My letter to our predecessors: “I am so sorry for the world we left behind”

Aleppo, Syria

20th May, Oslo.

Dear deceased and no longer living!

I am sorry for the world that befallen on you. That we the current living beings are not taking care of the world you left behind. That we in our egoistic and narrow minded spirit is continuing warfare, killings, looting and starving each other.

I am really sorry, that none of our leaders has learned from the past, which you try to teach us better. That the history and lessons we had by you, didn’t bear fruits. That we didn’t learn from the theories and the books of wisdom you left behind. I am so sorry, that your labor and dedication for a better future is dwindling away in rot and destruction.

I am sorry, that the world is a dangerous place, even as you tried to make it peaceful, that you tried within your means, to put forward mechanisms and organizations to keep us safe. That your negotiations and agreements, was made to secure borders and secure rights for all human beings. Instead we are ignorant of these facts and instead building drones to kill civilians. I am so sorry for that. We should have known better.

I am sorry that we have given all this powers to the corporations, made them legal bodies that operates in fashions and ways, that resemble slavery and also creates opportunities to extort nations. These corporations we have given power, to settle tax-scores and agreements that benefit the businesses, but not the governments nor the work-force, especially not the consumer in the long-run. We are accepting this theft for cheap products, but don’t think of the material cost nor the price of the labor of these fellow brothers and sisters. Which is countering the fight the previous generations did to secure a fair-pay and rights as workers in the industries and wherever you work. I am sorry, that we let this happen.

I am sorry, that we are not taking care of our planet, that we are filling it with plastic or any sort of garbage. We are floating it in the sea and we are destroying our forests, jungles, fjords and our soil in general. We are destroying our earth, we are worsening the climate change, the glaciers are melting, while we are drilling for more oil and gas. We are securing more coal and more uranium, while we are not sure of securing the damage after nuclear disasters, we already have had.

I am sorry for the next generation after us, that has to take care of this earth, that has to live in this environment, that has these political challenges, that has to rebuild these nations and republics. That has to find solutions to the trouble we left behind. I am sorry to you as well.

We should have known better, but we didn’t, I am sorry, we should have used the knowledge and wisdom of our predecessors, we should have used their time and opened our ears. Instead of piling up guns, drilling after oil and hoping that tomorrow never comes. That is how it seems. We didn’t think, we just let it go and never questioned the powers and the ones in top positions. So they could do something to stop conflict and stop the deaths of innocent civilians. We should have known better, but we continue like nothing.

I am sorry, we should have been better with what you left behind, but we didn’t, I hope when we meet again. That you forgive us and see that we should have taken your knowledge to heart and changed our ways. Not thinking about the next news-cycle, the next week, but been thinking about what leaves a mark for the next generation.

Sincerely yours…

The Writer of Minbane