Opinion: Mpuuga’s low energy Thanksgiving…

“A section of Mathias Mpuuga’s supporters burst into a song in Luganda loosely translated into English as, “What are they accusing him of? Mpuuga did not steal.” This was shortly after the thanksgiving mass held at Kitovu Sports Arena in Masaka” (NTV Uganda, 21.06.2024).

The former Leader of Opposition and currently Parliamentary Commissioner, Mathias Mpuuga MP are today holding a Thanksgiving in Masaka. That’s to show his leadership and connections, as it is a move of power. He wants to show that he stills matters and can sway public opinion. However, Mpuuga seems like a lost duck now.

It wasn’t long ago that the NUP went on a Mobilization Tour to Masaka and the picture was totally different. Those pictures and videos shows where Mpuuga has failed. The NUP which Mpuuga is supposed to work together with and be a part of. Didn’t help him here and the public disdain for him is obvious. Because if they supported him like Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine. Then the streets would be flooded and there would be a hard time to drive the convoy of vehicles on the streets of Masaka. However,r we see that isn’t the case in regard to Mpuuga.

The ones saying this problem within the NUP leadership. No, it is much bigger, as the misuse of office and siphoning funds are the grand issue. The NUP wants to be difference from the regime itself. Then it cannot have representatives and leaders who acts like the National Resistance Movement (NRM). If there is no difference from them. Why should people pick the NUP instead of the NRM?

The ones acting like this is a Bobi Wine versus Mathias Mpuuga. It is much bigger than that. It is the Mpuuga versus Uganda. It is him versus the State. A state that he has no trouble eating directly from the state coffers. As an MP he can take funds from the state reserves for personal reasons. That isn’t a sort thing that you should promote, but this is what Mpuuga does.

Mpuuga MP is willing to sacrifice his career and name over 500 million shillings. Regardless of other MPs misuse of office. That doesn’t save him or his agency in this regard. Mpuuga MP could have avoided it and been shielded himself from actions like these. However, he decided to be corrupted and eat of the plate of others.

That’s why people cannot forgive him… and we will not. We can expect this sort of action from NRM MPs and NRM Ministers. Nevertheless, we should hope that the opposition would be different and have some moral backbone to not accept to participate in this sort of behaviour. No one should do it, but we know the system is rigged for it. Therefore, people will eat, but some people should have the courage and be bold to say “no”. Peace.

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