Opinion: UK’s Environmental Audit Committee wants to introduce “Latte Levy” on the consumer, however, what if the government added policies and taxes that hit the companies instead?

Mary Creagh MP said:

A reusable cup is one of the easiest ways to reduce cup waste but the discounts offered by coffee companies are ineffective. The plastic bag charge is proof that charges are highly effective at reducing packaging waste. We urge the Government to introduce a 25p charge on disposable cups.” (Parliament.uk, 2018)

Since last year the Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) have worked on finding ways to make the Coffee industry in the United Kingdom more environmental and more sustainable. Since the one-time use of Coffee-Cups from the big international chains is a disaster to recycle and creates new levels of garbage. It is natural that this is looked into as much as other beverage and use of plastic to contain the liquid in ordinary trade. The EAC should look into the beer and soda industry as well, since they use one-time bottles of plastic that also hurts the environment.

What was striking was the recommendation from the EAC:

The Committee has called on the Government to: Introduce a 25p “latte levy” on disposable coffee cups, and use the money raised to improve the UK’s recycling ‘binfrastructure’ and reprocessing facilities. Set a target that all disposable coffee cups should be recycled by 2023. If this target is not achieved, the Government should ban disposable coffee cups. Make producers pay more for packaging which is difficult to recycle. Improve labelling to educate consumers about how best to dispose of their cup” (Parliament.uk, 2018).

That the “Latte Levy” is coming up is a good idea, but also already could be enforced directly, as the chains to make it more costly for each cup of one-time usable cups. Since, that would make more people aware and also bring cups for the chains. Even sell more cheaply the reusable cups and make offers that are reasonable for the consumer of coffee. Instead of adding more tax on the ones buying coffee on the run to and from works at the coffee shops.

If the government wants the consumer to use reusable cups, they should put in conditions not only to hurt their pockets with a latte levy, but also make it profitable for Coffee shops and Coffee chains to earn more bucks on their sales of this. They are only in the market for the profits, not for saving planet earth. Than the government has to put forward demands and laws that put restraint on the sellers to provide with cups, which actually are recycled or reusable with a fair price.

That the government would put extra pay to extend and make sure the cups are recycled is a good enough idea. To recoup and make sure they can facilitate garbage disposal that fits the one-cup use of the modern day at the coffee shops. That the industry should reshape and change is natural. But they will only do so, if they earn money on it or have to comply with new regulations. That is if the Conservative Government wants to direct and change the policies affecting the industry and their behavior. The consumer will look at price and convenience, so they will use the best options concerning their needs and daily life.

What the “Latte Levy” does is only to make the coffee a bit more expensive, but doesn’t do enough to change behavior or either consumer nor companies. That is what the target should be. The Companies should be affected for their use of one-time use cups and the trash it creates. Peace.


Parliament.uk – ‘MPs call for “latte levy” on coffee cups’ (05.01.2018) link: http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/environmental-audit-committee/news-parliament-2017/coffee-cups-report-publication-17-19/

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