Russia: The “Special Military Operation” in Ukraine is now a battle to safeguard Africa…

What are we fighting for? Don’t you see that our guys are giving their lives, not just talking, but defending with their lives the right not only of the African continent, but of all people on our planet to be free” – Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova (29.07.2023).

Since the 24th February 2022 the Russian-Belorussian war against Ukraine was launched. The “Special Military Operation” which was coined term from Kremlin on the matter. While the Russians already spawned the conflict for years in Donbas and with the illegal annexation of Crimea. Therefore, the Russian invasion of Ukrainian territories isn’t new, but the escalation was all premeditated from Moscow.

Now as we are over 500 days of conflict. The people of Kremlin needs new excuses and new reasons to prolong the war. Now they are saving the world and the African continent by bombing Ukrainian cities. They are saving Africans by demolishing buildings, destroying fields and killing innocent civilians. Surely that is what Lesotho and Sierra Leone has asked for.

The Foreign Ministry Spokeswom Zakharova has clearly jaded her vision. The recent Russian-African Summit must be reason for this quote in a RT Interview yesterday. Because, it isn’t making any sense whatsoever. There is noting in it for Africa or African nations for that matter. This conflict is between Kyiv and Moscow. It isn’t fought for Accra or Addis Ababa.

The Russian war in Ukraine is on the basis of regaining lost territories and trying to forge a new Soviet empire. That’s the gist of things and that has been stated by President Vladimir Putin himself. Which shows what sort of salvation he comes with in regard to Ukraine:

The world is changing, and changing rapidly. And in order to claim some kind of leadership – I’m not talking about global leadership, but at least in some way – of course, any country, any people, any ethnic group must ensure its sovereignty. Because there are no intermediate components, an intermediate state: either the country is sovereign, or a colony, no matter how the colonies are called. Now I will not give some examples so as not to offend anyone, but if a country or a group of countries is not able to make sovereign decisions, it is already a colony to a certain extent. And the colony of historical prospects still has no chance of surviving in such a tough geopolitical struggle. And it has always been – I just want to make it clear – not like we are watching what is happening around us and with us, we opened our mouths: oh, wow! Yes, it has always been like this, you understand, and Russia has always remained, was at the forefront of ongoing events” (Putin, 09.06.2022).

This is what he said about Ukraine just last year. If the Russian President thinks like this about Ukraine. How will he value former colonies in Africa for that matter? He surely doesn’t have high regard or see much value in the former Soviet Republics, which he intends to annex or have a powerful grip over. Therefore, certainly the words of Zakharova is very shallow and insincere.

There is nothing in the war between Russian and Ukraine that is about saving Africa. Yes, there is the grain initiative and the export of grains from both nations. However, that is transactional and beneficial for the exporters. They are earning profits on the produce and gets goodwill by doing so. This wasn’t a problem or an issue before the war. It was just another Tuesday or Wednesday for that matter.

We know the Special Military Operation was about the legacy of Putin and his will to regain the lost territories of the Soviet Empire. That’s why he has called Ukraine a “mistake” and claimed it doesn’t have any “statehood”. While also calling it a former colony. So, the imperial Russians aren’t changing, but trying to play cool for outsiders looking in.

This is here is nonsense and should be held with contempt. Peace.

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