Opinion: Besigye is only temporarily free…

Ever since the 12th May 2022, Dr. Kizza Besigye have been in legal trouble, as his starting his “Waking-Up” Campaign against the rising commodity prices. That is done through the Red Card Front and with allies within the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC). Today, his released again on bail after paying 2,5 million shillings to be on bond. Which is the price of freedom and temporary liberty that his getting for the first time since 14th June.

We cannot rest assure. This is only a temporary measure. Sooner or later the law will catch upon him. If you remember back in 2015 and 2016. Old cases was piled up against him just so he had to go to courts across the Republic while campaigning. This is why the previous charges and pending cases will be used against him again. If they will ever prove that he “incited violence” or whatever sort of counts of crimes he was supposed to have committed on the day of arrest. Since, it’s all going down to him protesting and directly moving into public spaces with the Central Business District of Kampala. Just so he can speak to people and get them involved in the struggle and fight with against the rising commodity prices.

We know the reasons of Besigye and his campaign. That is an honest one and a justified one. However, the state see it as a nuisance and a bothering element. A sort of activism that isn’t promoted or wanted in the Republic. That’s why a law has been created to possibly silence him and stop his campaigning in the public domain. This is why he isn’t even trying to comply with the Public Order Management Act (POMA) because he knows it was created with him in mind. That’s why the Anti-Besigye Act is coming into effect, every time he steps out of his compound in Kasangati and into the streets.

That’s why his return to his home today isn’t the end. Besigye is a journeyman and he will not stop until he has entered the other side. This man is so resilient and filled with the spirit in hope for change. That he will never stop until it happens. Until then he will continue and never let go.

Besigye will never relent or cease to operate. It isn’t in his character. He will fight on and continue the path he has already made for himself. That journey has taken him to prison so many time. He has been in bracelet a lot and been detained for all sorts of reasons. This will continue, because the state will not change or be any different towards him now.

No, he is an enemy of the state. Because Besigye represent everything the state isn’t and this is why his easily apprehended too. There don’t really have to be a reason or him doing anything significant. He just needs to be with a microphone or a loud speaker in a busy street. If he does that… his behind the slammer, yet again.

Some people might think… why does he bother? Why doesn’t he stop? Well… he doesn’t accept injustice and impunity. He fights against the military dictatorship and the junta in power. That’s what he does and he does so with peaceful means. This is why he never stops or retires.

It is commendable, but it must have cost him a lot. He has lost friends, family and such over it. Besigye has seen allies and activists betraying him. That could have gotten others to stop and maybe reconsidered if they should continue. However, Besigye have never looked and just continued to push through.

That’s why I know it is just a matter of time… before Besigye is back in Luzira, Kasangati Police Station, the vicious van, Nagalama Police Station or anywhere else for that matter. Peace.

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