Opinion: Sipapa allegedly stole from the wrong South Sudanese gentlemen…

We wish to inform the public that the Directorate of Crime Intelligence has arrested, a one Olimu Charles Sipapa, who was on the Police wanted list, for an alleged Aggravated Robbery, which occurred at the home of Jacob Arok, in Kawuku-Bunga, on the night of 28.08.2022. Arrangements are in place to hand him over to the CID task team at Kampala Metropolitan Police, for further interview and court action. The police leadership has commended the tireless efforts of the CID and CI task teams in arresting and helping to bring the suspect to justice. This now brings the number of suspects arrested to five. Any new developments shall be communicated accordingly.

SCP Fred Enanga

Police Spokesman

6.09.2022” (Uganda Police Force, 06.09.2022).

UPDATE: Charles Olim alias Sipapa and the co-accused have been produced at Makindye Chief Magistrate Court and charged with 6 counts of aggravated robbery. They have been remanded to Luzira till 18/9/2022 when the case will come up for mention” (Criminal Investigations Directorate-UPF, 09.09.2022).

The alleged South Sudanese man whose $429,000 USD was stolen in Kampala has been identified in as Jacob Nul Mayen Arok, the current Managing Director of the South Sudan National Pension Fund. He was appointed last year in July 2021 as the Managing Director of SSNPF” (Agany Malleher, 09.09.2022).

This week the world has turned on Charles Olim aka Sipapa. He went from being untouchable and a man of wealth. His was able to get away with flaunting his fortunes, vehicles and whatnot earlier in this year alone.

This here case is really special in two regards, the robbery of the South Sudanese gentlemen is wrong. However, it is also striking how quickly the South Sudanese gentleman gained his wealth. The South Sudan National Pension Fund (SSNPF) Managing Director Jacob Arok has amassed a massive fortune too in a little over year. Which he was able to have in cash in his Kampala home.

That’s why this story is important. Not only because a legendary and mysterious wealthy man like Sipapa stole the cash and valuable belongings from this home. No, it shows how someone who gets appointed into office in Juba is able to “eat”. I doubt that the Managing Director has such a vast salary and perks, which makes it possible to earn such amounts of money that fast.

For Arok it was his turn to eat and he ate. Nevertheless, it has been uncovered by another legendary man stole his loot. A thief took the cash and now people can question also how the Managing Director acquired all of it. Because, this money comes from somewhere and didn’t come out of nowhere.

Yes, the robbery and theft is wrong. Both in the house in Kampala and whatever blue-collar way it came from Juba. Since, there is a connection there and certainly the cash has been transferred, in one manner or another.

Sipapa has to answer for his sins and what he did. Nevertheless, the Arok has to answer for his too. Since, how did he get all this money and so fast? That’s a miracle and a fountain of cash. There must be more to the story.

We don’t know how Sipapa became wealthy and a socialite of some sense. He was able to be a mystery and expensive vehicles. If that was made out of thieving or not, we don’t know, but he was caught now. That’s done because the signal of one of the stolen phones showed where the stolen goods was at. This is was a futile enterprise and backfired on Sipapa. Since he has gotten away and been able to live large for so long.

Now, I wonder if the South Sudanese authorities will look into the questionable amount of cash and fortunes of Arok. Because, the robbery actually unravelled that. It shows how it is possible to get wealthy super quick.

That’s why this story is important for all the implications and the many sort of issues it creates. First, why has Sipapa been so shielded and how did he get wealthy? Secondly, why did it take so long to arrest him? Third, how did Arok have this money in his home and all the fancy gadgets too? Fourth, will Juba or the Authorities there look into the acquired wealth of Arok?

That’s what I wonder about today. There are so many loose ends and we need more details to get to the core. Both about Sipapa and Arok. They were to strangers who are now connected by different cons. They both are sought of caught and we can wonder what is happening next. Peace.

Opinion: The Legend of Sipapa [and 10 years of unknown wealth]

Police say they are hunting for city socialite Charles Olim commonly known as Sipapa. Sipapa has been trending on social media, with many accusing him and his entourage of flouting traffic rules and hitting other motorists’ cars while others claim he is untouchable” (NBS Television, 14.03.2022).

