Opinion: Mzee’s unholy alliances…

Congratulations to our allies, the UPC and for the candidate, Eunice Apio, for winning the Oyam by-elections. Congratulations also to the NRM and the candidate Engola Junior because the difference between the two was very small” (Museveni, 07.07.2023).

We knew there was something going on, as we have seen the cozy relations between Uganda Peoples Congress (UPC) and the National Resistance Movement (NRM). That alliance and friendship came about before the 2016 elections. Therefore, it is now years in the making.

While it has looked questionable at times and several of high ranking officials from the UPC has moved to the NRM. Still, they have worked close and the latest one to move from the UPC to NRM is wife of UPC leader Jimmy Akena, Betty Amongi. That’s why you know the UPC is in close association and Amongi is on her second stint as Minister under the NRM and Museveni.

It is therefore striking that Museveni even writes this today…

UPC has been, in recent years, positive and not disruptive and so has DP been. That is why I congratulate them, although I would have preferred the NRM to win. Nevertheless, both the UPC and the DP should pay attention to what I said at Icheme recently” (Museveni, 07.07.2023).

We are seeing how Museveni favours both UPC and the Democratic Party (DP). Both party are now allies and under his spell. They are bound by agreements made and done such in a manner, which is indirectly trading away the ideas of the parties themselves. That’s why Museveni can direct them like chapters of the NRM Party. It is compelling when he tells them to pay attention to what he said during the campaigns at Icheme…

Museveni shows the true nature of the agreements, the coalitions and the deals made between them. The friendly nature and the way he speaks fondly of them. There is no bad blood and they serve his interests. That’s why he calls them “positive” and not “disruptive”.

Both James (Jimmy) Akena and Norbert Mao should listen up quickly. This text is made for them and for a purpose. The deals made between NRM-UPC and NRM-DP is beneficial for the President and if it wasn’t… he wouldn’t have signed them or agreed upon it in the first place. Museveni is just showing how political savvy he is and why his been able to be in power for so long. His congratulating the UPC, but at the same time reminding them who to listen too. While telling they are good, but they need to pay attention…

Seriously. UPC and DP are direct allies and traded away legitimacy doing so. I wonder if it is worth it. Regardless of the short-term power and offices. These can be lost quickly and the moment they are not useful. Well, Museveni and the NRM could drop them. They could do so in a heartbeat and without any remedies for the losing part. The parties would be damaged, destroyed, depleted and disillusioned. Because, they sought after the price, but didn’t think of the journey to get there. Peace.

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