Opinion: Nene Nhanhla has fallen – He is the first of plenty!

If President Cyril Ramaphosa thinks that this will let him of the hook. He is color blind to the efforts and the misuse of power, which was done in the time of Jacob Zuma. Zuma and his cabinet, many, plenty of the Ministers and Members of Parliament was connected with the Gupta’s. It wasn’t only Nene Nhanhla who visited frequently and had connections there. Therefore, the State Capture Inquiry and Commission will dig into more dirt, than the African National Congress (ANC) really wants to reveal. They might even stumble on the humble, even to the people the President doesn’t want to touch.

This because the Guptas and Zuma’s spoiling of the state, their grand corruption wasn’t minor efforts or limited to a few fellow parliamentarians and ministers, no it was on all levels from Local Government to the National Assembly. That is why, Ramaphosa should be worried about all the ones in the sphere of Gupta’s, as they were plenty and more big-shots will have to resign.

That Nene Nhanhla resigned earlier this morning today, but Tito Mboweni was called yesterday to be confirmed as the new Finance Minister. This shows again, just like in the Gupta inspired cabinet changes, there are something fishy going in the ANC. They are trying to play it out and make Nene the fall guy, but they are badly executing it, as their timeline doesn’t even make sense.

We can wonder what will happen to David “Des” Van Rooyen, Pravin Gordhan, Jeff Radebe, Jonas Mcebisi and Blade Nzimande. These are just a few brief people that could be under fire for the same reasons as Nene and their close relationship to the Gupta’s. As this wasn’t something that happen in the deep shadows in a thief’s den, but in the chambers of government and meetings at the compound of the Gupta’s at Saxxonworld in Johannesburg.

Therefore, we should expect more people coming forward, maybe even striking ones, that will also show their greed and will to loot for quick cash. Greed always brings the worst of people, no matter how noble they seem. The opportunity for easy money to pocket comes and when foreign investors gives way. They might have said “Yes”, especially when they looked up to Zuma and so no chance in hell of paying any costs of these money. Not like it looked like a possible investigation or summons for their actions.

However the tide changed and now the uncovering is happening. Nene is not last, neither the biggest. If they are really following the money and the power who gotten eaten by greed. They will cover more people, than Ramaphosa might want to let go. As his loyal comrades are wiped out and he will be let alone. Maybe he will even be implicated, as these cases usually spin-off in all circles, as the bounds of dirty money ends everywhere and on any plate.

Nene is not last, unless this is their fall-guy to wind the investigations down. Peace.