There are several people working in the NRM, why is it only me being given money? And there is no problem even if I am funded. My mother was a rich lady, Wherever she might have passed, you never know I might be the president’s son and you just don’t know. Why are people so concerned to know our private matters? – Sipapa” (Josh Ruby – ‘What if I’m the president’s son? – Sipapa’ 14.03.2022).

Nobody knows where his from or how he got here. Some calls the man a tycoon, other a music promoter and others a socialite. His birth name is Charles Olim alias Sipapa. Who has a dozens of fancy cars and motorcycles. Said to flash money and visible for the elites of Kampala.

When Canary Mugume, the NBS Television journalist calls him “untouchable” you know something is up. This is just the newly minted edition of Brian White. The money, the cars and the privilege.

““They say my money is for Tax Payers, but which tax payer can pay 800 Million, this car is 800 Mllion but i hear people shouting at me, I even never went to school…”– Sipapa brags” (Khina Murah – ‘Sipapa mocks People Power Supporters with Brand New Mercedes Benz Worth 800M’ 09.12.2020, CelebPatrol.com).

Sipapa is nothing special. His tales will not go down in history or become a folk tale. His just another of the typical men who burns the candle at both ends. That’s why his ending up in car crashes, driving vehicles without license plate and proving himself as a big man in front of the People Power supporters and on the premises of Fred Nyanzi in Kamwokya in Kampala in 2020. So, it is not like these days are the first of controversy.

His the sort of fella who has often gotten into trouble, because of how reckless he drives and his mountain of arrogance. That’s why he can call himself a “son” of the President and a son of a rich “blesser”. We don’t know if his just a boy-toy or a flamboyant business-man. He just suddenly had wealth and was in the public eye.

““If you want me to apologize for calling you a broke thug. I will do it. But you have to prove your wealth to me by gifting KAYZ with a brand new VITZ. Hand it over to him with all its logbooks and everything in his names.” pastor Mondo asked” (Joyce Mollan – ‘Pastor Mondo Dares Sipapa to Buy Lord Kayz a Vitz to Prove his Wealth’ 04.10.2020, TimesUg.com).

We don’t know if this man is a knock-off Balaam or is a fraudster. He can be whatever he claims to be or just another short-term expenditure for some hot-shot in the NRM party. Since he has violated people with his car in the past, but never been punished for it. Therefore, the investigations into it by the Kampala Metropolitan Police has gone nowhere and it’s not shocking at all.

He surely had drama like in 2018, when he was caught in between his own artist and lover Zani Brown. As Sipapa was also sharing relations Brown Shuga, as this was reported by entertainment media at the time. So, this man is a mess no matter where he goes.

Sipapa has flaunted his wealth online since at least 2018. This is four years of controversy, but he has made a name of himself since 2012, which Kampala Sun reports like this:

Upon arrival in Kampala, Sipapa established his base in Makindye and for a while worked as a music promoter. He at one time hired top musicians, including Bobi Wine. In 2012, Sipapa engaged some ‘noisy’ media personalities, who thrust him in the faces of the unsuspecting public. Whether money exchanged hands in this engagement will not be debated here, but the lithe-bodied man got the fame he craved for. Media personalities were often with him in hangouts, were part of his money throwing parties, and word was that he gave some cars and expensive gadgets. To the public, he still remained a mystery” (Paul Waiswa – ‘Sipapa: Young, rich and dangerous?’ 11.11.2021, The Kampala Sun).

So, yes, he is busy with music and opting in friendly relations with his female artists. That is recorded and published. The rest of the story of the socialite and his supposed wealth is a myth. Just like his story and whatever he did. Yes, he came to Kampala from Tororo and made a name for himself.

However, if this will last or not … that is something we cannot know. His useful for someone right now. If hadn’t or had a use… he would linger in jail and wouldn’t be that confident. We all saw how hard Brian White fell and Sipapa can easily be the next. Especially, when his that flamboyant and when his no longer useful …. he will dropped quickly.

Right now for some reason he might have some suction or sort of connection with high ranking officials. Since he feels untouchable. Nevertheless, Sipapa will follow Balaam, Brian White, Abdullah Kitatta or Ashburg Katto.

One minute, your a hot commodity and the next second a used condom. Peace.