DRC: The Silent War of Nord-Kivu – Has General Laurent Nkunda returned?

There are now open rumours that the “house-arrested” and “under surveillance arrest” of General Laurent Nkunda has left Rwanda for the Democratic Republic of Congo. This time his fighting side by side with the Mars 23 Movement (M23) which are a militia or militant organization created on the failed peace agreement between Nkunda’s CNDP and the DRC government. As the FARDC wasn’t able or had the ability to integrate the fighters from the CNDP after the peace agreement in 2009. Therefore, it wouldn’t be shocking if Gen. Nkunda would join forces with the M23.

There been speculation since November 21st 2023 that he was already in Nord-Kivu Province fighting alongside Gen. Sultani Makenga. They would be weapon brothers and commanders in arms. With these rumours it was said that Gen. Nkunda didn’t come alone but with a 100 or so fighters as well. Meaning this was a coordinated effort and with blessings from Kigali. Because, how else could a “house arrested” and “under surveillance” person just flee or have the ability to plan his escape to the DRC from Rwanda.

There even direct questions that he would be in Kibumba, Nord-Kivu, as we speak. If he is… that’s a signal that the Rwandan government have given him a blessing to join the effort. They aren’t even concealing it. As a former warlord is allowed to leave the nation and they didn’t inform anyone prior. The other signatories of the agreement and the trust between tripartite parties of Kinshasa, Kigali and Kampala. As all three had agreements and even cantonments of fighters after the rebellion of CNDP. This is why there was one well known in Uganda and Nkunda was under house arrest in Rwanda.

When there is reports like these, you just know where there is smoke, there is fire. Apparently, there is willing to make things burn and support the efforts made by the M23. That’s why the General of CNDP returns to fight and coordinate battles in Nord-Kivu. He returns to ensure and add pressure to the FARDC alliances. In such a fashion that the M23 are strengthen and beats the odds. That’s why his there and you can just wonder what Kigali has to gain.

Because, if Gen. Nkunda is there… it is a clear message that the leadership and the military attaches of Kigal is aware. They knew he was “house arrested” and “under surveillance” and with that knowledge. The word of his presence and partaking in the silent war of Nord-Kivu. Would only tell the world that the Rwandan Defence Force (RDF) is sponsoring them and behind it. They are using M23 as proxies and using their personnel to “win” the war. That’s it…

Why else would a “jail-bird” for over a decade return in the dark and without fanfare?

It’s because they didn’t want the world to know and the scheme of supremacy isn’t over yet. The CNDP and M23 is intertwined and the recent developments just proves it even further. Now we can question the authorities of Kigali. As they had him under their wings and they let him fly… Peace.

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