Opinion: State Minister Kiwanda indirectly saying, the Republic got Curvy Woman for Sale!

In his efforts to upheave Uganda’s Tourism , Minister Kiwanda Suubi has launched Miss curvaceous Pageant where Ugandan Hot Ladies will unleash what their Mama gave them. Women with Body Curves will get into competition in the name of Boasting Tourism in Uganda” (87.7 Kampala FM, 06.02.2019).

When, the State Minister for Tourism Godfrey Kiwanda, whose been busy appointing different Tourism Ambassadors over the last 6 months. Has now fresh ideas to spark interest and create more tourism to the Republic. However, it is a bit worrying, the initiative and the idea itself.

We have naturally endowed nice looking women that are amazing to look at. Why don’t we use these people as a strategy to promote our tourism industry?” – Godfrey Kiwanda.

What this really shows is how the State Minister objectifies the woman, the ones of his preferences, as he has proven that with who he appoints as Ambassadors under his ministry. That Kiwanda likes woman is now public. That he enjoys their company and hires them. That is more than proven. The reason why he changes and appoints new ambassadors for various of reasons.

Whatever that strikes his mind, that the Miss Curvy Pageant would be a good idea? Who knows really, but he is already in a Republic with Miss Tourism Uganda and other pageants for international shows of similar kind. What he has created is after his preference and what he looks for in woman.

But what is even more striking is that he is proclaiming, that Curvy woman is a product to sell the Republic. That the woman is a perk and speciality of the Republic. He is indirectly saying their sexiness and beauty is something that will attract tourist. So, is the State Minister indirectly saying, he is looking for Sex-Tourism and the ones going to the Red-Light Districts to solicit woman?

Because, when you make a person, a individual as a product, they usually tend to deliver a service and get paid for it. In this instance, it is disgusting, if that is the idea or the ideal of the Minister. That he wants to use the beauty of woman to allure people, who comes there to get laid. That is how it seems to me. That is if he really claims the curvy ladies should be a promotion tool to gain interest in tourism.

Woman are not tourism attractions, they are not objects for sale. That should be so simple and not hard to understand. Whatever way Kiwanda is looking at it. If he thinks this is smart move, he is foolish and makes his Ministry looking like an open-air bazaar.

Ugandan woman, woman in general deserves better. They deserves to handled and talked about in whole another manner. They are more valuable, than being a promotional tool. They are not for sale. That should be so easy to see and say.

Kiwanda should know this, because he is really out of bounds here. He should apologize and scrap the idea. This is chauvinism and also paternalism at its worst. Kiwanda isn’t honouring the culture or celebrating woman, but he is trading them away for some foreign exchange. That isn’t romantic or even noble, that is demeaning and disgraceful.

Time to step up and take a bow, Mr. Kiwanda. Peace.