Nigeria: Biafra Republic Government in Exile (BRGIE) – Setting the Record Straight – Simon Ekpa is Not Responsible for Insecurity in Southeastern Nigeria (09.07.2023)

Nigeria: Center for Fiscal Transparency and Integrity Watch – Center Commends African Action Congress, Sowore Over Release of Election Campaign Expenses Breakdown, Urges Others to Borrow a Leaf (21.06.2023)

Nigeria: Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) – CSJ’s Statement on President Tinubu’s Democracy Day Speech (12.06.2023)

Nigeria: Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) – Press Statement (08.06.2023)

Opinion: Buhari will not be missed

Today is the day that ends the two terms of Muhammadu Buhari reign as President of Nigeria. He has been twice elected and once he did a coup d’etat to become the President. Therefore, within three terms he had a chance to become memorable and remembered fondly. However, he squandered those chances and partly never cared…

Buhari time in office is over. His journey has now ended. The Android or Jubril of Sudan. Whoever Buhari really is. That might come to light in retirement. Maybe he will settle down in Niger and live comfortably there. The roads are updated and his been so generous there. It must be for reason.

If not he might reside in London or Paris. He has spent a lot of time abroad and his successor might follow suit. Buhari haven’t created are more promising Nigeria. No, there are even more headache and lack of progress under him.

Buhari has had the time and could have put in the work to make a difference. That’s if he cared or was concerned about these things. We all know that it wasn’t about that and he couldn’t have cared less.

As President he has tanked the economy and caused more instability. There is lack of service delivery and the state is more fragile. The inaction and the lack of pressure from the top is also a reason. The ENDSARS protests and the missing girls are just signs of how he failed as a President. That’s without taking to account the economy or the financial distress his leaving behind.

Buhari won’t be remembered well… and that’s his own fault. He could have changed things for the better and invested in the public services. As President he could have used time and stressed the need for better infrastructure or health care. However, he was busy being abroad or getting medical treatment in London to do so.

Buhari isn’t a man who will be respected or be thought well off. Heck, people rather speak of Jonathan Goodluck than him. That’s saying a lot of what a failure he has been. The flowery words and speeches doesn’t matter when people feel less safe or can afford day-to-day goods. There are more trouble ahead for Tinubu thanks to Buhari.

The former President Buhari has with his relaxed ways of ruling seen people come and go. Now his leaving himself and the legacy his leaving behind isn’t worthwhile. He is the sort of leader you despise and wouldn’t consider to hire for a job. Buhari is the proof that giving some people a second chance isn’t the best idea.

The ones that saw his first reign and how he operated knew they were in for a ride. Now the ride is over and the next one will have it even more bumpy. There are too many roadblocks and bottlenecks that was never fixed. So many issues and lack of oversight. That you know Tinubu has to swiftly move and make a difference, if he wants to be better.

However, I think Tinubu will be worse. His built for it and will deliver on it. Buhari was a self-serving prick, but Tinubu is a selfish gangster. That’s why you know things will not end well. When you let a drug-lord and a fraudster run the ship. The boat is bound to fail, or sooner or later fall into massive trouble. That’s just the truth here.

Buhari, he came, he saw and he destroyed. He came, he saw and he looted. He came, he saw and ignored. That’s what he did and Nigeria suffered as a consequence. Now his successor is getting sworn-in and things are looking grim. Peace.

Opinion: Kenyatta haven’t studied Tinubu

I feel the three most fundamental issues that are easily weaponized to the detriment of our democratic growth. The first is negative ethnicity or tribalism, followed by religion, and lastly, economic greed” – Uhuru Kenyatta (Keynote Address ahead of Inauguration of Bola Ahmed Tinubu, 27.05.2023).

The words and the paragraphs that has leaked from Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta’s keynote address or lecture in Abuja ahead of the inauguration of the 29th May 2023 of President-Elect Bola Ahmed Tinubu isn’t that clever really. Kenyatta says all the rights things and the sentiments are fine, but very hallow. Especially, when the Kenyan President isn’t reflecting on the character of Tinubu, but more on what he should do in office.

I doubt Tinubu will be any good. That’s not only because his the successor of Buhari. No, because of the legacy and what Tinubu been up to before. If we felt Buhari was long times overseas and not in office. The same will happen with Tinubu.

Tinubu have even started to do so before getting sworn-in. The new President will know Abuja House in London, United Kingdom very well. He will be accustomed to the prestige and the wealth of the British capital. That’s what I am expecting, if not he will be lingering in Paris or any other Western capital to get proper dental or health care. Because, the old man won’t trust that in Nigeria. I cannot see that happening anytime soon and it’s just tragic.

I speak to you as a brother and an elder statesman in leadership. The contest is now over, and the hard work of building a prosperous and unified Nigeria begins” (Kenyatta, 27.05.2023).

This here we have heard before from Kenyatta. He and his Deputy said the same things after the elections in Kenya. The former President isn’t saying this as an elder statesman, but as man who knows the game. It is to undermine and tell the “losers” to scatter. The works begin and the electoral misgivings are bygones. Therefore, his by definition giving Tinubu a handout by saying this.

Kenyatta continues: “I encourage you to surround yourself with the voices of those who will counterbalance the hardliners that feel entitled to a piece of your office. You will lose nothing and gain everything from reaching out across political, ethnic, and religious lines to those who may feel aggrieved by your victory in one way or another. Allow them to exhale and to be a part of your vision for a greater Nigeria” (Kenyatta, 27.05.2023).

In the grand scheme of things… Kenyatta is actually speaking of a handshake and trying to forge alliance with the opposition. That’s what his saying but with finer words. Kenyatta has experience with this and saw how he earned political capital by creating the BBI and giving Odinga an honorary role. This is what his advising Tinubu to do as well.

If Tinubu was supposed to do this. He would have to get the approval of the Labour Party and People Democratic Party (PDP). I have a hard time seeing Peter Obi or Abubakar Atiku giving way at this point. The PDP might be able to be swayed and for some political offices. However, the Labour Party and Obi I have strong doubt about the willingness to back-down.

Secondly, I wouldn’t judge anyone who wouldn’t trust the APC or Tinubu at this point. They have bushwhacked themselves into power and unforgivingly so. That’s why he isn’t everyone’s “president” and people don’t think well of it all. The APC and Tinubu cannot fool the people, but they are trying to convince them. Even after his the supposed “majority” winner of the elections. Therefore, Kenyatta’s words and aspirations will fall a bit flat.

The ones thinking things will be better as Buhari skates off in the sunset. Well, Tinubu is a gangster and a crook. There will come nothing good out of this and only more suffering. The state won’t be better or more accountable, no Tinubu will run it like a mob. That’s why I don’t trust the man or his reasons for being in office. It is only to enrich himself and his allies. Tinubu isn’t there to serve or be a servant. No, his there to collect more gold and eat more lobster. That’s what Tinubu does and will do. Peace.

Nigeria: Center for Fiscal Transparency and Integrity Watch – Center Expresses Concern Over Country’s Fiscal Condition, Calls for Suspension of Further Borrowing for Consumption (19.04.2023)

Nigeria: Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo – Elections (17.04.2023)

Nigeria: Coalition for Peter Obi (CPO) – Communique from the Coalition for Peter Obi (CPO) – (05.04.2023)

Nigeria: GoNigeria – GoNigeria stands in solidarity with Nigerian voters over 2023 elections (27.03.2023)