Opinion: Chiwenga doesn’t understand political independence…

They said Ngaapinde Hake Mukomana. Getting where? The boy should be a goat herder. He should grow up and do things the proper way. He cannot continue to be self-centred, if he wants power he should join others” – Vice President Gen. Constantino Chiwenga (23.04.2024).

The General and Vice President of the Republic, Constantino Chiwenga doesn’t understand or doesn’t want to grasp the way opposition leader Nelson Chamisa operates. Chiwenga has been part of the ZANU-PF and a loyalist at that. Only turned against Mugabe to ensure his ally President Emmerson Mnangagwa could rise to power. Except for that… he has been a token soldier and fighting for the regime.

Gen. Chiwenga cannot even phantom what Chamisa is doing and has done. Never has he been in such hostile environment and with such hardships that Nelson has been through. Nothing Chamisa has been given and neither has he earned much on it either. Chamisa has been betrayed, played and used by others.

If it was in the MDC, MDC Alliance or in the CCC. Everywhere he has walked people have danced to his tunes, but later enlarged their pockets on double foolery for the state apparatus. That’s why so few MPs and legislators has followed Chamisa after his resignation as the Party President of the CCC. This is because they need the salaries and are afraid of losing their moment to eat. Therefore, he has few to lean on or trust.

Chamisa doesn’t have a Politburo or a State Apparatus on his side. He has it all against him. Everything that the Rotten Row or the elites can bring, they will send it against him. If it will be a trick… a joke or mockery of the party his running. They will undermine and destroy the opposition. This is what they aiming for and they hoped Chamisa would be fooled by their tricks. However, he caught them… and that’s why he ditched.

Everyone can wonder what he will do next. That’s why Gen. Chiwenga is making jokes on behalf of Chamisa. Nevertheless, he is a true leader when you have to address someone and a person who doesn’t have an organization behind him. Chamisa have no party and have no movement. His a lonely fellow in some parts now. There are few allies, but plenty who has betrayed him for a easy envelope.

So for the General to say to him to rear goats is beneath Chamisa. It is beneath the General to rear goats. It is said to silence and stop Chamisa… so he can do something else than politics. However, we know wherever Chamisa will go… many people will follow him because of his integrity and resilience. Therefore, Chiwenga trying to make a fool out of him… is only backfiring.

The General should know better, but he does this prove a point. A point that has no grounds or articulate reasoning behind him. Since we all know the moment Chamisa launches or decides. It will spark a flame and a fire, which the ZANU-PF doesn’t want to see. They want to have the popularity of Chamisa. However, the regime doesn’t have that and this is why they trying to outsmart him.

Nevertheless, Chamisa has been tested and will go through the ringer again. No matter where he stands.. he will be touched and the state will aim at him. This is because of who he is and what he stands for. They will find any excuses to attack and strike at him. However, the General is in a losing battle. It is just a matter of time.

Chamisa is their arch enemy and nemesis… they don’t know how to handle him and he always ends on top. Peace.

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