L’Union afraicaine deplois des observateurs electoraux dans le cadre du premier tour des legislatives en Union des Comores (16.01.2020)

Comores: Le Mouvement Dawula ya haki (wadzadze wairumbi et chababi Mkombozi) malntient son appel a manifester contre la dictature (10.01.2020)

Comores: Ministere de l’Intereur de la Decentralisation et de l’Administrations Territoriale Charge des Relations avec les Institutions – Communique No. 3 (07.12.2019)

Union des Comores: Declaration de la Commission Nationale des Droits de l’Homme et des Libertes (CNDHL) – (04.12.2019)

Comores: La coordination des femmes de Mwali – Communique (02.12.2019)

Union des Comores – Ministere des Affaires Extrangires et de la Cooperation Internationale, Charge de la Diaspora – Communique de Presse (03.10.2019)

Secretary-General statement on the announcement of the results of the presidential and gubernatorial elections in Comoros (03.04.2019)

The Secretary-General urges the Comorian authorities and other national stakeholders to refrain from any action likely to heighten the current tensions.

NEW YORK, United States of America, April 3, 2019 – The Secretary-General takes note of the announcement made today by the Supreme Court of the results of the 24 March 2019 presidential and gubernatorial elections in Comoros. He expresses his deep concern over the reports of violence and fatalities as well as arrests of political opponents and restrictions on media. He underscores the imperative of upholding the rule of law and the respect of fundamental rights.

The Secretary-General urges the Comorian authorities and other national stakeholders to refrain from any action likely to heighten the current tensions.

The Secretary-General echoes the call made by the African Union on 29 March, supported by the European Union and by the Indian Ocean Commission, for an inclusive dialogue, under the leadership of the AU. He reiterates the UN’s readiness to support such efforts to promote national cohesion, peace, stability and development in the Union of the Comoros.

Comoros: The heist of Assoumani!

How come the total Percentage if you combine this official announced documents, become 100,01%. That CENI have to address, right?

The incumbent President Azali Assoumani was re-elected in a sham election on the 24th March 2019. It was anticipated after last year constitutional referendum, allowing someone to re-run from the same island. Even if there in all previous elections has been a rotation between the three major islands of the Union of Comoros. These being the Anjouan, Grande Comore and Mohéli. This was revised and changed, so that Assoumani could do what he did over the weekend.

He wanted to make sure that he could hold-on to power. Just like he ensured the revision of Article 13 in Constitution of the Union. That is the sort of leader Assoumani is. A selfish former army-man, a former coup leader, who has no issues using the military and arresting opposition leaders. Arresting journalists to hold grip into power.

I called him the new Big-Man. Truly he is by the stature of things. Even as he starts his second illegitimate term, which a rigged elections going in his favour and no need for a second round. That is how special Assoumani is.

Today, there been three killed in demonstrations against the results of this election. As the army has shot in the air and certainly some of the bullets have hit the civilians demonstrating in Moroni, the Union’s Capital.

If this had been an ordinary Comoros Presidential Elections, there would be someone else’s turn, but Assoumani is such a scumbag, that he revised the laws to fit himself. He sets himself over the Constitution and the average Comoran citizen. That is just the sort of man he is. Also, he needs them guns, the authority and the state apparatus to be behind him. Because, he has no authority or legitimacy without it.

The Police has dispersed protesters on the 25th, 26th and today on the 28th March. This all because of the polls on the 24th March and the announced results on the 26th March, saying that Assoumani won his second term, as previously expected. Because, why else would he in the year advance change the Constitution to fit his narrative, right?

The Opposition have retaliated by operating as a parallel government, launching a National Transitional Council, this is started by 12 of the Opposition Candidates in the Election. They are saying the election was filled with irregularities and want it annulled by the 3rd April, if not they will start with Civil Disobedience and a General Strike on the 4th April. So, there is a rocky road ahead of the newly elected and incumbent President. As, major part of the political spectrum is siding against him.

This is a self-serving, militaristic individual with no heart, but for his own belly. He will not bring greatness to the Union or any sort development. He will only selfishness and greed, that why he needs the highest office, so he can grab as much as possible. Nothing else matters. That is what his kind does. The Big-Man, the dictator and the ultimate betrayal of democracy. Peace.

Union Des Comores: Protocole d’accord (19.10.2018)

Comores: Communique – L’Unite Nationale est en danger! (18.10.2018)