FDC 15 Year Anniversary Celebrations: The Police causing havoc most places

What is ironic about today, the 20th January 2020 was that Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga was walking for democracy. While the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) would struggle to hold meetings, celebrate 15 years as a party across the Republic. The National Resistance Movement (NRM) could just recently walk in memory lane, but again hypocrisy at its finest. As the opposition parties cannot do the same.

The news all across the Republic today is burning. Tear-gas, arrests and depressing activities from the Police Force. Instead of shielding the citizens and dissidents of the state, they are arresting and trying to silence them. This is the M.O. of the state, but still boring that it continues. What was even more striking. Is the knowledge that Nalufenya is still active, because that was promised closure in early 2018.

FDC has gotten in trouble in Mubende yesterday. While today, they have gotten a real problems in Jinja, Busia, Bukiwe, Mbale and in Soroti. While it was successful in Kumi and Namutumba. Therefore, today has been a hassle, but a few small positive things. But they are overshadowed by the depressing attacks on the party. Not only that Dr. Kizza Besigye is detained in Nalufenya and Patrick Oboi Amuriat at Soroti Police Station. That is bad enough.

Here’s the information.


Police commanded by ASP Ssekalema Shaban, the OC Station has blocked and dispersed an FDC Leaders meeting that was organised at Gwaniika Village, Nabingola Sub County, Kasambya constituency at Home Land Organic Gardens. Deputy President Owek Joyce Nabbosa Ssebugwawo had led a delegation of leaders from Buganda Region including Vice Chairman Kibuka Mukalazi, Mrs. Ssebuwufu Harriet Nakiyemba the Ethics and Culture Secretary, Muzei Kalule Samuel Kiseyeye the Secretary for Elders, Mr. Kizito Livingston of the Security Committee among others to meet the local Party branch in Mubende in abid to reorganize the lower level structures” (FDC, 19.01.2020).


Police in Jinja have arrested Dr Kizza Besigye and whisked him to Nalufenya Police station following running battles between police and FDC supporters” (NBS Television, 20.01.2020).


Security forces blocked and dispersed an FDC Anniversary celebrations today in Busia district. The Party had sent Hon. Mwijukye Francis as the Chief Guest” (FDC, 20.01.2020).


FDC 15th anniversary cerebration in Lugazi Buikwe district have been disrupted by police and the district chairman Mr. Kanaabi Jimmy has been arrested and taken to Lugazi CPS” (FDC, 20.01.2020)


Mbale district FDC boss Wokuri Madanda arrested as police blocks FDC 15 celebrations. FDC was scheduled to hold its 15th anniversary celebrations in the district on Monday(today) but was blocked by Police on grounds that the party did not seek permission from the district authorities and that aspects of the public order management law were not fulfilled” (Emmah M. Bwayo, 20.01.2020).


Amateur video as Party President Patrick Oboi Amuriat was being towed to Soroti CPS by a fire brigade vehicle. Meanwhile in the second photo, UPDF soldiers now patrolling Soroti streets, all shops, Kafunda Hotels closed” (FDC, 20.01.2020). It is later reported that the Patrick Oboi Amuriat is arrested and detained at the Soroti Police Station.

Kumi Successful:

The Celebrations in Kumi district were uninterrupted and the Cheif guests were Ms. Plan Virginia Mugengyi, the Deputy Secretary for Education, Sports and Arts at the National Executive Committee, and Dr. Okello Ekwaro, our Party Chairman for Apac District. This successful event was coordinated by Kumi district Chairman Ebokorait Abdallah and Ms. Suzan Norma Otai, the Deputy Secretary for Conflict and reconstruction at FDC National Executive Committee” (FDC, 20.01.2020).

Namutumba Successful:

Namutumba district under the full Command of Chairman Wante Jamal held their meeting/ Celebrations successfully” (FDC, 20.01.2020).

I don’t think this can be stated enough. There isn’t a real democracy, when a party cannot organize or even be able to hold meetings and gatherings. The Police Force is singling out and directly stopping what the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) is doing. No one can deny that. Because its so blatant and direct.

This is just proving what the state will do and continue to do until the general election in 2021. To think otherwise is naive. This is just the reality. Impunity in action. Maybe, Kadaga should walk for the FDC too. Peace.

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