Opinion: Further proof that the Trump Administration will be filled with inclination for themselves!


I am sure that the Trump children will be there to support their father in informal capacities, and I think these are just regular inquiries among many that are made when folks are transitioning into a new administration — for the Trump family, a new city” – Kellyanne Conway on NBC Today on the 15th November 2016 (Sherfinski, 2016).

We’re living in a special day and age, where the racial-biased and White Supremacist expect they can automatically insult and exaggerate the outcome of policies that effects their voters base, like in the U.S. rural angry-white men who votes in the Mississippi and Ohio, than say the blue-collar and highly educated ones in the bigger cities in California or up in Yankee land in and around New York.

That is special and unique the way the Trump Administration and Trump himself carries criticism. They already carry themselves as entitled and honorary people as they just days ago where citizens and ordinary men in some ways. The proof of that is how Donald Trump closed the Lincoln tunnel between New York and New Jersey:

“Commuters got their first taste of “Trump-lock” after the Lincoln Tunnel and the express lanes of I-78 were briefly closed late this afternoon for a motorcade carrying President-elect Donald Trump across the border to New Jersey.  The motorcade caused 30-minute delays to commuter buses traveling in and out of New York City. It continued west on I-78 to Bedminster for meetings of with Trump’s transition team at Trump National Golf Course — about 35 miles from the city” (Higgs, 2016).

This proves that his entitlement are already there with the security, motorcade and the closing of roads for the ordinary citizens he is supposed to represent This is the ordinary ones of dictators and such who close downs towns, business-districts or like President Museveni who closed the only good road between Entebbe International Airport and Kampala during the Weekend visit of Turkish President Erdogan during 2016. This is now the future for the American citizens too, you must be so proud!

Another questionable affair, which proves the little trust Donald Trump has in other human beings, is that during one of his first meetings with world leaders. He couldn’t do that without his oldest daughter Ivanka Trump; who is supposed to be a part of miss-educated guess of what a blind trust of Trump Organization is. She was appearing and taken part of the humble meeting between Donald and Japanese Prime Minister Shino Abe.


NYT writes this:  

The potential for conflicts of interest between President-elect Donald J. Trump and his family’s business ventures emerged again Thursday evening, when a photograph was distributed that showed his daughter Ivanka at a meeting between Mr. Trump and the prime minister of Japan” (…) “News reporters were not allowed to attend the session, Mr. Trump’s first with a foreign head of state, and no summary was provided about what was discussed. A separate photograph was distributed — press photographers were not allowed to cover the event — showing that Jared Kushner, Ms. Trump’s husband, was present for at least part of the gathering” (Lipton , 2016).

This is questionable behaviour and nepotism at its finest when family members and close connected to it are apparent at State Functions and negotiations, even meetings like this. If the world would care, they would do the same with this as they blast President Jacob Zuma for hiring his kids in businesses that needs government contracts and are bound by businessmen who are connected with him like the Gupta’s. This is the same behaviour, just being more direct and proving how little President Trump cares about the perceived corrupt behaviour and opportunity to use the State as golden goose for his businesses and trade-deals in the future. Don’t doubt that when can this early have all his kids in his Transitional Executive Committee, and now has husband of Ivanka and Ivanka herself present at a function like this!


If you believe otherwise you’re either naïve or a Trump apologist like Joe Scarborough on MSNBC.  I do not know what kind of procedure that Donald we’re used to at the Ivory Tower and under his Trump Administration, but this is different as the stakes are higher than going bankrupt in Atlantic City or losing liquor license. This is serious and has to concerning that the benefitting business of the government can become the Trump Organization, like it could be other places where the doling government money are being through shady straw companies ending enclosed bank-accounts in Tax-Havens and in Swiss Secret Accounts. When Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner already showing up with clearance’s and with any precedence for being there with Prime Minister Shino Abe, than you can question the judgement of Trump.

I am sure at one point and to the right state of affairs in the mind of Donald, the other sons Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. will show up to certain meetings. Where they will offer guidance and principals to the matter, even if there already not in their field of expertise or in their paygrade; the government seems to starting to a Trump Family matter, less to make America Great Again, but more get the Trump Family hired by itself again.

On that note, the security clearance and the sense of making that for other than visiting is showing his plan of incorporating his whole Trump Organization machine at the White House. Carry on as usual, but doing some governmental stuff now and then, if not just follow blindly advice from Stephen Bannon, Mike Pence or Reince Priebus. Not easy to know who that will be. Certainly having Ivanka, Donald Jr, Eric and Jared in the lines of the Cabinet shows how little regard his has of the system and governance; Trump doesn’t want accountability and transparency, he wants all sort of control with all information and gaining the benefits. So that the State business becomes his business; which is a scary scenario as the importance is not what benefits the citizens, but what benefits him and his family that already playing roles for the Trump Organization and as State Advisers under the Trump Administration; this can only go bad and go for the good of Trump and not the society. Peace.


Higgs, Larry – ‘N.J. commuters get first taste of Trump gridlock’ (18.11.2016) link: http://www.nj.com/traffic/index.ssf/2016/11/bus_and_highway_commuters_get_first_taste_of_trump.html

Lipton, Eric – ‘Ivanka Trump’s Presence at Meeting With Japan’s Leader Raises Questions’ (18.11.2016) link: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/19/us/politics/ivanka-trump-shinzo-abe.html?_r=0

Sherfinski, David – ‘Kellyanne Conway: Security inquiries for Donald Trump’s kids made ‘very informally’ (15.11.2016) link: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/nov/15/kellyanne-conway-security-inquiries-donald-trump-k/

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