Opinion: If an MP can be bought… [then they are not beholden to any sort of dogma…]

This should be a worry and a concern, as the news of the Exhibition of the Parliament. That is not only showing the Speaker and Deputy Speaker eating large, but also the Leader of Opposition or other appointees. Therefore, anyone who is part of the August House can be bought and sold…

That’s why the Opposition are toothless and only doing gimmicks. The NRM MPs are awaiting their pay-day and pay-checks after the NRM Caucus ahead of a vote. That is well known practice, but there has been running to the offices and other clerks within the Parliament who has had envelopes ready to give to the MPs ahead of votes. This has been reported and become a normal practice there.

When you know that MPs are accepting and taking these “suits” or “envelopes” ahead of votes. They can be bought and their representation is mute. These people are only rubber-stamping the will of others and doesn’t have a soul in it themselves. They are just awaiting more funds and money to do their actual job.

They are voted in on a party programme and working towards a collective goals. While also supposed to work for their community and the ones living in their constituency. That seems to be forgotten by the MPs themselves. As they settle in Office and their tenure. Their whole campaign and pledges are fading memory.

That’s how things are looking and it’s not only the ruling regime’s own cadres who does this. It is across the board and they use the office for personal benefits. That is done by voting in favour of better salary or perks. They are ensuring their family members or friends are hired to do “state work” but isn’t necessarily qualified. Even side-dishes are getting this treatment and is pushed into jobs that others would be more fitted for. That’s done not by the NRM alone, but opposition party MPs too.

This is why the undress and revealing the rot in the Parliament is needed. Both sides are eating and using their time to bargain for a better life. The better life for themselves and their inner-circle, but not serving the public. They are there to get more perks, benefits and a huge retirement. This is all done on the expense of the public.

When the MPs are doing this and getting the funds. They are compromised and captured by the acts of greed. Instead of being transparent or accountable. Neither are their honest with the public. The people cannot spot the difference between the Government MPs and the Opposition MPs. When they are all busy eating and finding ways to get a better plate of food. That’s what they are doing and not acting on the promises of the campaign.

This is hurting the National Unity Platform (NUP), Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), JEEMA, Democratic Party (DP), Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) and whoever else representing in the Parliament. It is hurting the National Resistance Movement (NRM) too, but they are expected to it, but the Opposition and such are supposed to be a stark contrast to the government.

The regime is expected to eat and not care about the consequences. They have had scandal after scandal for decades on end without any sort of serious ramification. The NRM has had a scapegoat and a fall-guy, but after the dust is settle. Everything goes back to normal and the Ministers can find a new scheme to get-rich-quick. Therefore, the saga goes on and we clock another year in power.

The opposition MPs shouldn’t act like the NRM. However, in some instances they do and the exhibition shows just that. It is damaging the trust of the Parliament. The NUP or other Opposition MPs should be worried about their actions too. They are supposed to be different, but if they just eat. Why should the public trust them ever again?

The NRM MPs can also loose and Independent MPs can be elected in their place. We have seen big-men fall in primaries and in the general elections. Therefore, no one is untouchable. While some will be “elected” unopposed and we can expect the plan of this in 2026 too. Which is how the NRM gets the majority in the election in combination of the “special” MPs and their “unique” elections to ensure the NRM leaning ones and the numbers on the Museveni side. Therefore, things won’t change all of a sudden.

This is a systematic rot. A planned effort to let greed and nepotism haunt the chambers. This is ensuring the compromised MPs will work in favour of what the Government and the President needs. Because if they are hungry and wants to eat. Then they will bend their principals and be willing to work without question… as they in need of more food on their plate. They will continue to ask for more and wants more culinary adventures. When the President knows this… he will pay for their conferences and trips abroad. So, they can live in luxury, but when they return. They are supposed to deliver what he wants and not cry out loud. That’s how it goes and how things are fixed in favour of the tyrant.

The ones surprised by this… haven’t followed them for years. This is just what they do and we can all see it happening. It doesn’t matter what creed, logo or party they represent. They are all willing to sell their office to gain some monetary gains. That’s what we see and we are just stating the obvious. Peace.

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