A Warlord reasons not to kill: General Museveni “weird” tale at Rev. Luwum Commemoration Day

Me I don’t fear anybody, whoever you are, if you are wrong, I will tell you. If you are confident about your position then there is no reason why you should kill people or intimidate them” – President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni (16.02.2021).

Well, we are now in February 2021. The Warlord and General Yoweri Tibuhaburwa Kaguta Museveni spoke yet again at another Commemoration Day for Rev. Janani Luwum. Still, the legacy remaining for the deceased is still being altered by the men in power. Just like the days after his death in 1977. When the state wanted it to look like car-accident, when it was an assassination.

Now in 2021, the President is using the day to try to mask himself as better than Amin. Not a new trick. That trick is as old as this regime. Museveni has always tried to reflect himself in a better light and as “liberator” of the old. However, he now uses all the tricks they did. His regime is ushering the same violence, has the same reputation and kills civilians without any sort of punitive action. The state is abducting, kidnapping, torturing and dumping bodies on a regular. It is not like his record is vastly different from Amin now. He just have had more years to do the damage and get rid of more naysayers and enemies. That is the tragic realities, as massacres of 1980s and as late as November last year is left without any consideration of the lives that was taken. So, it is not like this Presidency has changed a lot. Except for the self-belief of being better than in the past. When in reality. His doing practically the same for his own end.

Here is some quotes from today:

I am proud that our generation avenged the death of these innocent people, there was no need for Amin to kill the Archbishop, why kill a person because of criticizing you? That means you’re insecure, when you criticize me, I also criticize you” (Museveni, 16.02.2021).

There was no reason for Idi Amin to kill Bishop Luwum, even if he was criticizing him. He could have just ignored him but Idi Amin was also illiterate and yet he was managing state infrastructure” (Museveni, 16.02.2021).

Archbishop Janani did not die in vain, he took the martyrdom road. Amin was shallow, what would killing a person benefit you? That shows you are a coward and lazy, unless it is a war but for someone who is unarmed, use counter logic” (Museveni, 16.02.2021).

It is rich for someone who uses the “Panda Gari’s”, a man who promised to not have a government, which take away lives and kills without knowledge about it. It is really rich by someone who knows perfectly well the rights things to do, but does the opposite in power. A man who has gone to war in several of nations.

A man who has burned villages, towns and taken lives to gain power. There are only estimates about how many lost their lives in the Luweero Triangle, but some estimate about 250,000. A man who burned Northern Uganda for years just to prove a point. A man who continued his warfare in Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan. A man who has send soldiers to Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea and Somalia. This man knows about killing people and does it deliberately for his own ends. It is not like Museveni doesn’t know the price of winning wars and destroying his enemies. He knows that perfectly well and has enjoyed the spoils of war.

This man has violated people’s rights to assemble, gather and be democratic active. A man who has used his power to constrain the public by law and by arms. There has always been an excuse and “reason” to do so. However, it has by all means, benefited him and his cause.

So, for Museveni to say these things today. Is like the man thinking his living in a vacuum. Where people don’t know what his done and know how he got there. A man who wouldn’t have power, if it wasn’t for 27 guns, foreign support and ability to cunningly take power away from other men. That is what he did and he has held this capacity ever since. A man who used his position to trick it into a better one. That is what he has done ever since he joined UNLA in Tanzania. After joining the Military Commission in 1979 and going to the Bush-War. This man has always found a way and method to get ahead. Even using negotiations and deals to buy “peace”, but later bury the ones he made agreements with. That is the sort of man Museveni is.

One day, maybe not as a mortal. Maybe one day, he will answer for all them skulls. Maybe one day he will answer for all the fallen, the deceased and the ones who suffered as a result of his greed for power. One day, the God Almighty will keep him to account and let him answer for it in eternity. That is all up to him. As it seems, there will be no answer for his deeds in the Courts of Men. That is why we got to hope he will answer in the Courts of the Creator and the Devine Power who also resides on planet. To give credit, where credit is due. So, that there can be served justice and the lives can be accounted for.

As at the end of the day. Museveni is just a man of flesh and blood. When his soul is bare-naked and he has no office. God will see him for who he is and give his verdict. To give justice to all the other souls who was taken, because it was the price for the life liven by Yoweri.

He call murderers cowards, what is he then? A mass-murderer and warlord. He must be one of the biggest cowards walking on planet earth. That is if his words has any value. Peace.

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