Uganda: Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Statement on the Order by the International Court of Justice regarding the Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa V. Israel): 26 January, 2024 (27.01.2024)

Palestine: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expartiates – State of Palestine Welcome’s South Africa’s Legal Presentation at the International Court of Justice (13.01.2024)

Opinion: Yemen matters now…

“Supreme Political Council in Yemen: “The aggression is an extension of the treacherous American targeting of the Yemeni naval forces and the Zionist aggression against Gaza. All American-British interests have become legitimate targets for our forces in response to their aggression against Yemen.”” (Al Arabiya, 12.01.2024)

I’m sure that most of us haven’t been connected or in tune with the resounding conflict, which has persisted in Yemen since 2014. Where fractions have either been supported by a US-Saudi Alliance or by Iran. Therefore, the prolonged agony and suffering has continued, as the humanitarian catastrophe haven’t stopped, neither has bombs or the drones. No, the war has existed and become a regular thing, sadly.

With that in mind there was warning signs already in December last year. As there was only a month ago escalation and that the Houthi would retaliate at any vessel going to or supporting the Israeli War-Effort. Meaning the Houthi would strike and attack the vessels in the Red Sea or Gulf Aden, if they were in association or helping the state of Israel to wage war in Gaza or in Palestine. Therefore, they had an motive for their actions.

This has by all means consequences as logistical companies, merchants and others have to use the long route around the African continent, instead of taking the short-cut with the Suez-Channel. Which means businesses will loose out on precious time and they are also paying more in transit or transport, because of the added days at sea. In that regard, we know the West had to retaliate and that they have.

For the West the sea-route and the vessels with commercial enterprises are more valuable than the fight against bloodshed in Gaza. It is more concerning for the West that they are not getting cheap products or consumer goods from the Global South. This seems more volatile to them then the lives of Palestinians.

That’s why a joined coalition of forces with the British and American armies respectfully attacked and bombed Yemen. Just like Yemen haven’t already been bombed and been served devastation for years already. A blood-soaked nation, a suffering nation and a nation who needs remedy, but not bombs. However, that is the answer of the West. Instead of understanding their grievances and taking it into account. They rather spend more funds on war and hurt even more people. That’s the solution to the Yemeni problem.

Washington and London isn’t winning any more hearts in the Middle East by doing this. They are further alienating themselves and showing what matters to them. These nations rather stand by the side of Israel and save their businesses, instead of stopping genocide and ethnic cleansing on the Gaza Strip.

Yes, you can ask questions about the Houthi actions and if it is righteous. However, if they didn’t do anything. No one would have minded about the war in Yemen and the old conflict there. A conflict that been a proxy war of outside forces supporting either side of the conflict. Therefore, prolonging it and now they are directly attacking it too.

No one would have cared about Yemen and their issues unless the Houthi had blocked international shipping and the commercial aspects of these businesses. That’s why they are doing this and it’s the only thing that matter. They rather bury the Yemeni people, as long as they are securing the assets on the ships. That’s it. That’s the story and it’s telling, because now the British and American war-machines are geared in on Yemen. For one reason, the shipping industry and continued support of Israel. That’s it and it’s tragic that it all boils down to this. Peace.

South Africa: African National Congress (ANC) – ANC Welcomes the Government’s Decision to Approach International Court of Justice (30.12.2023)

Israel: Chancellery Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem – Urgent Communique (28.12.2023)

Israel-Palestine: operation “Swords of Iron” – Israel Chief Censor Directive to the Media

Opinion: Yemen! Yemen! Yemen!

Okay, could you just stop talking for a second? Yemen. [Janice gasps] That’s right. Yes. I’m being transferred to Yemen” – Chandler Bing (Friends, S4E15, 1998).

A nation boiled in internal conflict and as a part of proxy wars. Where one part is supported by a US-Saudi coalition and another supported by Iran. This creates a prolonged war and never ending conflict, which results in further escalation. That’s because of the strategic importance of Yemen and the surrounding seas.

The Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea, which are vital for the shipping industry, which is a pathway to Europe and up through the Suez Canal. All of that is endangered as conflict is prolonging on the Gaza Strip.

The Houthi coalition are arming soldiers and boats. They are using drones and pirating ships. Just to show the Western allies of Israel that they are on the side of Palestine. They are also supported by Iran that is fighting the same cause.

That’s why suddenly Yemen matters. A place that has been bombed and been in years of war. Where the ravaging conflict has persisted, but nothing has been resolved. However, the moment Yemen interfered in international waters and took side in the Israel-Palestine conflict. Then the bullets of Sanaa mattered.

