Opinion: Ruto has lost

This battle is already over.

The Kenyan people are over the regime, the parliament, the senate, the national assembly, and the local assemblies. The people are tired of these leaders, the cabinet, and the whole Parliament.

It is time to dissolve the Parliament, stop this cabinet and re-issue new elections. There is need for new leaders and people who wants to serve their communities. Have leaders who wants to represent and be the custodian of power on their behalf. That’s been missing in the Republic.

The people around and surrounding President Ruto is all wheeler-dealer and eating government tenders as staple food. That’s what they have been doing and it has created nothing good. This government is fallen and Ruto should see his demise.

The gig is over.

The time of Ruto is up.

He is gonzo, but seemingly haven’t been notified yet. The voices of dissent on the streets should say so. The urgent haste to occupy Parliament and State House should be telling. The need for change and fast is rapidly happening.

The need to end corruption and nepotism. The end of man-eats-man society has to be left into history. There is a need to end tribal lines and find a way of leading differently. There is a need for total change.

This isn’t a Nairobi phenomenon, but a national one. As the streets are filled with demonstrators across the Republic. The citizens are relentless, the Gen-Z are out there and not letting go. They must fight for their future and the current leadership isn’t fighting for them. That’s why they are protesting and wanting these people to resign or leave office.

People are being picked up and arrested on the spot for participating in the protests. That is happening. The state is using lethal means and assassins/snipers are put around key routes in Nairobi. The KDF has been deployed without reason or in accordance with law. Therefore, the state is still in disarray regarding this. Nevertheless, the people continue to sing out their grievances and dissent.

The frustration, the rage and the anger that is aimed at the President will persist. The system has been rigged against them. The ones who is the elites have been eating. The others have been suffering and not getting what they need. Being lead by people who rather follow the Head of State than the ones who elected them. The MPs didn’t listen to the citizens and constituents but decided to follow the President instead. That’s where they went wrong, and the public retaliation is natural.

The circumstances aren’t changing. The President is a “former” in a waiting. His a soon ex-President, as he doesn’t listen or pay no respects to the people. He thinks he can get away with murder and he suffers no consequences of it. His soldiers can kill, injure and raise hellfire on civilians who happens to protest for the legitimate cause. That’s who he is and we all see it.

Ruto has lost, but he doesn’t seem to understand that. A fellow without a nation and without a population. A President without a Republic. William Ruto is a individual who isn’t recognized and the legitimized leader of the nation. An occupier and an unwanted overlord of the nation. Peace.

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