Comores: Presidence de l’Union des Comores – Communique (13.05.2024)

Comores: Presidentielle 2024 en Union des Comores – Collectif des 5 Candidates a la Presidentielle et des candidats au poste des gouverneurs des iles, alles – Communique (18.04.2024)

Comores: Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres et de la Cooperation Internationale, Charge de la Diaspora et de la Francophonie – Communique (13.02.2024)

Comores: Collectif des 5 Candidats a la Presidentielle et les Candidats a l’Election des Gouverneurs – Declaration (24.01.2024)

Comores: Ligue Panafricaine – Umoja – Comores: La Solidarite avec le Peuple en lutte pour sa Liberation est Urgente (22.01.2024)

Comores: Assoumani’s second heist…

Clashes break out in Moroni after the announcement of the presidential results. Soldiers were deployed to Moroni, after incidents which broke out on Wednesday January 17 in the morning in the Comoros. Protest movements were noted in several points of the capital in reaction to the proclamation of the provisional results of the presidential election on Tuesday with the re-election of President Azali Assoumani. While international observers judged the vote to be generally free and transparent, the opposition and part of the population began to express their disagreement” (France-Afrique MÉDIA, 17.01.2024).

The last time Azali Assoumani did the deed and secured himself longer time in the office was before the 2019 elections. As the constitution was made so the different islands of the Union of Comores held the Executive. That’s why by the last election in 2019 he had secured himself a life-line and now he extends it yet again in 2024. That means he has been in office since 2014 and he plans to linger.

The opposition is right in addressing him, as the big-man and tyrant he is. Assoumani have already been known for arresting journalists and activists. That is something he has done for years now and isn’t new. The police brutality was dire after the election in 2019 and this year will be no different.

The rotation between Anjouan, Grande Comore and Mohéli. That legislation has already been reversed and the 2019 elections should have been a sign on how things would go in 2024. The ones believing Assoumani would do the right thing is long gone. He is used to having power and is now about to start his third term.

The protests and riots in Moroni won’t hurt him much. It will just galvanize him, as he knows he controls things and he just have to hope the sentiment dies down. That’s what happened after the 2019 election and could easily happen now too. Even if this is the second time he pulled this trick.

No one should be shocked or surprised by this. The moment he held a referendum and went for a re-election in 2019. The 2024 election would be a formality. His intentions was clear as day and now is obvious for anyone to see.

Assoumani intends to rule for life and never ever step down from office. This is why his on his third term. He is on the way to die in office and hold an iron fist over it. That’s the end-game here and he will not let go.

All tricks of the trade will be used. We have to expect mass-arrests and disregard of the will of the people. The President and his henchmen will be on alert and prepare to use for to silence the people. Because, he isn’t a popular figure or a real victor. A real winner would have jubilation and celebrations after an election. However, here it is protest and burning tires, which means his not that beloved. There is plenty of reasons for that and many people who has been hurt by his orders. Therefore, things aren’t looking good.

Assoumani might think that his been clever. The incumbent might act like he got it all and is Teflon. However, there is never a time where he is totally safe. Since the public outcry and desperation will only grow deeper with time. They will feel disfranchised and taken for granted. That will boil over and a few days of curfew might not be the cure to stop the sentiment for unloading in the general public.

Assoumani didn’t win anything. He took it and this is the second time his doing just that. Peace

Union des Comores: Mouvement Hury – Communique (09.01.2024)

Union des Comores: Communique du Gouvernement de l’Union des Comores (28.11.2023)

Union des Comores: Ministere de l’Interieur de l’Information, de la Decentralisation et de l’Administration Territoriale Charge des Relations avec les Institutions – Communique O2 (15.05.2023)

Union des Comores: Collectif Stop Uwambushu a Mayotte (CSUM) – Communique (26.04.2023)