Tanzania: President Hassan appoints a Task-Force to guide public rallies for political parties…

““The task force which consists of 24 members, which is directly answerable to the President, presented the resolutions at the State House in Dodoma. The resolutions are divided into three implementation timelines,” reads the statement said. The statement said the short-term resolution was the drafting of regulations that would guide how to conduct public rallies for political parties. “Some of the med-term resolutions include corruption and ethics during elections, subsidies, civic education, while issues pertaining to the new constitution are in the long-term plan.”” (The Citizen – ‘New Regulations now to guide political rallies’ 12.03.2022).

The Chama Cha Mapundzi (CCM) are the majority party and the laws that has been passed and implemented. During the years of the late President Joseph Magufuli the laws for the media, political parties and others was severely changed to block and monitor them. The state are now allowed to monitor most of the political parties and their every move. They cannot issue certain political material, conferences or even gatherings without the consent of the authorities.

That’s why today’s statement and announcement of a Task-Force to look into this is significant. It is a right step into the possible positive direction. While we all know what the CCM is capable of and there will be loyalist of the cause in the Task-Force. There are also opposition members and members from the Law Societies of Tanzania. Therefore, it is a huge deal.

I reckon this as a positive step though I am taking it with a grain of salt. As there are opportunities and ways to make the changes stall. Heck, there might be made aware of technicalities or hurdles, which states it impossible to change things. We know the laws amended in the previous term and by joint legislations. That was how several of laws made more hostile and impossible for the political parties to operate.

That Samia Suhulu Hassan does this could bring changes, which is needed. Especially, if she is willing and the CCM to make it a level playing-field for all the political parties. As of today, the CCM has massive powers and can use the authorities to strangle the other parties. They can stipulate and block the other political parties from operating. Since, their actions can be deemed illegal or a “danger” to society. Therefore, the CCM can change this, but then it’s up the Parliament and President to make it happen.

This Task-Force can deliver reports and amendments, which can be implemented. However, that is up to the majority rule and the President. I don’t know… if that will happen or if this is a publicity stunt. That’s how it can look from the outside, but we can be hopeful that something substantial will happen now.

The CCM can do the right thing here. President Hassan is on the right path here, but that is living on hope. A Task-Force can deliver a product and it can easily be dismissed or never implemented. There are several reports and such planned legislation that can easily be buried by the Head of State. Therefore… the President has a final say and CCM has now an opportunity to make a difference. Where they are actually … make it possible and open the space for the political parties in the United Republic. That’s what we can hope for and now we have to wait and see. Peace.

Tanzania: Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) – Economic Case No. 16. of 2021 – Nolle Prosequi (04.03.2022)

Tanzania: A handshake of hope or despair?

Yesterday in Brussels was an unique day after a hostile election and aftermath, which the opposition has been in distress. Where the political parties haven’t been allowed to organize or even being viable. As the state has targeted CHADEMA and ACT-Wazelendo after the elections, which late President Joseph Magaufuli won.

Now, his successor President Samia Suluhu Hassan has met with the main Opposition Presidential Candidate Tundu Lissu who fled for exile after the election in 2020. It was clear to him that there was no relief or chances for a peaceful living after the polls. The Chama Cha Mapundzi (CCM) is overbearing and controlling the political space. Therefore, the ruling regime has it’s hands everywhere. That is obvious and the brutal truth in the United Republic of Tanzania.

The handshake is either a token of hope for reconciliation or creating a false belief of an open space. As the political leaders are talking and the possible negotiations. Since CHADEMA leaders are behind bars and so other political activists too. The state has used the law and the security agencies to target and silence it’s critics. That’s why even the talk of amending or changing the constitution has been deemed as a violation and reason to charge political leaders.

It is not like the era of freedom of speech or liberty to speak is at an all time high. The political parties are monitored, media is muffled and the state has their hands into everything. There is nothing they are not looking into and the political parties cannot operate without a go-sign from the government to have conferences or gatherings. Therefore, the CCM is the paternalistic organization, which deems everyone fit or unfit to whatever they propose.

The handshake and the pictures are a symbol of hope. While the laws, the strict affairs in Tanzania haven’t changed anything. The security agencies and the police will still hassle or go after the ones who dares to challenge the President. That’s why she has even suspended party press, which went out with news that it didn’t deem right.

I’m taking the news with caution. It’s too early to celebrate… when you know how the authorities has gone after dissidents, political leaders and journalists in the recent years. Tundu Lissu knows all of this and he cannot give way yet. If so… his selling the causes early and without proof of changing attitudes.

The laws are still the same and the authorities haven’t lost it’s spark. The President and the CCM needs to extend and olive branch, which it did in Brussels. However, it has to make a significant change in the United Republic to really matter. As there are victims of the political power-play and the usage of law, which isn’t only Freeman Mbowe, but his the symbol of the oppression in the Republic.