The current conflict goes back to 2014 and is soon a decade old. Now the Houthi’s will use their power and means to make themselves relevant. As they can insert themselves in the genocidal war in Gaza. By doing so people will acknowledge their plight and maybe try to find a peaceful way to end the forever conflict in Yemen.

While until that happens, the Port of Mocha and the Bab al Mandab Strait will be a danger-zone and the ones passing through could become a target. Especially if the boats are flagging for the allies of Israel. These will be shot at, kidnapped or even totally destroyed. That’s a fact and that will hurt industries, the financial markets and imports to the West. As they are in dire need of the short transport route to Europe and America from the Far East.

This is a sign that even the smallest frictions can lead to massive undertakings. The Houthi response to the Israeli warfare in Gaza shows how little the global village really is. As this part in the civil war of Yemen now causes major effects on the global markets. They are able to hurt the Maritime Industries and the Shipping routes of the world. That’s being done deliberately and with a reason.

People have to be advised about Yemen. There is a lot to learn and understand. As the proxy war of US-Saudi Arabia and Iran are now making headlines. It should have done so before, as the millions of Yemeni people have been suffering for close to a decade. There been assassinations of Presidents and resignation of administrations. Since there is no one who are able to unify and unite the nation.

This warring conflict is now a remind of what toll war has and what warfare does. It isn’t just between two parties of Yemen. Now Yemen has a say and uses its guns for a purpose elsewhere. That should be recognized and be a reminder of how easily things can be touched. Peace.

Israel-Palestine: Latin Patrirarchate of Jerusalem – Press Statement (16.12.2023)

Israel-Palestine: PM Netanyahu cannot vilify the ICC…

When the ICC investigates Israel for fake war crimes. This is pure Anti-Semitism. The Court established to prevent atrocities like Nazi Holocaust against the Jewish people, is now targeting the one state of the Jewish people. First, it outrageously claims that when Jews live in our homeland. This is a crime. Second, it claims that when democratic Israel defends itself against terrorists who murders our children and rocket our cities – we are committing another war crime. Yet the ICC refuses to investigate brutal dictatorships like Iran or Syria, who commits horrific atrocities almost daily. As Prime Minister of Israel, I can assure you: We will fight this perversion of justice with all our might” – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (08.12.2023).

Did the IDF kill civilians?

Did the IDF bomb civilian targets?

Did the IDF block humanitarian aide?

Did the IDF do illegitimate acts in retaliation to harm not only Hamas, but the rest of the people of Gaza. Yes, it did.

Hamas doesn’t need to get defended. They have to live and abide by their own conscience. The leadership of Hamas and the ones who enforce their actions has to be held accountable for their actions. However, that doesn’t justify the actions of Israel Defence Forces in Gaza.

The Israel Government, Authorities and Army is collectively going after everyone in Gaza. They are not only getting rid of Hamas and their associates. No, they are carpet bombing the area and damaging it for generations to come. There is a bloodshed and it’s done on the watch of the leaders of Tel Aviv.

That the International Criminal Court (ICC) starts to investigate and get findings of the recent events is all natural. They have a Rome Statute to guide it and if other nations invokes it. They can start an investigation into the matter, which maybe already have happened. As there is an outcry and a belief of the misdeeds of the IDF in Gaza. There is enough reports and videos circulating showing the utter disregard for humanity. As if the IDF don’t see living human beings, but only see lethal targets. That’s the tragedy here and it’s nothing about Anti-Semitism in it.

PM Netanyahu is using rhetoric, which only fits the narratives of a victor. He wants to defend the bad faith arguments and use the plights of the past as a blinders. That’s what he does, the sympathy, because of what Nazi-Germany did to the Jewish people. The Holocaust of Nazi-Germany was one of the worst in mankind and its a stain on human history. However, that isn’t something can be used in defence of current and possible war-crimes committed today.

Netanyahu cannot defend his administration and rogue regime. No, he cannot… and elected or not. He is invoking and ordering tyranny over Gaza. The PM is a part of a government that is causing harm, damage and total destruction. In a manner that can be said to be genocide and planned annihilation. Which is within the parameters and the mandate of the ICC.

The ICC should investigate Israel. It should also investigate others too and the Israeli government can notify and sue the mentioned states like Syria or Iran. They should if they believe these words. He should, because others should go after Israel too. That’s just a fact, because nothing justifies the methods and the means, which IDF uses currently. Peace.

Israel-Palestine: United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres letter to President Gasca Lopes Dominguez of the United Nations Security Council (06.12.2023)