Niger: Presidence de la Republique du Niger – Conseil National pour la Sauvegarde de la Partie (CNSP) – Communique Conjoint: Retrait des Troupes Americaines (19.05.2024)

Niger: Le Collectif des Avocats of Mohamed Bazoum – Le Collectif des Avocats du President du Niger Mohamed Bazoum demande a la CEDEAO d’Exiger sa Liberation (23.02.2024)

Niger: Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Cooperation et des Nigeriens a l’Exterieur – Communique de Presse No. 00001 (01.02.2024)

Burkina Faso – Mali – Niger: Communique Conjoint du Burkina Faso, de la Republique du Mali et de la Republique du Niger (28.01.2024)

Burkina Faso – Niger – Mali: Communique Conjoint du Burkina Faso, de la Republique du Mali et de la Republique du Niger (28.01.2024)

Opinion: Gnassingbe secured the bag…

Yesterday, there was a state visit in Lome, Togo. Not that this is breaking news or anything. That President Gnassingbe has foreign diplomats or Heads of State visiting the Republic isn’t anything new. However, yesterday was important on other aspects.

The Togolese President has ensured tariff-rates and financial stimulus to his economy by accepting the Alliance of the Sahel States (AES) are using the Togolese ports. This means the Republic of Togo and the President Gnassingbe will get not only goodwill and be highly regarded in the region. No, it will get trade and be a hub for imports to the military junta’s of the Sahel region. The landlocked juntas have a harbour or ports to ensure they logistical support from Togo.

That Abdourahmane Tchiani, the President and the Head of State of the Republic of Niger visited Togo shows that the AES has leverage and options. The ECOWAS isn’t broken, but Gnassingbe found an opportunity. This is a business transactions and easy profits. While the AES nations will have an ally, which serves them for a need.

It isn’t like Gnassingbe believes in democracy or liberty in any sort of fashion. He runs the Togolese Republic like a family business. It an enterprise that has been in power since 1967. While Faure has been in office since 2005 and he is eligible for another term in 2025, which at the end of that one… his family has ruled the Republic for 63 years. That shows what sort of tyranny that exists in Togo. Therefore, the AES and others are entrusting a tyrant and a dictator.

That’s why Gnassingbe is happy. He gets legitimacy and get leverage. Gnassingbe and Togo is getting lots of business. They are easily earning money and creating jobs too. While they will have diplomatic ties with nations of the Sahel region.

The ones saying Gnassingbe is vouching for coup d’etat’s and junta government. Well, it isn’t like his family or government have run a “free and fair election”. Neither is Gnassingbe a democratic statesman. No, his a man who whose willing to silence, stop and take away the rights of the opponents. That’s what he does and to vouch of military leaders would be no trouble for him. It wouldn’t be a moral or an ethical question for him. Gnassingbe knows how he is “elected” and knows how it is manipulated. Therefore, no one should give him credit or act like his a “beloved” leader.

The Military Junta’s that trying to distance themselves from France. Should know that the Gnassingbe family has been a loyal subject to Paris. They are aligning themselves with someone who has good support and diplomatic friendship with France. Which means they have to swallow the bitter pill in this regard. Since, they are now working with and co-ordinating with a nation that has a “unique” relationship with France.

What we can say for certain. Gnassingbe has secured profits and easy business for him. That will be done without much of investments or even hardship. It is just allowing merchandize, goods and whatnot to enter the ports of Togo and let them be transported into the respective nations. That’s easy money. Peace.

Mali – Niger: Communique Conjoint No. 001 de la Republique du Mali et de la Republique du Niger (05.12.2023)

Burkina Faso – Niger: Communique Conjoint No. 001 Du Burkina Faso et de la Republique du Niger (01.12.2023)

Alliance des Etates du Sahel (AES): Declaration Issue de la Premiere Reunion des Ministres des Affaires Etrangeres de l’Alliance des Etats du Sahel (01.12.2023)