President Samia has to prove it now. It’s in her court and she has to open up. That will be painful and has to drop the guards down. However, Lissu shouldn’t sell himself short. Since he has paid the price to stand up against this government.

A handshake should never be enough, but it’s a nice symbol to buy time for possible change. Peace.

Tanzania: State House – President Samia Woos French Investors – Says Tanzania is Open for Business (14.02.2022)

Opinion: Is Zitto eyeing Shaka or Msigwa’s Office?

In the recent days there has been something weird about Zitto Kabwe, the party leader of Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT-Wazalendo). Who has been extremely defensive and standing his ground for the wrong utterings of President Samia Suluhu Hassan, as she deliberately or by mistake uttered some wrong figures in the New Years Eve Address.

If this had been the Chama Cha Mapundzi (CCM) party’s Ideology and Publicity Secretary, Shaka Hamdu Shaka. That would have made sense. It is Shaka’s role to make the President look smart and defend her craft. It is the work of the ruling party and the appointed leaders in the Ministry of Finance or the Bank of Tanzania to address the misgivings of the President. You wouldn’t think a critic, an opposition and a supposed rival would defend her. However, Zitto did and he has done to a T.

Kabwe have even used the moral argument and the discussion technique of making it smaller than it is. While also implying that this mistake isn’t important or that vital to begin with. As it doesn’t matter, if the countries foreign exchange is in the millions or the billions. It doesn’t matter if the government spending in the billions or the trillions. That is just a typo… that just how to make a mockery of an attempt to hold the Executive and the Head of State accountable. As she should deliver true numbers and figures. Everyone cannot fact-check and see if the figures are right in a report. That is the gist of it.

I would have also understood this reasoning coming from Director of Information Services and Chief Government Spokesperson of Tanzania, Gerson Msigwa. Who would also defend the CCM and the President. His role and job is to praise works of the government and it’s entities. Just lkike Shaka does as a party official. Alas, both of these gentlemen does what Zitto just did the last few days of the new year.

Maybe it’s tiring to be on the barricades of the opposition in Tanzania. Anyone can oppose and be as blunt as Freeman Mbowe or Tundu Lissu. Someone has to be more gentle and read the room. Maybe that’s the role of Kabwe now. His the gentle spirit and the friendly fire fellow. Who only wants to speak of bigger things like unemployment, poverty and other matters. Since, showing or talking about wrong figures doesn’t matter. Seriously, how can you be this daft?

If you allow without correction things like these. Then your short-sighted defences will backfire, as you have become a crony and a man seeking for office. Instead of actually trying to show yourself to be different from the current regime. There will be no difference with Kabwe or President Hassan. It will be more of the same and nothing ever changes. Just a continuation of CCM and with a ACT Wazalendo banner instead.

I don’t get why Zitto does this and to what gains? To prove that he will defend the government and it’s President? But at what cost and to what extent? Is this how he works as opposition or has he lost the plot? Is it too much pressure and it’s better to become compromised? What gives? I just wonder… because this is weak tea and smells awful.

He better come correct. Because, saying millions and billions doesn’t matter… and is just a typo. Is just a breathtakingly stupid assessment. As his giving way to much credit and the authorities should have come to the aid of the President. If the two gentlemen who his sounding alike these days. That’s what I am getting from this.

So, when are you getting appointed and when is Msigwa or Shaka getting fired? Peace.

Tanzania: Alliance for Change for Transparency (ACT Wazalendo) – Stakeholders meeting on political situation in Tanzania 15th – 17th December 2021 (14.12.2021)

Tanzania: ACT-Wazalendo – President Magufuli’s Mysterious Absence Raises Concerns About Whi is Governing the Country (16.03.2021)

Tanzania: Magufuli is livin’ on a prayer Part II

Have you seen my aides wearing bracelets? Because I know who they slept with today at home, but the main thing is to put God first, God willing even without Corona you will go, even with Malaria you will go, this is the time to really pray to God” – President Joseph Magufuli (21.02.2021)

There are some men who let their pride take control of their actions. One man like that is the Tanzanian President Joseph Magufuli. Who rather uses God and Faith, than trusting in science and conventional wisdom in concern to the COVID-19 or Corona Pandemic that has hit his Republic. The last COVID-19 Numbers came out 29th April 2020. So, now a year later. There been high ranking officials dying of it and also others.

Even all of that he still has the guts to say this:

Do not despise the smoke, there is a medicine called BUPIJI people have recovered to the hospitals have used the drug, there is COVIDOL there are all kinds of drugs used by Tanzanians, I ask my Christian brothers and Tanzanians not to be afraid of Corona we will pass” (Magufuli, 21.02.2021).

