Opinion: Anticipating a rocky road for Bobi Wine

It is not that I wish anyone ill, I don’t, but knowing how the “orders from above” works and seen how the opposition has been treated over the years. I just know how this will play out. Even as the People Power Movement (PPM) and Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine MP plans to hold his consultations in 2020. It will not be without any hurdles.

There will be consequences, just like him jumping on campaign trails and joining forces with other opposition activists for the various by-elections during the 2018 and 2019. That is just the way it is.

The first and foremost. The PPM and Bobi Wine will be served with new criminal charges, if this is “inciting violence”, “unlawful assembly” and so-on. It will catch on and they will also told that they didn’t file the paperwork accordingly to the Public Order Management Act and surely pinned with some charges from the Penal Code. That just happens.

Secondly, the security outfits will monitor, block venues, follow the convoy of Bobi Wine. They will seal of hotels, they will detain activists and local organizers. They will ensure that the radio stations are losing their licenses and so-on. That just happens.

If the PPM and Bobi Wine still try to access the venues and such, there will be live-bullets, arrests and people hurt. There will a bath of tear-gas on the public, there will be road-blocks and will be damage of property.

The Police Force will say the supporters are rowdy, are hoodlums and thugs, while it was the police and armed state officers who fired the first bullet and tear-gas at the venue. The state will say the PPM didn’t act correct according to codes, even if they have negotiated for months for the stadium and whatnot in whatever county they were visiting.

In this manner, the Presidential Consultations, the meeting of locals and such will be with fury. It will be testy and will not be easy. If you thought Amama Mbabazi and Dr. Kizza Besigye have had it hard. The upstart and the rising star Bobi Wine will feel it too. There will be abducted mobilizers and stories of impunity within the range of the consultation season.

If not, the state has had a change of heart, which I doubt. It wouldn’t be shocking if the state tried to pull-off house-arrest and “preventative arrest” of Bobi Wine and close associates. Since, that way they can contain him in Wakiso district.

This state will use all means, because the old man doesn’t feel the love anymore, people are tired of him. That is why they use all means. To think otherwise is naïve, after seeing other campaigns and election cycles under Museveni.

We just know and will not be shocked, because this is scheduled programming. Peace.

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