and doesn’t want to waste their votes. Yes, the NUP is a power for change and wanting to dismantle the NRM. However, a person like Sempala isn’t the trick. She will bend wherever she needs to get in office. Chameleone will do the same and that is why he has switched so quickly too.

That is why these two are not it. They are not showing anything in manifestos or pledges. Except, they are the magic potion to fix everything…. I don’t believe that, but that is the play they are playing. Peace.

Opinion: NUP blocked Chameleone, so they should block Naggayi Sempala too!

In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.”Napoleon Bonaparte

I find the stages of the second round of aspirants for the Lord Mayoral position Kampala to be obnoxious already. This is the second party to make a fool out of itself by the first round about it. Dodging several of candidates and having the main candidate Latif Ssebagala dropping out of the race to favour Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) Erias Lukwago.

Nabilah Naggayi Sempala shouldn’t get this National Unity Platform ticket. She has already gone for it in the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC). Already, dropped out her incumbent-seat of Kampala Woman MP. Where she would meet head-on with Dr. Stella Nyanzi. A race she knew would be tougher than ever before. Therefore, dropping out before even trying.

In that regard, she has been fishing for relevance after losing both the option of becoming the Lord Mayoral Aspirant in the FDC and losing the Kampala Woman MP candidacy too. This while she has been throwing shade against her party since 2018.

In the previous election cycle she was also fishing a secure ticket and party. She was running around with Go-Forward one day and the day after running back to the FDC. That happen in 2015. Not a to far distance time, but enough that people have forgotten that.

So, Nabilah is clearly shopping a seat. She is fixated in being in this race. Even, if by most margins and levels of trust. The way she has used her platform and her political games. We can see, that she is savvy, but only for personal gains. She is not there for service delivery or pushing any agenda.

That is why she can cry havoc and bring all the tears. As she was out manoeuvred in the FDC earlier in the year. However, now in the second round of nominations for Lord Mayoral Aspirants. She suddenly shows up…

We know she has been vying for this for months. Alas, it is because her own seat was suddenly contested and she wouldn’t even try to face Dr. Nyanzi. Nevertheless, the same person thinks she’s capable of bringing down incumbent Lukwago. Which is foolish to begin with.

Nabilah’s case within the NUP is as strong as Jose Chamelone was. They are both in it for the same. These people are not in it for the struggle nor the betterment of the Republic. They are there for their livelihood and their own pockets. Chameleone was shopping the best ticket for success. The same is Nabilah now.

That is why Nabilah was waving between Go Forward and FDC in 2015. She wouldn’t be like this, unless she tried to fish in every pond. Hoping people wouldn’t catch onto her game. Alas, we do and the game is getting old.

The reasons for failing to be viable for Chameleone should be nearly the same reasons Naggayi Sempala wouldn’t be up to par. She isn’t it and isn’t even the second best. Neither is she the third best. It would be better to follow Latif example and back Lukwago. Than, send a false prophet. A meal-ticket politician and an empty shell of an politician.

She isn’t in this for the NUP. The NUP is only a platform and a ticket to give her hope. It isn’t done for Kampala. Neither is it done to help the opposition. She just needs a home and fast. Suddenly, ditched the FDC and became NUP overnight.

Nabilah is cutting it, unless the NUP is fine with a sell-out. However, then they could have just settled with Chameleone in the first place. Peace.

Opinion: Chameleone is now without a home

Yesterday, the National Unity Platform picked their nominee for the Lord Mayor in Kampala. That happens not to be Joseph Mayanja aka Jose Chameleone lost that one to Latif Ssebagala, the MP for Kawempe North.

Now, Chameleone have gone from National Resistance Movement (NRM) to the Democratic Party (DP) and finally to the National Unity Platform (NUP). Yesterday was a final blow to his campaign. The NRM have picked Ragga Dee, Democratic Party have picked Beatrice Kayanja. Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) have incumbent Erias Lukwago and now the NUP have picked Latif Ssebagala.

The race is settling in now. There aren’t many places to go. Only one will win too. The race is hardened too. There is also the independent Nabilah Naggayi Sempala, who was the Kampala Woman MP for FDC. Chameleone might have to follow the same route now. As all the doors and venues where he had friends is closed.

Chameleone have toyed around in every circle and gotten opportunities, except for the NUP. Where he was barred from entering. He surely should regret leaving the DP and the steady home of Mao. A place where he was a mobilizer and prepared for him. Still, he left that one for the NUP and lost.

Now, we can wonder is his plan ahead. Since, he doesn’t have a chance in the NRM, neither in the DP or in the NUP. Not likely that he joins the Justice Forum, Uganda Federalist Alliance or anything else. I don’t think they have open arms to him either. They have seen how easily he has ditched a party to greener pastures…

Chameleone played the political game, he gambled and apparently lost. This is not shocking, but for someone who has invested in it. He clearly haven’t got much left for his work. The man are now without a home and a base. Just another “independent” candidate in heavy contested field over one seat and one title.

