Opinion: Museveni has sold these stories as long as I can remember…

I am tired of all these stories…these neo-colonial civil servants who have been holding us back, i have put my foot down, i don’t want to hear those stories… and Uganda is developing and it will develop because i don’t entertain that nonsense anymore” (…) “Borrowing for what? capacity building. Imagine! Seminars, they call you in a hotel, you eat chapati, mandazi, they say that is capacity building…it should be on the ground not just seminars. So if you are serious, i need to hear about the low cost funding for manufacturing, not for stories…for manufacturing” – President Yoweri Tibuhurwa Kaguta Museveni (29.04.2024)

Knock, knock, whose there?

I don’t know… but certainly not the one that was supposed to appear.

Well, enough jibberish, right? I know, I know, but when a person like President Museveni. The Fountain of Honour, His Excellency and the guy who has run a nation since January 1986. It is just obnoxious and outrageous that he acts this way in 2024.

We know the game and how he has played it. This is all to be in a spectrum of lecturing and insightful. He wants to be a living legend and a statesman. Regardless of his of inaction, lack of development and misuse of power. The old man with the hat wants to be acknowledged and be feared. That’s all there is so…

So, this man has tried to make stories. Forged narratives and fictitiously made his former enemies into villains. That’s what Museveni has done and he has taken their actions to heart. He has incorporated them and found ways to mask them for personal gains. Therefore, he isn’t the guy to lecture others on the failure of stories. When his own story and what he has done is altering with reality. He is a benefactor and a tyrant who hasn’t built a powerhouse, but a house of cronies and a kakistocracy of epic proportions. Therefore, he isn’t the fella to others…

The main reason there is no growth in Africa is that the growth factors are neither funded nor understood; those who want to help Africa should fund our transport systems, electricity, raw material processing, and import substitution” (…) “Our populations are increasing, but our economies are stunted. The IDA should tell us why they are funding the modern slavery of Africans, and we should address issues like why Africa is producing what it does not consume and consuming what it does not produce” (Museveni, 29.04.2024).

I would say one of the main reasons why there is no development and lack of proper future planning is because of the likes of Museveni. The old cadres who has built systems and ensure total loyalty to him. They are blindly suffocating society on behalf of the population and later begging to be saved. Instead of building institutions and government programs that reflects the needs of the population. That’s where the likes of Museveni has fallen…

Museveni has promised salvation, but only brought false hope. The liberation and the society he promised in the bush. That one was only nice on paper. Just like most of the development plans and schemes created after going into office. Nicely written pieces, posh wordplay and significant push from donors, but no plan on how to sustain or even implement it further. That’s why the Ministries and the Government at large still needs foreign backing to be running. Because, Museveni haven’t created a broader tax-base or enlarged the public’s coffers to an extent to finance his bloated government of cronies. Therefore, he can blame neocolonial entities and polices, but he has benefited from those over the years.

He calls this modern slavery, but his the modern day slave trader. Who accepts that the youths and brain-drain from the Republic. Since he isn’t building for the future and neither are his closest allies. They are just looking for the next get rich scheme and heist of government funds. The misused funds or ghosts will appear across the republic. Therefore, he should know what his other hand is doing.

Yes, the continent and such have been given a bad start. It has been an deliberate act, as everyone is looking out for their own. The continent shouldn’t live on handouts, but on own earned capital. They should be able to use the resources, the wealth and the capabilities of the population to thrive. However, with the leadership of the likes of Museveni. The continent will go nowhere, he has no interest of seeing it going anywhere. That’s why his complaining about the same stuff as he was doing in the bush. There is no difference here.

He has told this story before and his repeating it. It isn’t insightful. As a President since the 1980s… he should have more to show from it and not just acting pragmatic at the world stage. Because when he comes home. He will open up a water-tap. Re-open and rejuvenate the same sort of failed value-addition factory somewhere outside of central region. That’s what he will be doing. So, it isn’t like he brought the industrial revolution or the laissez faire business to Uganda.

No, he only brought more of the same and the only thing left behind will be the massive loans that he ate. He will leave behind debts that will scorn the next generation without anything substantial or any sort of collateral to safeguard these loans. Sooner or later the nation will default. Unless, he has a magical source of income out of nowhere to be his saving grace. That’s yet to be seen, as the mountains of debt will be a plight.

That plight won’t be the stories of Museveni, but of the sorry brother who takes over power after him. Peace.

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