USA: Congressman Jamie Raskin letter to former President Donald J. Trump (12.01.2024)

Opinion: The Espionage Act is no laughing matter…


“The Espionage Act broadly sought to crack down on wartime activities considered dangerous or disloyal, including attempts to acquire defense-related information with the intent to harm the United States, or acquire code and signal books, photographs, blueprints, and other such documents with the intention of passing them to America’s enemies. The Act also outlawed false statements intended to interfere with military operations; attempts to incite insubordination or obstruct the recruitment of troops; and false statements promoting the success of America’s enemies. Those charged with violations were subject to a $10,000 fine and twenty years imprisonment. If the crimes were committed during wartime, the punishment could be thirty years imprisonment or even the death penalty” (Office of the Director of National Intelligence – ‘THE ESPIONAGE ACT OF 1917’).

Today there is news that former President Donald J. Trump is getting indicted for the second time. This time on several charges concerning his concealment, unlawfully keeping of confidential documents and possibly violating the Espionage Act. That is a severe action and should block him from ever serving in a public office ever again.

To do espionage is directly doing some spying or conniving the state itself. It is to keep and possibly trade secrets, and military as such. The former President can have sold or been wheeler-dealing with national defence secrets, which have harmed the Republic. That’s why the law enforcement had to get grounds for searching Mar-A-Lago after long time pending the return of documents.

The former President knew what he was doing and did so willingly. That’s why he took all the documents and such from the White House to Mar-A-Lago, Florida. It is within reason and with prior knowledge that the person did this. The former President has calculated and doing it deliberately. You don’t get these sorts of documents easy and it’s even harder to get them out of secure locations. With all certainty, we can say that Mar-A-Lago wasn’t prepared or had the detailed security, which these documents need.

The ones defending him now should have a hard time. This isn’t some soft-core assault or anything. No this is legit endangering the nation and possibly selling national security secrets. If it wasn’t that severe, many would have taken this with ease. However, the realities are grim here. A former President was willing to enrich himself on the grounds of national security. That coming from a “law and order” President…

This case should be a concern for all the allies of Trump. Not because his indicted or charged with it. No, this is staining the party and everyone surrounding him. Espionage isn’t anything to fool with. The idea that a former Executive and Head of State would do so… is beyond belief but shows where the United States of America is today.

The ones taking this ease and not bothered by it. Well, they should, because someone was willing to trade secrets for coins. That’s the gist of things and was willing to endanger the Republic too.

Trump was doing it out of his free will and out of the habit that nothing ever has consequences for him. He can just stifle the legal proceedings and block any actions for years. While the victims or the ones scorned by him is paying huge legal fees. That’s what his been doing for years. Now the law and the pendulum are swinging against him. Peace.

Opinion: Trump is captured in a web of lies…

“The defendant DONALD J. TRUMP repeatedly and fraudulently falsified New York business records to conceal criminal conduct that hid damaging information from the voting public during the 2016 presidential election” (DA Bragg, 04.04.2023).

Donald J. “Papa Don” Trump has now been arrested or indicted in the Supreme Court of New York. District Attorney Alvin Bragg has built up a case and closed the shutters on him. It is now clear that Papa Don cannot run away from the law and a Grand Jury has indicted him. That’s why yesterday was unique and a start of a long case.

The former President and Republican leader now has to answer for himself. Yes, the trial is scheduled early next year. So, it gives time for more discovery and more litigation ahead of it. The man must face 34 counts of criminal intent to falsify financial documents or do so for tax purposes. Yet, another scheme and a long one of that.

This case has now legs and the ones surrounding Trump should be worried. It isn’t the only one he must deal with. There are several of other cases that is encircling him and his closest associates. When they could arraign him over this. It will be much easier for others to pursuit their cases. Since they see the DA in New York could manage it and can stomach the heat.

Just read this one here…

“From August 2015 to December 2017, the Defendant orchestrated a scheme with others to influence the 2016 presidential election by identifying and purchasing negative information about him to suppress its publication and benefit the Defendant’s electoral prospects. In order to execute the unlawful scheme, the participants violated election laws and made and caused false entries in the business records of various entities in New York. The participants also took steps that mischaracterized, for tax purposes, the true nature of the payments made in furtherance of the scheme” (DA Bragg, 04.04.2023).

This was a scheme that lasted for over two years. It wasn’t just a one-time thing. Secondly, the actions was done and discussed even in the Oval Office. Meaning on the dime of the greater public, the President who had conspired to do this during the campaigns… further the case and prolonged into his reign. Trump used his office and related to his businesses, while in Office. Because, he decided and tried to negotiate the transactions, while he was the President. That is a compelling case… and shows what sort of man he is.