The Lord Mayor of Kampala is only one of. All of these running for it. Only one will get it. Not like they can get various of councillors seats in a local council. It is only one mayor. Chameleone have to beat not only Lukwago, but the rest of the candidates too. Which would be a magical feat in itself. Alas, he will most likely lose no matter what party he represent.

However, he could have someone behind him and make him relevant politically after the race in 2021. Which will not happen now. Now his a single running candidate in a sea of candidates. He might be a known character, but not a trusted one. He has shown his savvy ways and how easily he could shift camps.

Chameleone was a fool for this one. Even if he build parallel structures while aiming at the NUP seat. His still a looser before the race begins. He had a safe bet in the DP. As Lukwago was leaving already. Something that went official. Alas, that wasn’t enough for him and he wanted a bigger flag-ship. Which wasn’t his anyway… Peace.

Opinion: Is the DP dying since they cannot field candidates internally? [Mayoral Aspirant of Kampala]

As of today, the Democratic Party under Party President Norbert Mao has fielded an “independent” candidate on the DP ticket. This is happening for various of reasons. The DP as a party have lost vital members, leaders and lawmakers to other parties. The boat is leaking and there is no intent of stopping the leakage, apparently.

Mao has chosen a person who launched her own campaign back on the 22nd July 2020, Beatrice Kayanja to run as the DP Lord Mayoral Flag-bearer for Kampala in the 2021 General Elections. That is fine in itself. Her acumen as a businesswoman and entrepreneur speaks for herself. Her role as an activist for development and leading a conference to bring business to Uganda speaks for herself. Alas, Beatrice as the person isn’t the issue.

It is the supposed grassroot mobilisation. The party structure and the lack of potential new leaders, which should worry. As the man has dissolved the DP Block, the coalition ahead of the General Election. As it didn’t get the spark and the needed juice to become a TDA or IPC. It just became “hot-air” and got forgotten.

It must be a reason, why the party are picking out a person who has been vocal online and in social media. A person who has already retained her own aspiration for the Lord Mayor and would stand alone doing it. The DP must really be weak to do this. That they cannot find anyone of their members, inside the party and within the DP Kampala to stand as the Lord Mayor.

That is how it seems. Since, they we’re already pushing Joseph Mayanja aka Jose Chameleone as the Lord Mayor, but he ditched the party for NUP. Their previous and incumbent Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago has gone to the FDC. Therefore, the two big-shots, the ones who has a big platform and would be recognized would not stand as the Flag-Bearer this time around.

The fallout of Chameleone must really hurt Mao. As he offered appointments and political capital to him before he went to NUP. It was just the ambition and the meal-ticket politician who left DP for NUP. That wasn’t shocking, but shows that even Mao’s offerings wasn’t that sweet. If it was, a man like Jose would stick around.

You can wonder, why does the oldest party of the Republic got to pick a random candidate of their own? If their was picking outside their own party, why not start negotiations with Nabilah Naggay Sempala, the Woman MP for Kampala? She cannot stand as MP and have been blocked from the FDC. She has a name and is well-known, why go for Beatrice?

That is why the DP is weak. The decisions seems to be short-sighted at best. Yes, it is better to field someone like Sempala MP. If they are believing in the race and wants to invest in it. Use a familiar face and re-issue her as a priced deflector. That would be a bet and show some political game. Not that Sempala MP has any positive reputation and is another one of those who does what it takes during campaigning, but is never seen after the elections. Still, she would have some character into the mix. Not sure what Kayanja will do…

It only shows that the DP doesn’t trust their own and doesn’t promote their own. At least not to the positions that counts. The ones with prestige and honour. There they need the names, the shiny diamonds and the ones who can spark interest. Instead, of considering using own machinery and vet their own. It might have failed in the first run, maybe even in the second. But, when a man or woman campaigns enough and proves their pedigree to the public. They could easily get elected, as they know this activist and this politician isn’t all talk, but actual game too…

Mao seems to have forgotten that and wants to do the quick fix. His fielding someone new. Someone who hasn’t the grand stand, his fielding an “independent” as his own and apparently deliberately so. He has picked a quick fix, gotten Kayanja’s blessing and a agreement to make it happen. Before they did launch it and now made it official. Still, it’s more a gain for Kayanja, than it is for DP. It just makes DP look weak and lack of internal candidates to back-up the needs of the party. Since, they had to pick someone from the outside again to be fielded.

It was first Jose and now Beatrice. Who knows how they fix others, but this is surely not from a place of strength, but of weakness. Peace.

Kampala Lord Mayor Race: Is DP’s Kayanja a wild-card?