His denial and act of mischief. Promoting treatments that hasn’t been tested and been checked if it actually work. Because, something in his mind isn’t adding up.

When statement’s like these are leaking out of Tanzania: “The Tanganyika Law Society (TLS) has called on President John Maguguli to declare the presence of Covid-19 in the country – and announced mandatory preventive measures after the Society had lost 25 lawyers. Also, the Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC) has issued new directives aimed at reducing the number of worshippers attending masses in churches countrywide while making social distancing mandatory” (Javira Ssebwami – ‘Tanzania Episcopal Conference, law society take on Magufuli after 25 prominent lawyers succumb to virus’ 20.02.2021).

With the knowledge of TLS and TEC, you would think a President would reconsider his stance and listen to wisdom. No, he closes his ears and wants to pray to the holy father. God will intervene and make it all vanish. Not like God has given humans a brains and wants us to use it. No, it is just hanging fruits to have an option to put on hats on top of our heads. We are not supposed to use it and use our two ears. Because, common sense isn’t always common.

Now, that the President have yet again said he wants to have Three Days of National Prayers. The same President did that in 2020 as well.

Tanzanian President John Magufuli has declared a three-day national prayers period to help combat the novel coronavirus as the reported cases in the country rose to 94. “Fellow Tanzanians, due to the pandemic, I urge to use these three days, from April 17 to April 19, to pray for God’s protection and healing,” the President tweeted on Thursday evening” (Beatrice Materu – ‘Tanzania: COVID-19 – Magufuli Declares Three Days of National Prayers, The East African, 17.04.2020).

So, he has done this before without any luck. He repeats himself and denies it. He accepts that people are dying. Because we are all going to die anyway. That is how he values the lives of his citizens. They are perishable and if they died. They didn’t pray enough or had faith enough.

Maybe his in the M.O of Jurassic Park: “Dr. Ian Malcolm : When you gotta go, you gotta go” (Jurassic Park, 1993). So, it seems that Magufuli is living in the same head-space. The same sort of actions. As he don’t want to act or do anything real in consideration to the COVID-19. No, he rather let people die, than actually act rationally. It must be his pride and arrogance. As he see people are dying. People are getting sick and there are evidence of high ranking officials who has died of this. He even let his son who got it drink a ginger mix to save himself. A man who doesn’t trust the testing-kits, vaccines or anything else, unless its produced locally by his fellow peers. That is the sort genius Magufuli is.

A man who claimed the Nation was COVID-19 free and stopped all counting. While people have gotten “mysterious diseases” and died. That doesn’t happen on the blimp, but is a cause and effect. The virus is still around and the Republic still has cases. Even if the President claimed it was gone. The Prayers haven’t worked and his resilience towards any scientific approach is hurting the Republic. That is the decision the President has made.

He wants to live on Bon Jovi’s “livin’ on a prayer” instead of living in the real world. Where the sickness is deadly and people are dying. Instead of being a reasonable Head of State and try to mitigate. He rather wants people to fence it on their own. See if they can survive and he can survive carefree in Chato in Geita Region.

Just to state the fact of the precautions affairs. The ACT-Wazalendo leader and Zanzibar’s First Vice-President Seif Sharif Hamad died this week after testing positive for COVID-19. So, the President knows perfectly well the dangers of this virus. However, he lacks courage and stamina to combat it.

His a arrogant and a coward… who cannot be a real leader. When he knowingly let his people die. He knows better, but instead he prays and hope God solves it. When God has given men the tools and the wisdom to combat things.

Just as the Bible says itself on this matter:

On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Matthew 9:12-13, New International Version) .

Even Jesus Christ says the sick needs the doctor. Therefore, the President should prescribe the medicine and treatment, the doctors are saying is needed in this instance. Instead of letting people die. It is disgraceful, that the President isn’t letting the words of wisdom of doctors and medical professional get a word in.. He rather bulldoze them with his hack-work and call it a day. Because, that is how it looks from the outside.

A man who rather say a prayer, than do a honest days work. Peace.

Opinion: Deo Sanga MP mentally prepares the public for a third term for Magufuli

According to Sanga, the house needed to remove the term limits and ‘force’ Magufuli to rule beyond the two term limit put in place by the Tanzanian constitution. “Mtu huyu amefanya kazi kubwa kwa miaka mitano iliyoisha na mipango ya mitano inayokuja,” Sanga said. “Ombi langu hapa ndani, atake asitake, tumuongezee muda.” (This man has done a lot of work in the past five years and has a lot of plans for the next five, my request is, whether he likes it or not, let’s add him more time.)” (ZuriMedia – ‘Another Museveni? Tanzanian MPs Reveal Plan To ‘Force’ Magufuli To Rule Indefinitely’ 06.02.2021).

