Opinion: VP Mphoko has lost the ‘plot’ and Mugabe is in the biblical Psalms!


As the Zimbabwean economy is in shambles, the ATMs are pushing out South African Rand’s instead of US Dollars, the Zimbabwean state are letting this flag demonstrators go to jail, letting students protesting at a Cricket match go to jail. The Government are busy shedding and putting cyber-crime to the forefront of the agenda, together with escalation of the computer prices. As the Mugabe government are hostile to War Veterans, Lawyers, Pastors and everybody else than the Zanu-PF elite.

It was already earlier in the last month, claimed that Mugabe was biblical. I wrote my piece on it, but the leadership and honourable Vice President of Zimbabwe we’re more direct yesterday, actually saying the bible was directly quoting the proof of the unjust and authoritarian regime under President Mugabe. First take the words of VP Mphoko. Before we look into the bible-verse Mugabe apparently is written into!

VP Mphoko wise words yesterday:

“I hear that there are people who are fasting for 40 days, praying to God for the President to die. What these people don’t know is that President Mugabe was chosen by God before he was appointed by the people” (…) “I’m wondering what kind of churches and what kind of people would kneel down and pray for someone’s death. The President was created by God in your absence but you have the nerve to ask God to destroy that person yet God has a purpose for him. What has gotten into us?” (…) “President Mugabe was born on the 2tst and if you read the psalms 21 it says I’ll give you a crown of leadership and long life. That’s President Mugabe’s prophecy from God. Those who are against the prophecy are wasting their time by fasting and praying for his death” (Vambe, 2016).


Psalms 21:

“1The king rejoices in your strength, Lord.

How great is his joy in the victories you give!

2You have granted him his heart’s desire

and have not withheld the request of his lips.

3You came to greet him with rich blessings

and placed a crown of pure gold on his head.

4He asked you for life, and you gave it to him—

length of days, for ever and ever.

5Through the victories you gave, his glory is great;

you have bestowed on him splendor and majesty.

6Surely you have granted him unending blessings

and made him glad with the joy of your presence.

7For the king trusts in the Lord;

through the unfailing love of the Most High

he will not be shaken.

8Your hand will lay hold on all your enemies;

your right hand will seize your foes.

9When you appear for battle,

you will burn them up as in a blazing furnace.

The Lord will swallow them up in his wrath,

and his fire will consume them.

10You will destroy their descendants from the earth,

their posterity from mankind.

11Though they plot evil against you

and devise wicked schemes, they cannot succeed.

12You will make them turn their backs

when you aim at them with drawn bow.

13Be exalted in your strength, Lord;

we will sing and praise your might” (New International Version, 2011 – https://www.bible.com/no/bible/111/psa.21).

If you can find Mugabe in the Holy Scripture and the prophecy in it, then you are deluded or trying to mend the biblical times with ours. So the celebration for a victory done in King David time, all of a sudden has meaning for the current President Mugabe. Proves that the VP Mphoko have to study his bible and his words. The usage of bible and the Holy Scriptures to defend a tyrant and a dictator isn’t actually that noble or honest. He is part of the Zanu-PF cronies and proves how far he will go defend the master and breadwinner who have a luxurious lifestyle. This is something Mphoko also done with his long stay at luxurious hotel on the billings of Zimbabwean tax-payers.

Pope Jean Paul II Quote

I will quote the late Pope Jean Paul II that wrote this about the same Psalm:

“At the heart of Psalm 21[20], the Liturgy of Vespers has left out the part we have just heard and omitted another section with an imprecatory tone (cf. vv. 9-13). The remaining preserved part speaks in the past and in the present of the favours God has granted the king, while the omitted part speaks of his future victory over his enemies” (…) “The text that is the subject of our meditation (cf. vv. 2-8, 14) belongs to the category of the royal Psalms. It is therefore centred on God’s work for the Hebrew sovereign, perhaps portrayed on the solemn day of his enthronement. At the beginning (cf. v. 2) and at the end (cf. v. 14), the acclamation of the entire gathering almost seems to ring out, whereas the heart of the canticle has the tone of a thanksgiving hymn which the Psalmist addresses to God for the favours he has granted the king: “goodly blessings” (v. 4), “length of days” (v. 5), “glory” (v. 6) and “joy” (v. 7)” (…) “It is easy to perceive that this hymn, as occurred with other royal Psalms in the Psaltery, was given a new interpretation when the monarchy in Israel disappeared. In Judaism it had already become a hymn in honour to the Messiah-king, thus paving the way to the Christological interpretation which is precisely used in the liturgy” (…) “Along these lines, St Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, commenting on this Psalm, was to apply the theme of life (cf. Ps 21[20]: 5) to Christ’s Resurrection: “Why does the Psalmist say: “Life you have asked for’, since Christ was about to die? In this way, the Psalmist proclaims his Resurrection from the dead and his immortality after rising from th dead. In fact, he entered life in order to rise again, and through the space of time in eternity, so as to be incorruptible” (Esposizione della Predicazione Apostolica, 72, Milan, 1979, p. 519)” (Jean Paul II, 2004).

That isn’t saying a prophecy of the reign of Mugabe as VP Mphoko said recently. When it comes to theological questions I prefer a scholar in this and not a political experienced Zanu-PF man who claims the Mugabe place inside the Holy Scripture.

The only justified words of VP Mphoko are the praying and fasting for the death of Mugabe. Mugabe is a human and at one point stop to reign Zimbabwe. At one point the man will stop breathing like all of the rest of ordinary people. The Christians of Zimbabwe should pray for their leadership and that God should send them honorable men. Also for men of faith to run the country as the bible teaches them to do. As the proverbs and other scriptures says about honesty, truth and managing resources. Though the bible is more about mercy and salvation, but has other scriptures as well. Still, haven’t seen anywhere Mugabe been parts of the prophecy and the future knowledge of any of the prophets. That is just me though. Peace.


Vambe, Lex – ‘Mugabe’s Death : VÅ Mphoko shocked and angered by prayer requests’ (08.08.2016) link: http://www.thezimbabwenewslive.com/politics-24052-mugabes-death-vp-mphoko-shocked-angered-prayer-requests.html

Jean Paul II – ‘General Audience’ (17.03.2004) link: http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/audiences/2004/documents/hf_jp-ii_aud_20040317.html

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