Rwanda: Kagame’s 98% is loading and the polls are pre-cooked…

The candidates are incumbent President Paul Kagame of RPF-Inkotanyi, Frank Habineza of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda and Phillipe Mpayimana, who is an independent. The electoral commission will announce the final list of approved candidates on June 14. Voting for president and members of parliament is slated for July 14-16. The six hopefuls who did not meet the requirements are Herman Manirareba, Innocent Hakizimana, Fred Sekikubo Barafinda, Thomas Habimana, Diane Rwigara and Jean Mbanda. According to the electoral laws, the aspirants have at least five days to fulfill the requirements on which they fell short before the final list of candidates is announced” (Moise M. Bahati – ‘Elections: What six presidential hopefuls missed to make it to provisional list’ 06.06.2024, The New Times).

The July 2024 elections are ready made for the RPF-Inkotanyi incumbent Presidential Candidate Paul Kagame. The ones that are honourably on the list is now announced and will be held a ceremony for. No shockers and no surprises. Just people that the President and the RPF trusts.

That’s why Kagame already won the primary elections within the ruling party with 99% of the votes and in last Presidential Elections he got 98,63% of the votes. With the acknowledgement of the honourable mentions on the ballots. The same sort of result is scheduled to happen.

The ones believing “Pilato” would leave anything to chance is foolish. The RPF-Inkotanyi isn’t playing around. Everything is secured, assessed and done deliberately to anoint their master. Paul Kagame is prepared and it’s all just procedure. The elections are done as a front and only for publicity. It isn’t done because of the will of the people or the trust of the people. They are just puppets in the game of their master, as they are serving his interests and are bound by his words.

President Kagame wouldn’t want to be properly challenged. Neither does he wants any real opposition. His a guy that get rid of his opponents. The voices of dissent and activists, anyone who dares to question him or mock him. They are getting rid of and if not trying to get to safety in exile. You cannot even make political cartoons without being in danger in Republic. Nothing is holy, except for the demi-god named Paul Kagame.

He is an immortal and extraordinary person that is the natural delivery of patriotism, nationalism and what is correct for the nation. His the Supreme Leader and the Guide of the Nation. The voice of reason and the man of brilliant policies. No one is like Kagame and that’s why no one else can take his place.

This is why there is only useful idiots who are on the ballot with Kagame. People who the President and his party knows will dance to his tune. They are political mercenaries and useless characters who just accepts the pity. These are just running to have others on the list, but anyone know they will not go anywhere.

Kagame will get 98% or close to 99% of the votes. That is what is bound to happen and we can all see this happening yet again. The 2017 is and everything beyond will be like this. Especially as long as the iron fist of Kagame rules Kigali. He won’t accept anything else and that’s his “democracy”. Peace.

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