The White House Sack-Race Continues: Secretary of State Tillerson sacked, because Trump is a ‘moron’!

The former Exxon-Mobile CEO and Russian Friendly Businessman Rex Tillerson was lucky enough to have 13 months as the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State had just left from meeting with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta before his supposed travel to Western Africa and Sahel Region for the Security issues there, as well as the partner-states of the AFRICOM there. After visiting, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya. Clearly, the Secretary never got the chance.

Not like the White House in this day and age, that people expect to have the positions for long. This is just over 30th people who has left the West Wing since January 2017. The turnover rate of appointed officials is huge and insane. But that is the way the stable genius works apparently. I was skeptic to the appointment of him, he seemed like the guy to circumvent the sanctions and be able to bring Exxon-Mobile and Gazproom into business. To make sure the oil dealing could happen.

While the big-shot Rex Tillerson was fired, the same happen to the President’s own assistant John McEntee, who was escorted out. Together with the resignation of Communication Director Hope Hicks and Chief Economic Financial Advisor Gary Cohn. The last few days has been brutal in regards to staff. This is just a little group of the people who has left the building. The stability of the administration is such a pale state, you would be worried if a I-Hop would lose this much of staff and had to recruit and train. You would be worried as a costumer if you knew the turnover at the particular shop was this big.

Tillerson, a man of 13 months, what did he do? Other than getting ridicule and being mocked by the President. This happens hours after he was in Kenya, but also after commenting on the spy-scandal in the United Kingdom. Where Tillerson said the Russians was involved in the poisoning of the spy. This is something that was countering the White House. Because the White House will not directly blame the Russians. Hence, since Tillerson went outside his safe space, he now lost his job. That is how it looks like.

Somehow, when writing about the White House, the Russian involvement always come snickering out of the wood-works, or in the sense of the Trump Administration. Out of the Tanning machine on the second floor. Tillerson was unaware of the firing, just like former FBI director James Comey was, as he was in Los Angeles for function of some kind. Now Tillerson came home early to Washington, since he canceled parts of his Africa trip. Clearly, the pressing issues was there, but he couldn’t solve it or Trump had cheerios on his mind.

What we do know, he has somebody to exchange him with CIA’s Mike Pompeo. One of his favorites. We will wonder how long he will in Trump’s graces, since fires and hires willi-nilly and isn’t hesitating.

Tillerson didn’t deliver for his former oil-company, you can wonder what he has achieved. Since the State Department hasn’t hired the needed staff in many regions. Therefore, not getting the knowledge or relationships needed to deliver the program of the staff there. But we are forgetting, in the Trump Administration, it is only Trump that matters. Not the state, nothing else. Making America Going Apeshit. That is what is happening.

Know that the Trump administration has no currently functioning State Department. They have a new head, but he will be clueless for while. Not like after 13 months Tillerson achieved anything. The reason is Trump and the leadership he has, with is praising his ego and nothing else. Peace.

Most likely offending the Don with this statement, aye?