Obwakabaka Bwa Buganda letter to the Daily Monitor – Re: False Allegations About Kingdom of Buganda and Demands for Damages For Libel A Prominent Public Apology and Withdrawal of the False article (22.04.2020)

Jobless Brotherhood Leader Arrested: Norman Tumuhimbise picked from home by security (Youtube-Clip)

“Norman Tumuhimbise one of the leaders of the political pressure group Jobless Brotherhood has been taken into Police custody following yesterday’s incident at State House Nakasero when a Piglet was dropped in protest at the Electoral Commission’s handling of Feb. 18th Presidential and Parliamentary Elections.  Tumuhimbise was picked up from his home Kasubi today morning by security operatives. His wife who preferred that we protect her identify spoke to Reporters who arrived shortly after her husband had been bundled into a car and whisked away” (WBS TV, 02.03.2016).

Letter from the Landlords Lawyer Company to Norman Tumuhimbise: (MS/GEN/2015) ‘Re Notice to Vacate’ – 1. September 2015

Letter To Norman

He is forced out of his home, because of the Police take him to custody without any court order. The price of that is that he loses his home and has to relocate because being followed by the Police and Security Agencies of the State of Uganda. Because he writes and is activists for the ones who doesn’t have work in the country! How is that possible? Well, could he sue the government for loss of housing and livelihood? That would be fair in the situation though I guess that will not happen and it would not served. I am sure he would again be taken to be Police Officers to an unknown location and beaten again! Instead of serving in court for his stance. Peace.

Norman Thumuhimbise speaking out after the abduction and will report the Kampala Metropolitan Police tomorrow!

Finally is hespeaking to the world. After he was unjustly taken to custody by security organization earlier this week. Norman Thumuhimbise of the Jobless Brotherhood is being punished for speaking the truth and telling stories of youth who just want to work and not be unemployed anymore in Uganda. For that and for using peaceful tools to campaign for the cause that he is involved in. The Police and Security Organizations has done him and other oppositition people has also gotten this actions against them. And the world should take notice and give the regime a little of piece of mind. Instead it looks like it close it eyes shut because its in the wrong zip-code. If the giant media houses doesn’t care! I do.

One last thing:

The saddest thing is that he has to REPORT AGAIN to the KAMPALA METROPOLIAN POLICE!! After he has been unlawfully detained by people serving the security agencies and even the police. They interrogated him unlawfully and dumped him! Still has now to go back to the police and report himself. That can’t be just and lawful behaviour of the Police in the State of Uganda! Peace. 


This is the press release on the 26th of August from Freedom House:

In response to the apparent abduction and detention of Ugandan youth activist Norman Tumuhimbise on August 19, Freedom House issued the following statement:

“Freedom House is concerned by Ugandan authorities’ apparent abduction and illegal detention of Norman Tumuhimbise, a youth activist, in an undisclosed location until his release August 26,” said Vukasin Petrovic, director for Africa programs. “The Uganda Police and Uganda Human Rights Commission should immediately investigate his abduction and release the findings publicly as soon as possible. As Uganda’s 2016 general elections approach, the Government of Uganda should ensure that the fundamental rights of human rights activists, as enshrined in the Constitution of Uganda, are respected.”