Opinion: The Republican Party lacks direction…

After yesterdays ouster of Kevin McCarthy as the Speaker of the House. It is clear that the current Republican Party or the GOP is rudderless. The party lacks a unison mission and a drive to govern. That’s so apparent and the reasons are so obvious.

McCarthy had to sell his soul to a caucus that became his ending. He traded his integrity and possible political convictions to be held hostage by a minority caucus in the House. That’s what it took to make him the Speaker of the House. This tenure didn’t last long and he needed so many more votes to become speaker, than they needed to vacate him.

Now the battle of whose next Representative to join the race. There is names mentioned and people who is signing up for it. Those aren’t the people who has authored or been known for legislative success on the Capitol Hill. No, this are populist Representatives who aims for a title and prestige.

The Republican party is a giant loser here. The Democrats actually proved that yesterday. When they can within reasonable doubt only sway a small caucus or a group of representatives across the aisle and get their way. People blame the Democrats or the Liberals for this. No, this is all Republican lack of good governance.

If the Republican party was coordinated and had vision. They wouldn’t have done this. Neither would they have sacrificed their newest speaker. Because, that just stops all government business and the House stops to function. They are without a speaker and the man who sets agenda for the chamber of Congress. That’s a loss and the GOP is to blame.

People saying Gaetz is hero for yesterday. Well, a batman villain he is and his showing it again, and again. Yesterday was no exception of that. He is most likely facing revenge and possible sanctions from fellow party members who feels betrayed by his actions. A man who needed the democrats to save his agenda and get rid of the man that he helped to power. The caucus of Gaetz did a deal and now they turned on the man they gave power.

That’s what is so striking here… the moment the GOP and Republican needs Democrats they are willing to use them. However, this wouldn’t happen the other way around. No, both the Democrats did it out of duty to the Nation. Not to serve the crazy right-wing fringe MAGA Republicans who ousted McCarthy. No, they did it to prove a point and show they have a purpose on the Hill. Something the Republicans can say they have.

Now they are fighting and teaming up behind their next sacrificial lamb. The next Representative that can deal with the caucuses and make some sort of arrangement to get majority. That’s the upcoming politicking.

The GOP aren’t there to set the agenda or policies. No, it is just busy in culture wars and finding the next news cycle to gain popularity ahead of the next election cycle. There is no real government business going on and the Republican Party hasn’t showed any signs of progression or usage of majority in the House. They are actually much worse then when they were a minority there, which is rich thinking about it.

So, now the infighting is beginning, the blood will be out and some will be suddenly under the weather. Some Representatives will be asked and have oversight over them like never before. That is useful, because now their true characters will show and the price of little more prestige will come at a cost. Peace.

Opinion: Papa Don failed the party [and DeSantis is the rising star…]

The midterms are usually the time for the “opposition” or the party which doesn’t have the White House or the Presidency to conquer and re-take power in Congress. However, former President Donald J. “Papa Don” Trump wasn’t able to do that. All projections right now seems to be that the House of Representatives will just narrowly be in control by the Democrats and the Senate will be the same. Meaning the Republican Party or the GOP stays as the Minority Party in Congress until the next election in 2024.

That is a huge loss for the cultist leader and supposed serial winner, Donald J. Trump. Papa Don should have this in the bank. He and his allies should have hand-picked the voices of the people. The gerrymandering and the ruthless electoral legislations in the states should also ensure a victory. Nevertheless, that isn’t the case.

The people that Papa Don has vouched for or endorsed haven’t gotten in. If it is becoming governors, representatives or senators. Only a very few who managed to beat the odds. There was a promise of a red-wave, but we didn’t see that.

It wasn’t like under Barrack Obama when the “Tea-Party” Republican’s came in and stifled the works of the President in Congress after midterms. No, they MAGA crowds and the Qanon candidates didn’t bring the voters. There has been a loss of relevance and uniqueness.

Maybe the Roe Vs. Wade ruling has backfired. The Gen Z and Woman vote has gone to candidates who supporters gender equality and women’s rights. Instead of voting in people who will police their bodies and have “commissions” to decide what they can do or not.

Papa Don endorsed people who supported the “Stop the Steal” and the January 6th Insurrection. He supported election deniers and this has not yielded results. Trump defeats across the board has been massive. The quality of these candidates plus the messaging hasn’t resonated with the voters.

What is more striking is that the re-elected Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is called for and is the apparent heir of the party. That most sting for a fragile man like Papa Don. He hasn’t endorsed or even been friendly with him. Even if they are both living in the same state and keeping the Republican control of it.

There was a supposed “red wave” coming but it never came. The Republican party self-sabotaged and trusted the instincts of Papa Don. A man who clearly don’t envision or have the foresight of what the people wants. His delusion and self-interests trumps the party. That is the gist of things and DeSantis can capitalize of that.

Papa Don is vulnerable now… as his own candidates are losing and only a chosen few got on. His support and campaigning isn’t it. We know also after all the reporting that Papa Don didn’t share his abilities to fund the campaigns or help candidates. The Republican campaign was mostly run by the leaders of the House McCarthy and Senator McConnell. Both which has failed it too…

This here is lecture on how not run campaigns and let the Primaries run. Especially, if you want to overcome the White House and hit the current ruling party. Neither has the Republican party had a narrative or a story to sell. Instead it has all been personalized and weaponized the Democratic Party, which could use the Supreme Court decision in its favour. That is a losing a strategy in combination with weak candidates that wasn’t popular across the states.

Papa Don isn’t the winning ticket and his a lucky loser. That is the message from this midterms. He should have had in the bag. The Republican party could have ensured a massive defeat against the Democrats. Instead, the Democrats are hanging in there and possible keeping control of congress. Which didn’t even seem possible that long ago. Peace.