Opinion: Mnangagwa feels lonely in Harare and his in the shadow of Lusaka…

We don’t care what other countries say about us, you know, under President Mugabe. And there was this Prime Minister in Britain, and the relations just ended there. And thereafter, most of the British and Americans, they have not looked upon us; they think that we are too inclined to the East. But we have no apologies at all. We feel we have better relations with the people who also respect us, not the persons who look down upon us. So we are very happy to be here. We are anxious to have more comprehensive and concentrated relations between ourselves. Yes, we are a very advanced country; but there is a lot that we can learn from you and there is a lot that will benefit from that relationship. And there is a lot that we can open for the Russian Federation to participate in our economy, especially in the mining sector and agriculture. There is a lot that we can afford for you to participate. And in that process, the West will run away. You see, the West has just begun consolidating its power in Zambia, our next neighbour. You know, there was a time when Zambia and Zimbabwe were one; it was called Northern and Southern Rhodesia. It was made one by the British, but they are now separate. And the Americans are consolidating their power in that country, both in terms of security and in terms of financial support to Zambia to make sure that we feel lonely. But that will not change us, because we have taken a course as a people that we feel we want to be independent and we will choose our friends ourselves. And besides, we are independent today because most of us in the leadership trained here during our war of liberation. We got our independence because we are supported by yourselves here, and we don’t forget that history, and you don’t forget about us” – President Emmerson Mnangagwa (06.06.2024).

The elite of Harare and Zimbabwe is maybe feeling a pinch. They are touched and not as in favoured as in the past. The Liberation Movement of Zimbabwe isn’t serving or being there for the citizens. The sanctions and the lack of donor funds is hurting the regime. The ZANU-PF doesn’t feel the friendly space or the ability to have relations with other states as it used to. That’s because of the choices it has made and who they have befriended with time.

President Mnangagwa knows how the PFee has operated over the years. Mnangagwa has seen and been a part of the ZANU-PF over the years. The second republic is no different than the first. There is little to no difference between him and the Mugabe. They are both using the state to infiltrate and silence dissenting voices. Activists are in danger and political leaders can be criminalized with ease. Therefore, that isn’t making the policies that is opening in the state for friends from the West.

It is telling that Mnangagwa uses Zambia and the rules of Lusaka as a difference. As they have changed Presidents and ruling parties. The difference are vast, even if Zambia has its issues and the rot of Lungu is persistent. The hunger for power and misuse of office is there too. Alas, HH is able to re-ignite and look different in the West.

Mnangagwa, the crocodile haven’t changed or made any amends. Instead he has consolidated power and ensnared the state around him. This second term isn’t giving way and Harare is controlled by his party and Politburo. There is no wiggle-room and ZANU-PF gets how they want it.

So, if ZANU-PF and Mnangagwa feels lonely… it is a self-created loneliness that could have been avoided. It could have been different. The policies, the usage of force and how the state is operating is the reason for all of this. The lack of human rights and political rights of civilians is one of the reasons. The state is targeting and silencing people. That’s the sort of vibe the West doesn’t accept and acts with swift action against. Therefore, Mnangagwa knows this, but doesn’t care.

That’s why his begging Putin and Russia to be his friend, because the British and Americans aren’t and why should they? They don’t see an ally or a friend in Harare either. He isn’t interested or fights for the same values. That’s why ZANU-PF doesn’t get favours or help from the West in this regard. No, they have to ask others while pitying the leadership of Lusaka who gets it. Peace.

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