Opinion: Ng’ang’a should regret this single utterance…

Those Gen Z are just a bunch of foolish and ignorant youth who know nothing about politics or governance. Let them continue yapping; they will take some of us nowhere. What can a 19- or even a 25-year-old baby tell us? Let me hear of them attempting to bring that nonsense of theirs into Thika. They will know that we are in government” – Hon Alice Ng’ang’a, Thika Town MP (Mambo Mseto, 23.06.2024).

Do anyone want to remind the Member of Parliament why she is there? Someone is only a Member of Parliament because you represent for others. The MP is there because a constituency needs someone to represent them in the National Assembly or Parliament. Therefore, the MP should listen to the people and their voices.

Alice Ng’ang’a MP needs to listen to the Gen. Z. and the public in general. That’s her job and in her title. Her office only exist because the people votes her in and she gets their support to be there. Ng’ang’a cannot run away from this and shows how arrogant she is.

The MP should be grateful that she has had the ability to voted in office and being a politician. She is there because the people has voted her in. That’s why she needs to use her two ears and not run her mouth. It is about time that she sits down with protesters and activists before she is history.

She is just showing the arrogance and the ignorance of the political elite of Kenya. That an MP is saying this… when she needs their support and their ballots in an election. She desperately needs the Gen. Z in the next election. That’s who she needs and they are her future. However, she is not mindful of their plights, struggles and how this affect their daily life.

Ng’ang’a needs to understand her role and where she is at. She is there for a reason and are blessed for it. Others would easily sought out to replace her and be in her stead. They could easily do it and serve the community better. There are people out there who is willing to listen and address the concerns of the Gen. Z. However, they are blocked or barred from entry.

The MP should be ashamed of herself and no one should pity her. She has made her own bed and now have to sleep in it. This is disgraceful of a representative and shows how oblivious the MPs are to the reality of the public they are serving. Instead of thinking of them or even listening to them. They rather educate and mock them. The ones that is the reason for their role to begin with.

It is obnoxious and outrageous, but nothing new.

Ng’ang’a MP have to beg for mercy and repent fast. Gen. Z will remember this and she can easily be exchanged for someone else in the next election. Peace.

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