Now, the Democratic Party have finally fielded a candidate to become Lord Mayor of Kampala. This being Beatrice Kayanja, a businesswoman who has resided in the United Kingdom and visited the farms of the President in the past. She is now the one taking over for Erias Lukwago on the DP Ticket.

That happens after Jose Chameleone is running on the National Unity Platform (NUP) for Lord Mayor of Kampala. He was previously the DP candidate for this slot, but he moved to NUP instead of DP. That is why the DP needed to find someone else.

As well, as Erias Lukwago officially entered the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) and will be for the first time running for the Lord Mayor on this ticket. While Nabilah Nagayi Ssempala MP, the former Kampala Woman MP for the FDC is running in the same race.

While the NRM might field Ragga Dee again or former Lord Mayor Nasser Ntege Ssebagala. The race is already heavy packed and with Kayanja. Will it make a difference? Has the DP found a successor?

Because, Lord Mayor Lukwago is the incumbent and a respected leader in Kampala. He has a standing and you need to be special to beat him there. That is why the DP needed something refreshing and new to pick up the ante.

This is why they wanted first Chameleone, but he ditched them. Even as he was appointed mobilizer for the DP, but still wasn’t seeing enough options there. That is why he fled to the NUP and has bigger hope for his candidacy there.

While Lukwago was lost… he had already moved on and only made it officially. That is why the Independent Running candidate Kayanja could become a DP Flag-bearer. She officially started her campaign in July, but is announced in September. Meaning she has been campaigning and building up her team for months before Mao rubber-stamps her.

That is why its a race with many characters, but the voters and the public has to see who they will trust. The DP is for the ones who are willing. The FDC got a winner, the NRM might field former losers or even stalwarts of the party. Because, the opposition has a stronghold of the capital. That is why the President has disrespected the leadership there for so long.

Kayanja is a wild-card. Do I believe she will win? No, but she is a fresher in this field. She has to make herself relevant in the eyes of the nation and in the capital. The DP have captured someone who has already started and can build on that. However, they are also showing that they didn’t have any internal candidates to field. As they just snapped and communicated with an “independent” to make them officially part of the team. That should worry the ones who are behind the DP banner.

Enough for today. Still a long time to the polls. Peace.

Opinion: I don’t trust Chameleone’s mission in the NUP…

Joseph Mayanja aka Jose Chameleone only last year left the National Resistance Movement (NRM). The man of the President. A man who has participated in rallies and singed songs for the regime for years. Suddenly last year in early July 2019 joined the Democratic Party and Mao gave him the role of Chief Mobilizer.

Today, he was announced as the Lord Mayoral Aspirant for Kampala for the National Unity Platform. Which means that Chameleone have within a year gone from the NRM to DP and final destination NUP.

Gone all red from yellow and for a hot minute green. This man is doing everything. Maybe by the time of 2021 he will try to join FDC. Just so he can say he was blue as well. No, I am just kidding. He will not go there, as he will not challenge incumbent Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago. Who has also left the DP for another party.

For Bobi Wine this isn’t a victory. This here isn’t something to celebrate. Even if Bobi Wine is cheering and smiling as he welcomes Chameleone to the team. By all means, this yet another back handed slap at the DP. However, this man is just trying to find a flag to be relevant under. Chameleone doesn’t seem legit.

Nothing about his time in politics seems sincere. He is now red on the outside, but I still believe his yellow on the inside. Sort of like a mango. He should sing songs for Uganda Telecom and Splash. Not be a Lord Mayoral candidate. I cannot think of anything he stands for or cares about. Unless, leeching on whatever that is popping at any given moment.

This man has today gotten an easier ride without really having to struggle to do so. His just getting the umbrella, but without any real cost. Not like Chameleone have really invested time or energy in the DP. It is like everything he does is a publicity stunt.

Chameleone got to go head to head with Lukwago now. The others will not be in the same bracket. His the Ragga Dee of NUP. I don’t see how they will beat the two times Lord Mayor and former MP.

So, he wants to recreate himself again. This time in the vision of NUP and be under the wings of Bobi Wine. Because, he understands that there is little to no wheels helping the road ahead in DP. This is why he fled the scene and became an NUPer today. However, it is not a winning team this here.

Chameleone does this only for selfish reasons. I don’t see this a viable entry. His just using the flag, the party and the swagger of Bobi Wine. This is all just a ploy for him. Shopping the best opposition house to run on. Not because he believes in it, but because it helps his candidacy.

Chameleone have changed his colours so easily. Gone from yellow last year into green. This year gone from green to red. Who wonders what he does next, but don’t expect a magic wand or something unique.

This man will sound like everyone around him. Do what he can to fit in and be like them. However, I doubt he is, because of all the years he was on the payroll of the regime. This is just a another publicity stunt and his hoping the naive is flying high on it. However, I doubt this will help him much against Lukwago, except giving him some sort of credibility as an opposition candidate. Still, people like me doesn’t believe the man. Peace.