Opinion: Museveni’s State House and Office of the President is fiscal in-disciplined….

“President Yoweri Museveni Tibuhaburwa now employs 2700 staff. ln his officer, the President of an impoverished country has increased his staff from 814 to 1350 including recently appointed 350 Assistant Resident District Commissioners. The Resident District Commissioners (RDC) are 145, Deputy Resident District Commissioners are 85 and now they have been joined by Assistant RDCs. There are 747 drivers in President’s officer, 47 stenographer secretaries, 38 officer typist and 90 presidential advisors among other staff. At his residence (State House), the President has increased his workers from about 1000 last financial year to 1304” (…) “The list of people advising our great leader keeps growing. They are now 123 senior and other presidential advisors. And this list excludes new appointments of people like Hon. Vincent Ssempijja, Harriet Ntambazi, Lydia Wanyoto, and Lt. Gen. Elwelu etc. The country is spending Shs 1,154,346,733 in monthly salaries for these advisors who as all ofyou know never gets to advice the President. Some have been given offices and vehicles further raising the cost of public administration. Some of these advisors are on State House pay-roll while others are on President’s Office pay-roll” (…) “At his residence, State House, the President who employs over 1300 workers is served by 356 vehicles including over 70 in his convoy” (Uganda Parliament – Minority Report on Annual Budget FY 2024/25, May 2024).

The Opposition Minority Report on the Annual Budget for Financial Year of 2024/25 is important. We will only look at the wasted expenditure and bloated expenses of the State House and the Office of the President. That’s because President Yoweri Tibuhurwa Kaguta Museveni always speaks of austerity and living within its means. While his hypocritical about his own actions…

The National Resistance Movement (NRM) and President Museveni are so often speaking of how people have to be careful with spending and being wise about their expenditure. Meanwhile the President is spending like a drunk sailor in the ports after a long journey at sea. That’s how this goes, and it shows.

We can wonder why he needs up to 2700 people to work in the two separate entities. The President is bloating his state and bureaucracy. That’s what he does and is misusing public expenditure to pay-off stalwarts and others as Presidential Advisors. If not, he gets them other titles and offices to pay them off. That’s why he has so many employed, but we know his more busy giving people wisdom than getting enlighten by others.

When you see the numbers and cheer size of the State House, you should be flabbergasted. Not that its anything new and has grown over the years. It is a way of keeping people as allies and paying them to be closely associated with him. Instead of having people seeking shelter and livelihood elsewhere.

The President is clever that way, but as a man who speaks of discipline and living within your means. His own actions don’t match his own words over the years. That’s because his words don’t matter, but political capital matters more. Museveni shows his priorities and being fiscal responsible has no value, but his associates is. That’s who he is and how he operates.

The State House and Office of the President is a cesspool of public expenditure and it’s so evident by this Minority Report. Peace.

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