Opinion: The Azimio failed Odinga this time around…

Today, the Supreme Court ruling uphold the Presidential Election of the 9th August 2022. Which means the former Deputy President and now President-Elect William Ruto is to be sworn-in eventually. This means it’s official that Azimio la Umoja – One Kenya Alliance Presidential Candidate Raila Odinga lost yet again.

I have looked into parts of the petitions and affidavits ahead of the Supreme Court. Azimio has failed Odinga. They didn’t do like last time and had solid evidence of the rigging and electioneering of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC). That’s what is so striking. The Azimio hired a team and also had well known attorney’s on their side. Still, collectively they couldn’t prove or have substantial proof of the supposed rigging.

The ones that thought the Azimio had it in the bag and was already awaiting the declaration of the elections has thought wrong. Their whole ideals has been shattered. The Azimio had the support of the state and had the biggest coalition. Still, the safe-haven and the strongholds was supposed to carry Odinga into the Presidency. However, it is now obvious that it never happened.

Raila Odinga has trusted to much into vibes and that it was his turn. The Azimio was too arrogant and considered to repeat the 2017 petition. They even got John Githongo into a fishing expedition and was only a demonstration. The Azimio legal team has failed the Presidential Campaign. Just as much as the Azimio team didn’t collect or have agents in every polling station. Secondly, the team that was at the National Talley Centre of Bomas didn’t do their job either. Just a mobile phone and more vibes. This is why they are losing. They thought it was a safe journey to Canaan…

Odinga could possibly be bitter and be worried about his position now. He has promised to not have any handshake or such. Certainly, we know he will not accept William Ruto as President. This was the last time for him and possibly his final campaign. He has been doing this since the 1990s and never succeeded. Odinga didn’t even succeed this time around.

The dynasty ticket was supposed the way to the throne. Odinga was the next heir to takeover after Uhuru Kenyatta. Kenyatta’s party and his allies was all in line. The Azimio seemed to have all the powerhouses and the ones there to ensure the final campaign of Odinga to be successful. However, today it’s finalized that it was a failure. The close race was taken away by the arrogance and the cruise-control into victory.

The Azimio and Odinga should have done more. The team and the people around Odinga should self reflect today. They need to look into the reasons for the flop and the loss. They will now first blame the IEBC and the Supreme Court. Most likely cause friction and create a “People’s President” of sorts. Nevertheless, that will only be for the Odinga supporters and not for the population as a whole.

Odinga should think who he was aligned with and where they failed. The Odinga camp needs to consider how they went forward and what was the reasons for the loss. Not only in the Supreme Court, but the narrow loss in the polls. This is all been a flamboyant loss and to much hubris.

Raila Odinga and the Azimio made at all look so simple and was just a formality. Now it is all lost and the competition is getting the throne. That must hurt, but a fair game when your playing it like this.

There will be people crying foul, but right now… the Azimio didn’t do their bid and if they had substantial reasons for their arguments. The Supreme Court would have validated it. Therefore, now the Azimio better reconsider their stance and be an honest opposition.

Odinga was clearly never built to win. He had lots of promise and wanted reforms. Nevertheless, the tireless campaigning and the handshake of the previous term might even hurt him more. Since, he sold out and lost credibility with the BBI. Who knows… but the Azimio needs to internally look into their affairs and why it went wrong.

It is now proven that you cannot run on vibes and a good name… Peace.

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