Opinion: The Speakers have become a Wasteland for Public Expenditure…

“Speaker of Parliament Anita Among, her Deputy Thomas Tayebwa get Shs 2.8billion cars. Prossy Akampurira Mbabazi, the Rubanda District Woman MP, also a parliamentary commissioner, confirmed the procurement of the two luxurious vehicles” (91.2 Crooze FM, 07.06.2022).

“The decision was endorsed by the parliamentary commissioners and money to purchase the Shs2.8billion cars [for the speaker and her Deputy] was approved,” Hon. Prossy Akampurira, the Rubanda District MP, also a parliamentary commissioner” (91.2 Crooze FM, 07.06.2022).

“Parliament has concluded plans to procure official residences for the speaker and the deputy speaker. Inside sources say funds have already been made available for the procurement, though the figures have not been disclosed” (NTV Uganda, 07.06.2022).

The newly elected Speakers of the 11th Parliament has no scruples spending from the state coffers. They are getting new cars, housing and they already has a vast money-pit of allowances, salaries, and perks in office. These two are already high earners but expect to get more for their services or contribution to the state.

You would think these two was running the nation and was the vocal point of it all. Since, they are so well paid off and has such funds to build houses for them as well. They had already cars as MPs and big-big salaries as part of the Parliament. So, it wasn’t like they weren’t well off already. These two had it all and now they want more.

This is what greed looks like and they are doing this amid rising inflation, lacking funds, and showing their ignorance of the plights of the people. The people they represent and works for as speakers to begin with.

These was two ceremonial vehicles and additional housing. When we know they have all the high-end salary, allowances, and other stipulated payments, which makes them rich in office. It is not like these would starve at any minute or be worried about dried out bank-accounts. No, these two would have a pay-day and would be well-off.

This is privilege and the burden of that is on the state coffers. The state covers the expenses and all the costs of the matter. These are luxuries and can only been seen as such. Since, the speakers has a pay and could afford to get a humble abode in Kampala. However, they are now living like royalties and expects to live as such.

That’s why they had to have new ceremonial cars, as the cars bought to fit Oulanyah and Kadaga wasn’t good enough. Now, they are also getting houses paid. It just shows how they can be reckless and spend like it is no tomorrow. It is their turn to eat and it’s evident that they think that way. Because it is like they fear that this opportunity is too good not to get well off from. Peace.

NRM MPs express dissatisfaction with party CEC (Youtube-Clip)

“A number of NRM MPs have questioned how the party’s Central Executive Committee appoints representatives on bodies like the Parliamentary Commission and the Pan African Parliament. The NRM CEC last week voted and forwarded the names of six MPs appointed to the two bodies” (NTV Uganda, 2016).