It is not long ago since the sham and rigged elections of October 2020 in favour of President Joseph Magufuli. He is now on his second term as the President of the United Republic of Tanzania. In a republic where his party rules supreme. The Chama Cha Mapundzi (CCM) have all control and can easily change laws in his favour. So, don’t be shocked if during this tenure that the CCM will amend the Constitution and ensure Magufuli more terms.

President Magufuli is the character to make this happen. A man who doesn’t want any critics or real opposition. A man who wants to control all speech, articles, radio-programs and statistics. A man who wants to control the internet, all broadcasts and all content online. That is the sort of man Magufuli is. Not even statistics is out of bound and got to get vouched for before it is published.

So, in this regard… don’t be shocked if there will be Constitutional Amendments made in a fashion. Where loyal MPs are bound together, because they want the best for the Republic. These MPs want to serve and secure Tanzania. The MPs are privately supporting and ensuring a prolonged reign of Magufuli.

This will be the will of Magufuli, but he will use the MPs as pawns. They are just doing it on their own and not directly by him. Even if its beneficial for him and his cause. That Magufuli can get a third or a fourth term. Maybe even a fifth or a sixth term. Magufuli can even become the personification of the state. That is just the next step ahead.

The likes of Deo Sanga is just useful idiots who serves a purpose. Another crony and “yes-men” to serve his master. Sanga might think of himself as a leader, but in reality in this manner… his just a sheep following his shepherd.

I wouldn’t be amazed if this happen in the coming years and well in reach of the next election. Everything is centring around Magufuli already. That is why his hometown Chapto is such a development bonanza too. All things pins to Magufuli and it will not be less of that. He is the next President for Life. The signs are all there.

The way he has tormented the opposition, civil society and the press. Its all signs of what to come. This man will hold a stranglehold of the state and will cling to power until his last breath. This man enjoys power and the perks he get with it. There will be nothing stopping him. Especially, when most of the opposition is in trouble or can’t keep him accountable. This President will not stop.

It helps his ego that the types of Sanga vouches for him and praises him. That just gives him more reasons to do it. When more and more MPs will say it and even write the amendments. Expect it too happen. At this point, it is just a matter of time. Peace.

Opinion: Magufuli is spreading fear, because he don’t want to be accountable…

You should stand firm. Vaccinations are dangerous. If the white man was able to come up with vaccinations, he should have found a vaccination for Aids by now; he would have found a vaccination of tuberculosis by now; he would have found a vaccination for malaria by now; he would have found a vaccination for cancer by now” – President Joseph Magufuli (26.01.2021)

This week… again. President Joseph Magufuli came out against Western powers and attacked the vaccines. It is a miracle how this man became a doctor at one point. I would think a man who became an engineer had some marbles. However, Magufuli is a lost cause.

We know that Magufuli cannot stomach criticism and publications questioning him. Everyone is supposed to praise him and give him complements. People are supposed to be “Yes Men” and soothsayers. President Magufuli rather wants to massage his own ego, than actually do something good.

A man who said God is the defence against Coronavirus or COVID-19. A man who stopped the counting and the accountability of the COVID-19 response. The President have instead stopped all of that and only the Catholic Church has called out in fear. As the Tanzanian President he should know better, but his ego is too big for his office.

Magufuli should know that the people are already taking vaccines tuberculosis vaccines. The World Health Organization/UNICEF is already given 90% of all newborn children in Tanzania with the BCG vaccine, which works against the tuberculosis. Therefore, the President is lying for his own ego.

Just to prove the President a point, government policies in concern to vaccines is already given to the general public towards the diseases like tetanus, diphtheria, polio, measles & rotavirus. So, it is not like the Tanzanian government isn’t doing this already.

The state have already the blocked the release of COVID-19 disease outbreak. The idea of how big, how many or the contagious spread in the United Republic. The novel coronavirus could be at any extent. As we only know about the ones crossing the borders to other countries. Like the ones travelling to Europe after being on vacation in Tanzania. Therefore, the President is lying about the existence. The Republic is doing the citizens a disfavour to continue this practice. Instead of looking into its eyes and challenging it heads-on. They are instead more focused on the number one individual.

President Magufuli matters more than his citizens. He rather lie and risk lives, than being a responsible representative and a head of state. As a Head of State he rather lie and tell frightening stories. The President incites fear for vaccines. When ironically, all newborn is already taking vaccines.

The new vaccines isn’t perfect, neither is the old ones either. There will be side-effects and fault-lines, but they are still tested. There is a reason for all the technicalities in the production and the roll-out of it.

It is tragic that one man rather be high on his own supply…. Than taking a life-line and help to save people’s lives. He rather stand by his words and be the big-man, instead of actually doing his job. Peace.