Opinion: Chappelle was just being real

The ones who has issues with Comedian Dave Chappelle after his Netflix special ‘the Closer’ that premiered on the 5th October 2021. It has caused an outcry and sparked controversy. While watching it… I only saw the same real comedian that I gotten know over all the years. The stories, the tales and the reality he describes seems “legit”. So, why this issue now?

Yes, there is always a need to address minorities and their rights. There is a need to viable and be direct about it. Discussions and talks, where people have to in the end, agree to disagree and still be cordial. However, with the comedy special have gotten twisted into something else.

Yes, Chappelle is direct and doesn’t spare any of his words. He knows his craft and has a capacity to blow someone’s mind. The jokes he had was poignant and blasphemous in the woke crowds of the internet. Nevertheless, these folks cannot take a joke or live in our reality. As they want everything to be “correct” and not without consequences. That’s why it’s easy to target the stand-up comedian for telling his story.

Not like Chappelle would change legislation or give more power to you. No, he is just addressing the double standards, the way the LGBTQ have vast power, but no checks or balances on it. Yes, they still have grievances, but who doesn’t right? They are not alone in society and they have come really far. That’s why any sort of Marvel and DC hero is becoming LGBTQ while there is nobody writing stories, which challenges your mind or entertains you for long. Therefore, the group should think about the focus and losing strike to assault Chappelle.

Chappelle even stated that he was tarnished by the group wrongly and been labelled by them. While he never had any real grudges. Heck, he even helped a Trans-Woman to become a better comedian. If he had issues with their “tribe” wouldn’t he had shunned her? Not talked and respected her? Well, he did… so the ones going after him. Don’t like that someone with a huge platform addresses the matter.

The same proof of hypocrisy is stated in the joke on the situation earlier this year of the rapper DaBaby. Who spoke his mind and tried to damage control it afterwards. He was homophobic and speaking ill of it. Alas, that was more damaging to his career, as Dua Lipa and others distances themselves from him. While nobody had any issues with him… because he killed someone at Wall Mart before his career popped-off. Therefore, you can quickly question the morality and the value of their believes.

This is why Chappelle’s Comedy Special is important. Because, it proves the reality. You might not agree with it or accept it. However, if you want things to move forward and understand the questions of our time. There is a need for pieces like these. You cannot have a Political Correct skit or jokes. Nobody will laugh at that and it will be a direct-to-DVD failure of a project. Nobody will watch it or care about it. It is dead on arrival and there was nothing to salvage. Only the pay-checks paid by the producers and the companies involved. The general public will not feel it or even bother.

That’s why Chappelle and such needs to speak their mind. They open an conversation. He proves it and explains the matters with fine detail. He takes responsibility, but also humility. Chappelle isn’t policing, but reacting to the pushbacks, which isn’t fair to him. Since they don’t really know him or his kind. They had labelled him before he went up on stage. Why do you think he should bother to be peaceful and ignorant?

Chappelle is now controversial for good. He drops the bag and everyone can see it. The ones who is displeased cannot mange the reality we live in. They cannot manage their expectations or what is really going on. There are things missing and people who feels touched, feels betrayed and questioned by this. However, have they seen any of other pieces? It is not like he haven’t used this sort of humour before… and they should have been prepared.

Chappelle is bold. He doesn’t pack himself in correctness or badging himself in what is right at the time. Chappelle just spoke his mind and explained a discrepancy in society. However, trying to cancel him is a lost cause. He will just grow stronger. If you have issues with what he said. Try to get legislators to work on legislation and just laws. Make sure the government institutions and everyone else follows these ideals. Not expect a comedian to dance to your tune. That’s not happening. Because, if he did? He wouldn’t be funny. Period. Peace.

Anonymous – Hillary Clinton: Lying for 12 minutes straight (Youtube-Clip)