This isn’t about the morals of a cheating spouse. No, Trump has been that and is a reason why he has kids by several woman. That’s up of the ones with moral authority to catch up to him. Nevertheless, this case about how he handled infidelity and how he could supress the story. He could have avoided the porn-star and not been off the hook. However, he instead pursuit it and made sure that nobody would know. That was the plan and was the reason for the “hush-money” and the falsified financial documents, which is now haunting him.

The 34 counts are the ones that he must address, and it will be hard to testify differently. Since, the documentation and the evidence forwarded to the DA is reason for the indictment. They cannot come suddenly left field and switch it up. It isn’t like that and especially not with business transactions or financial records. They are either A or B, they cannot be C or D because you like it. Therefore, it’s smart to pin someone with financial fraud and not other crimes. Since, here you have the “headshot”, the signatures and the will to pursuit the illegal activities. It isn’t a conspiracy or a white paper. No, it is a direct scheme with several implications. Meaning other can build on this case too. Especially, if they deem the evidence or the proof as substantial enough to capture Trump yet again. Peace.

Opinion: Papa Don is finally indicted…

That Donald J. “Papa Don” Trump have been able to avoid indictment and being charged with a crime has been his speciality. If Papa Don has ever been tested by the Courts or by the Department of Justice it has been a slap on the wrist, and he could move on. That can be said even with fines, financial malpractice, electoral fraud and all the other possible crimes he has committed. There are a quagmire of running cases against him and his corporation, the Trump Organization.

The previous President, the ex-President and former Head of State is becoming the first who has held the title to ever be charged or indicted by a Court in the United States of America. If Warren G. Harding hadn’t died so soon. He might have gotten the same treatment for the Teapot Dome or any of the other scandals he was in involved in. Another one who could have faced similar treatment would have been Richard Nixon. Maybe he would also have faced time for his involvement in the Watergate scandal. However, that is just assuming and thinking about the past Presidents who could have faced the law for their actions.

Alas, today, the day after the public got the news. There been brewing and reports of possible actions made by the Supreme Court in New York. This is one of the cases which are on-going and facing the former President. It is just one case involving an extra-martial affair and “hush money” to be silenced ahead of the 2016 Presidential Elections. The hobnobbing of Papa Don is haunting him now. The life-style and the choices he made as a civilian is catching up to him. No one is shocked that he had an affair on his pregnant wife. No, that is something Trump has done in previous marriages too… and is just part of who he is. However, this time it was a part of a campaign and using funds of that to cover up his actions. That act and misdeed is now following him and the memory of “Stormy Daniels” are now emerging.

We know that the Trump Organization itself is under investigation and has built up cases against it. There are possible transgressions and systemic fraud been going on in combination of tax-evasion. Therefore, Trump is only having one issue at the time here.

Trump has another case going in Georgia, which is part of him trying to overturn the 2021 Presidential Elections. The others are the ones in who is on-going with the Insurrection on Capitol Hill on the January 6th and Special Counsel Jack Smith working on at the moment. The tides are turning slowly and the Department of Justice haven’t amped up the speed. It is like they are accepting the stalling tactics and the usage of “prominence” or “prestige” to get away from the law. If he was a small-time crook or holding a little contraband. Trump would have been in the slammer already. However, his the elite and the ones who has been in the upper-echelon of society. That’s why his off the hook and not tasting the same justice system as others. It just shows the two vastly different American experience people can have.

There will be defenders and people saying this is a political case. No, this is a case about the law and how to interpret the law. Secondly, there been enough evidence and discovery to charge the man with a crime. Meaning Trump is indicted and becoming a felon. That’s the gist of it. A man who has been able to get away from charges, allegations and possible criminal for so many years. His business-empire and person has been let scot-free.

Some might say it is wrong to do so and puts a bad precedence. I hate to tell you, if you don’t do the crime, you won’t do the time. It is that simple. Since he left office and lost the election, Trump is just another average Joe or a civilian. If the authorities or Department of Justice finds it worthy. They could build up cases against Bill Clinton, George W. Bush or Barrack Obama. However, there is nothing there or actions, which make that reasonable.

Nevertheless, in concern with Papa Don… there is more than enough and things that he needs to answer for. Not only in the case of Stormy Daniels, but others too. There are plenty more options and places where he fall. This is just first step and possible perp walk. We can only wait for the other numerous cases, which Trump is implicated in. Because, this isn’t the only one and that says something about him. Peace.