Tanzania: Mama Samia cannot manage a tweet…

““Mama Samia, please I beg reduce loitering in other countries, stay at home with your husband, you are somebody’s wife, settle and cook for your husband” (Sukununu01, 13.02.2024).

In Tanzania, the President is easily offended. Apparently this tweet by Sukununu01 has hurt her pride. President Samia Suluhu Hassan and the Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) should act better. It is a petty that the one behind this tweet has been detained, tortured and charged in court for “Insulting the President”.

The tweet itself is sexist and womanizing. I cannot deny that, but is it criminal? That’s another question. It doesn’t seem righteous to arrest, detain and charge someone over a tweet like this. The President and her associates should beg to differ. These are grown people who should acknowledge and know there is different sentiments out there. Not everyone loves the President or her actions. Surely the people of Loliondo won’t sing or dance of joy for the government actions of late. Therefore, this should be a non-starter.

Sukununu01 was just uttering his words. Not that it was done in the best spirit or with sincere well wishes, but should a citizen always do that? Can’t a citizen be frustrated and speak out? Or is the free speech not free? Does the Tanzanian citizens have to censor themselves on Social Media?

That’s the memo I am getting here and the CCM have already stifled the laws of publications and whatever else. President Suluhu is just continuing where Magufuli left off. She is thinner skinned than him. This is getting offended over nothing. It is tragic that she has gone this far. That she is arresting, detaining and charging someone over a sexist remark.

Yes, the sexism of this tweet can be rebuked. That is righteous to do. This isn’t anything new and shouldn’t shock anyone. It is just how society is built and with false expectations. Instead of developing and finding ways of changing with the times. That’s how things goes… and the President should be aware of that.

We have seen cartoonist and others being detained for insulting the President. She has done this before and show her fierce force here. That’s who she is and what she does… it isn’t even funny. However, this is how the authorities are shielding their President. As Her Excellency, she should manage a little criticism and jokes about her character. Especially, since she is in the public eye and cannot just get the glory…

It is just tragic that the Tanzanian authorities are busy doing this. They should know better… and the Tweeter should know better too. There are other ways of arguing and speaking of the President. He should have spoken differently, but that is easy to say after the fact. It was just a thought put on the web without consideration of the implication. Most likely the individual never thought he would get this treatment. However, here he is and he is known for insulting the President.

President Suluhu should know better, but we all know its too much to ask… she isn’t capable or have the capacity to grasp the situation. That’s what power does to you and she bashes in it. Peace.

Tanzania: Directorate of Presidential Communications – President Samia Urges African Countries to Tell Their Own Stories (02.11.2023)

Tanzania: Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC), Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coaltion (THRDC), Tanzania Constitution Forum (JUKATA) & Tanganyika Law Society (TLS) – Joint Statement – Statement on the Arrest of Human Rights Defenders in Tanzania (15.08.2023)

Tanzania: Remember to salute President Suluhu for the glorious DP World Agreement!

BREAKING: We have been informed that Hon. Mbowe and Lissu can be arrested at any time. The biggest reason is DP World. Dr. Slaa, Mwabukusi, Madeleka, Mdude Nyagali are in the hands of the police. Dr. Nshala is in EXILE. Samia do not torture the Tanganyikas for the interests of the Arabs. Look at West Africa” (Tanzania Leaks, 13.08.2023).

Lawyer Alphonce Lusako, who was among those who opened a case against the Port investment agreement between Tanzania and DP World, has said that Lawyer Boniface Mwabukusi and his colleagues who were arrested by the police force in Morogoro region and taken to Mbeya have been on hunger strike since they were arrested. More news has started to spread that the lawyer Mwabukusi will be opened a case of treason for what is alleged to have made statements that allegedly threatened to bring down the administration of the President of the United Republic of Tanzania Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan” (WateteziTV, 13.08.2023).

If Chama Cha Mapundzi (CCM) Government and DP World had made a beneficial or reasonable agreement. We wouldn’t be here today. However, the regime which is lead by non other than President Samia Suluhu Hassan is becoming to hostile to its detractors.

If you ever thought President Suluhu was a reformer or someone who offers change. I sadly have to tell you truth and she’s not. She’s continuing the same repression and totalitarian behaviour of her predecessor, which she was a deputy under. The President learned all the tricks of Magufuli and currently intends to tarnish the whole legacy of CCM.

CCM is acting with swift force and no remorse. There is no middle ground or space to move in. Only their party line and if you don’t accept it. Well, you can end up in the slammer. The authorities will find you and you will be charged by law. Either by treason, offensive communications or whatnot. The state will find some reasons to shield you from public life or even some privacy. They will take you down and you will forget normal life…

That’s what President Suluhu stands for. She has gotten greedy and expect everyone to bow down to her knees. As President she might even have sold crown jewels in the ports to the DP World. Risked valuable assets over a shoddy deal, which the public and the United Republic should never discuss. They should just praise her for misjudgement and misdeeds. While the DP World lives on and will haunt the government. Because, the stipulations and the articles of it can damage the Republic. They can lose assets and loose what used to belong to Tanzania.

Alas, here is the problem. The sovereign state has on its own and without consultation of the public. Possibly traded the future and given way to a huge Middle Easter Company. They have traded away tangible assets and infrastructure for some cheap money. Not thinking about the consequences or future ramifications. While hoping nobody would dare to question it or say otherwise.

Because, President Suluhu and CCM is bound to have the best interests at heart. While it seemingly isn’t so, when anyone and anybody who dares to question or speak out is getting behind bars. When anyone who says or speaks are silenced. They are taking any big-name, lawyer, activists or opposition leader and detaining them. That’s saying something about how bad things are.

This just shows there is something really bad about this DP World Agreement and the President don’t want the public to know. She knows she gave away and conceded valuable assets, which cannot be returned. That’s why she has to retaliate and use law enforcement to silence the ones who challenge her. Peace.